Sunday, March 1, 2020

ROTHCHILD'S, JAPAN, U.S., HAARP Project Accelerating through Using Jet Sprays to POISON POPULATIONS, ENSLAVEN PEOPLE, etc.

ROTHCHILD'S, JAPAN, U.S., HAARP Project Accelerating through Using Jet Sprays to POISON POPULATIONS, ENSLAVEN PEOPLE, etc.

                                                               Review by Amelia Gora (2020)

The following post on facebook shows an accelerating project under HAARP...….

In the 1860's the changeover of the Japanese government occurred due to the American's entry into Japan and the introduction of the rail system.

The Daimyo was supported by the U.S. with the trains introduced into Japan and caused the usurpation of the Tokugawa government.

The trains around the world included the investments of the Rothchild's, etc.


Fukushima site contaminated due to radiation.

Areas affected is the Northern areas, the radiation extends to the ports, heading for Taiwan, Columbia, Australia, New Zealand, and of course the Hawaiian archipelago.

Bombs tested by France, Russia, etc. allowing dangerous 1300 radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere, etc.

Radiation contamination is 3x higher than the Chernobyl disaster.

High rates of cancer is anticipated.  Contaminated food, water, fish is encouraged to be eaten by the Japanese government.

The encouragement of genocide, and suicide is made by the government officials.

Contaminated foods are supplied to nations around the world.


The food companies which is part of this organization:

HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction...for the London bankers - including the Rothschilds stated Leuren Moret, Depleted Uranium Whistleblower.

The weapons are used to destroy humanity.

Below is a most recent move by the Globalists through the passing of toxic agents to the populations around the World.

Boost the immune system using Tai Chi, and good diets, take care of health, take charge of your own health …...per Leuren Moret and interviewed by  Alfred Lambremont Webre.


Calvin Hulihee and 3 others shared a link.

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