Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Learning from the Past: Pandemic 1918 - 1919; Views of Influenza's/Flu's/Pandemics; Four (4) Forms of Influenza/Flu

LEARNING FROM THE PAST:  PANDEMIC 1918 - 1919; Views of Influenza's/Flu's/Pandemics; Four (4) Forms of  Influenza/Flu's

                                                                    Review by Amelia Gora (2020)

The article's cover the Pandemics /flu's/Influenza's of the past:

The Oglala light. [volume] ([Pine Ridge, S.D.]) 190?-19??, October 01, 1919, Image 9

Image provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link:

A Comprehensive book was prepared by the British Ministry of Health made up of 596 pages about epidemics going back to 1658:

Every evening, Wilmington daily commercial. (Wilmington, Del.) 1878-1928, March 21, 1922, LAST EDITION, Page 15, Image 15

Image provided by University of Delaware Library, Newark, DE

Persistent link:

"The wolf is in the fold all the time; his ravages depend as much upon the sheep within the fold as upon his appetite."

Note:  There are wars between nations, and yet pandemics cause a unity of "medical workers of the world repair the damage that their disassociated methods of work have done, and form a concert or union of research workers without regard to national ties in the interest of serving mankind better?"

Marion progress. [volume] (Marion, N.C.) 1909-19??, January 25, 1934, Image 5

Image provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link:

Views of Flu's/Pandemics

The Lexington advertiser. [volume] (Lexington, Miss.) 1904-1985, March 16, 1939, Page 8, Image 8

Image provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link:


The instructions given from 1919 or a hundred years ago are basically the same.

It appears that the advances of Wars using highly developed weaponry over time led to the decimation of man by man created tools/machinery which does not benefit mankind.

The failure to focus on the ills of mankind, flus, viruses, pandemics, has not progressed in fighting the illnesses which plagued humans over time.

The instructions of the past on how to "safeguard against" illnesses has changed very little.

In 1939, there were four (4) types of Influenza documented:

(1)  Respiratory Form
(2) Nervous Form
(3) Gastro-intestinal Form
(4) Fever Form - "similate either Typhoid or Malaria"

History offers some assistance in combating microscopic organisms by Doctors, researchers.

 A major failure is shown in governments who fails to assist in protecting the health, safety, and lives of their citizens by failing to view the microbes as an agent that Wars against citizens.

Funding to aid human life has been diverted into promoting and financing Wars with other nations instead of defending precious, innocent lives, and survivors of the many illnesses, diseases, flus/influenza's, Pandemics - the 28 documented Pandemics in history.  See links to Part 1 and Part 2:

Many Pandemics have passed and only a few have life saving vaccines developed for the people.

In other words, if the same ills which visited the populations of the World in Pandemics would still be a danger in eliminating humankind.

Therefore, we really are not as advanced as many think and erroneously believe.

Something's wrong, this needs to be fixed.




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