Monday, November 1, 2021

Alodio /Allodial Deeds are for Kanaka Maoli Only - Forever Titles NOT Fee Simple

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts: Alodio Titles vs. Fee Simple Print and Keep with Land Records
Repost:  The FOREVER Alodial Titles in the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii

                     The FOREVER Alodio/ Alodial Titles in the 
              Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii

                                                   researched by Amelia Gora (updated 2020)

 The following evidence shows that the Alodio/Alodial Titles are Forever Lands vs. the Aliens Fee Simple, less than Alodio/Alodial Titles are two types of lands conveyed by Kamehameha III - 1848:

Forever Lands/Alodio/Allodial Lands for kanaka maoli AND Fee Simple, Less than Alodio/Alodial to Aliens

Kamehameha III's Speech of 1851 shows Alodial Titles and Fee Simple to Aliens:

"The resolutions, passed in December, 1849, granting to my Subjecs, engaged in the cultivation of the soil, Allodial Titles to the portions they occupied, confirmed by the Act of the 6th of August last, and the Act of the 10th of Jul, 1850 allowing to Aliens to acquire and convey lands, in fee simple, have greatly promoted the prosperity and industry of my People, and of the many industrious Foreigners who live among them."

Annual Reorts, Read before HIS MAJESTY, to the Hawaiian Legislature, Ma 12, 1851, with the King's Speech to the Legislature, May 6, 1851 --- Honolulu, Printed by Order of Government
, Government Press,  HAWAIIAN REPORTS 3-4, R.C. Wyllie, Minister of Fooreign Relations, Honolulu to Alfred Blanche, Esquire, Councillor of State, Etc. Etc. --- and King's Speech of 1851, and Archives copy shown below:


Supporting Evidence of 1848 showing Forever Titles, Alodio/Allodial Titles given to kanaka maoli.  
This article was printed prior to the Treaty of 1850 between the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America:

Polynesian. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, April 29, 1848, Page 198, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

NOTE:  See the speech of Kaeo disclosing that Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gave lands FOREVER AND FOREVER


Aliens affected the Land Laws by interpreting it their own way which was contrary to the Truth.

Aliens interpreted the lands as having only a basic fee simple.


In 1893, the Usurpers entity Provisional government turned Republic of Hawaii, then turned into a U.S. President William McKinley who had the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel "develop"  the Territory of the United States of America, and then State of Hawaii through Presidential Executive Order from U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower promoting Fraud, Deceit, Criminal Malfeasance, Genocide...……….keep this for information with your land documents!

Note:  U.S. President Grover Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back three (3x) times to Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, 1894, and 1897.  

U.S. President Cleveland Rocks! He Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani 3X ! McKinley Should have been IMPEACHED! 

Hawaiian Kingdom Facts:

The gross misinterpretation of the Land Laws by Aliens have led to defrauding the true land owners. The following are important facts which corrects the Aliens perspectives and posted for all to know:

1.  Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gifted his people - kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli Alodio/ Alodial Titles.  To Aliens he gave Fee Simple or Lifetime interest, Less than Alodio, Lease or Freehold titles only.

Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli granted alodio/Ano Alodio Lands and Fee Simple lands to Aliens.
Aliens are Not Entitled to Alodio/Ano Alodio Lands.  Aliens are Not kanaka maoli or those given/granted/ gifted by Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III as documented in his Speech of 1851.

ROSTER LEGISLATURES OF HAWAII  1841-1918, Publication No. 1, Archives of Hawaii Compiled From the Official Records by Robert C. Lydecker, Librarian, Public Archives (1918) - King's Speech At The Opening of the Legislature, 1851.

HAWAIIAN REPORTS 3-4  R.C. Wyllie, Minister of Foreign Relations, Honolulu to Alfred Blanche, Esquire, Councillor of State, Etc. Etc. ANNUAL REPORTS, Read Before HIS MAJESTY, to the Hawaiian Legislature, May 12, 1851 pages 3-4, KAHN Collection, 24/28 – 24/39 II, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

2.  Rex vs. Booth, HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2 - About the Hawaiian Government = A Constitutional Monarchy Government Unlike the United States.  See pages 616 +

The Hawaiian Government
“The Hawaiian Government was not established by the people; the Constitution did not emanate from them; they were not consulted in their aggregate capacity or in convention, and they had no direct voice in  founding  either the Government or the Constitution.”
Reference:  REX v. JOSEPH BOOTH (1863), HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1863, pages 616-644.


3.  Kekiekie vs. Dennis, HAWAIIAN REPORTS  Volume 1 - No One Can Take Your Land From You....applies to Alodio lands/Alodio Titles/Allodial Titles - Paramount/Supreme Titles to kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaiian maoli only.  Aliens could only obtain Fee Simple or Lifetime interest, Less than Alodio, Lease or Freehold titles only.

Kanaka Maoli’s title are good against all in the world.  “…the people’s lands were secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the Kingdom, and no power can convey them away, not even that of royalty itself.”
Reference:  KEKIEKIE v. DENNIS (1851), HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1851, pages 69-70.

4.  Kalama vs. Kekuanaoa and John Ii, Guardians, HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2 - The certificate of award and survey are admissible as evidence of ownership.

Reference:  Kalama vs. Kekuanaoa and John Ii, Guardians, HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2, pages 202-209


5.  John Piikoi vs. John Kapena, HAWAIIAN REPORTS 
.  The State of Hawaii

The State of Hawaii, which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii claims to be the “successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii”, page 177 , In Re Title of Pa Pelekane, 21 Haw. 175, HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 21 pages 175-192.

The State of Hawaii, which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii are documented Identity Thieves and have assumed a friendly, neutral, non-violent nation and are Not our families heirs or successors.
 Kamehameha’s heirs and successors exists and we are the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii as defined in the Rex vs. Booth case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1863, pages 630

The State of Hawaii are Not the successors nor are they related to our families who are living, breathing human beings.

Reference:  In Re Title of Pa Pelekane, 21 Haw. 175, HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 21 pages 175-192. (1912).


1)  Do your genealogy(ies) 
     a.  Gather your evidence - birth, marriage, death, divorce certificates.
     b.  Document your family history/oral history from kupuna.
     c.  Track down records from the archives, main library, genealogy links.

2)  Track down your lands
      a. Family stories on where your family came from
      b.  Check records from the Archives, Bureau of Conveyances, Libraries,
      c.  newspaper articles

3)  Obtain aged maps of the area
      a.  go to the Survey office - Bureau of Conveyances
      b.  on - line websites
      c.  probates, court cases

4)  Obtain the following at the Archives
      a.  Royal Patent - obtain a copy
      b.  Land Commission Award - obtain a copy
      c.  Survey - obtain a copy

5)  Obtain the following at the Bureau of Conveyances
       a.  Grant Number - obtain a copy
       b.  Royal Patent - obtain a copy or go to the Archives for a copy
       c.  Land Commission Award - obtain a copy or go to the Archives for a copy
          d.   Obtain other information under your family's names, etc.

6)  Land laws
     a.  obtain copy at the Supreme Court Law Library
     b.  or obtain copy at the Archives
     c.  or obtain copy at the Main Library

These documents are evidence of your land ownership.

Make copies for your Family members.

You can challenge those sitting on your alodio/alodial lands.

Note:  Many of the lands were sold by non-owners such as the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees, etc. 

Important Note:  

In 1929, INDICES OF AWARDS book, Judge Bailey had claimed that "alodio in fee simple" were the only title.  The truth of the matter was that the manipulation of the legalese was fraudulently made by Aliens, etc. who defrauded kanaka maoli because there are two (2) types of deeds conveyed by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli: 

(1) Alodio/Alodial titles to kanaka maoli and 

(2) Fee Simple to Aliens.  

This maneuver made it appear that there were only Fee Simple titles in Hawaii.

Use the Important Links for more information:


The Alodio/Allodial title lands are the Superior, Paramount titles in the Hawaiian King/Kingdom of Hawaii. 

There was No Annexation, which means we are surrounded by Alien Occupiers who cannot show Alodio/Allodial title/Forever Titles/Superior/Paramount Titles.

Williamson Chang * I. INTRODUCTION: ... Annexation of Hawaii was taken down in the fall of 2014 and replaced with the following notice to the public. This need for a revision of the history of Hawaii by the Official Historian parallels the emerging scholarship as presented by this article.
  • File Size: 399KB
  • Author: Williamson B.C. Chang
  • Page Count: 46
  • Publish Year: 2015

 Alodio/Allodial lands are forever lands.  Even if conveyed out by your ancestor, the land still belongs to the descendants.

Unlike the Alien occupiers, kanaka maoli are the forever land owners.

Charge the unknown occupiers rents.  Rents are liens on the land.

If they do not pay, they will have to leave because they are officially squatters.

The entity State of Hawaii are Aliens who were conveyed lands by non-owners. Example:  the Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees, etc.

The United States government are also Aliens who were conveyed lands by non- owners.

Aliens who are Not related to your families have to show how they are related to you as the land owner, the alodio/allodial title land owners

Trespassing charges can be made.


Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii

c/o Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs
Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs
P.O. Box 861781
Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii  96786




Legal Notice (Updated 5/30/2016): Introducing the Kingdom of Hawaii's House of Nobles which came together in 2008 with the Goal of 'Moving to Where Queen Liliuokalani left off''.

803 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk see: etc.

Watch youtube videos 

Read books, pamphlets, articles by Amelia Gora


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