Saturday, March 28, 2020

Vol VII No. 798 - Part 1a

Got this from a friend in India: You can prevent yourself from getting sick by doing simple things. Bacteria and virus are always around us but we get sick when our immune system is down. We have one thing in common, our skin the outer covering that is in contact that's where they will enter our system. So keep it clean and oil and lubricate it. Dry capped skin is more prone to infections. Also bacteria ans viruses have putter walls that consist of protein structures that have a certain shape due to different types of bonding. These bonds are strong but can be broken with heat, hot water, hot salt water, acid/vinegar/lemon/lime water, etc. That's why if you lubricate your nasal membranes with warm ghee or pure almond oil. It wo prevent virus from breaking in. Plus you can do neti with hot water containing salt, that would destroy any bacteria viruses and cleanse your nasal and throat cavities. You want to do neti after adding oil to your nose because it will keep your skin moist inside. be happy keep meditating, doing yoga, doing neti, sing, and dance and read and be in nature. (Neti is the nasal cleaning little pot with spout. Can buy from Down to Earth. I used to do frequently just for maintenance. It comes from India’s ancient Ayurvedic yogic medicinal health care maintenance system.)
"I was a nurse for 23 years... Imho This is all to incite a war between 'science' & religion both wings of same bird.
War mongering divide & conquer... Bread & circuses...
Coronavirus has been around for donkeys years... common cold. What are they testing for? Generic Coronavirus or specific latest one #19...
UPDATE... medical insider whistleblower has confirmed that they aren’t testing for specific 19th variety, just the umbrella Con-Vir.. so of course most people will test pos+ (how to fake the numbers). Anyone who dies of anything will get a test which will only show that they’ve had the cold or flu during their whole life.
Over due TiME to shift to an original paradigm
From comments... White 'scientific' 'spiritual' male American I agree the wrong minds are operating & many try & teach with little in the way of real world experience & set terrible examples & create monstrous aberrations in their arrogance.
"According to Kuhn, all of us (even scientists and anthropologists) are fallible. We grow up with a paradigm (such as “Aboriginal culture is primitive”) which we accept as true. Anything that doesn’t fit into that paradigm is dismissed as irrelevant or aberrant.
Only 200 years ago, people discussed whether Aboriginal people were “sub-human”. Ideas change slowly, and the underlying message lingers on, long after it has been falsified.
As late as 1923 Aboriginal Australians were described as “a very primitive race of people”.
Not so primitive"
Thanks to Donna Kenny-Franklin I have this in my paradigm now reset to life-affirming
Avoiding People and Enjoying Animals - chicken, sheep..don't want to be a total couch potato.....the following was posted on another some could do the same or similar? Remember that you are living in the Hawaiian Kingdom ….. I keep my Hawaiian Kingdom ID on me and prepared to tell anyone who stops me that I'm a Kamehameha and this is the Hawaiian Kingdom....I got my bike oiled yesterday and was riding around...was fun...have projects lined up which includes having mini lectures posted on youtube, relearning to play instruments - uke, piano, etc. and reviewing languages..and started setting up sweet potato plantings.....etc..... get into the yard, sun...feels great...get some chickens and let them put out eggs.... we have to feed sheep we go to the farm, etc.... plan to grow on your tutu's aina, etc. Reposting Genealogy, Law Links, an How to Reclaim Your ...
May 12, 2019 · Aliens can Never own Alodio titles. This is what All Kanaka Maoli needs to know. and this is why all kanaka maoli needs to claim their tutu's aina, charge rents for those sitting on the lands if they are not the descendants/heirs or successors of the Alodio Titles, the Superior Titles/Paramount Titles..... added by Amelia Gora (2017)…. Importantly have quiet times and say Prayers for your friends, family and yourself....peace.

  • Stevie Ray Vaughan - Mary Had A Little Lamb (Live)
    Stevie Ray Vaughan - Mary Had A Little Lamb (Live)
    Stevie Ray Vaughan - Mary Had A Little Lamb (Live)

  • Ocarina Pypyrsmyth LOVE that loving determination & this thing may well be that special 1 thing that helps our nation get back control; when the fake state goes down & it maybe is connected to the
    This very break POINT as it will be very clear with your personal work in the book by Homer Lea and the stunning title restoration that could be enough to turn the tides.
  • Ocarina Pypyrsmyth Well in addition to all the work of the Lahui & the many stands of resistance
    Their lacking of title the Pono of the people. Times
    R moving forward toward

    Pono aware behavior now
    Kupuna up on the Mauna in numbers not just the few aware one's now all kinds of Kupuna back up

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