
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Genocide Repost - Hawaiians Got Their Tongues Pulled, Cut Out and 800 Were Beheaded After the Dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani

Genocide: History of Tongues Pulled Out, Cut Out etc. Affecting Hawaiians Part 2 of 2

enocide Issues: TONGUES PULLED OUT of Kanaka Maoli In the Hawaiian Islands Due to Englishmen, and Americans Influenced by the Cruelty of the Persians in 1887 and Others thereafter....

                                                                        compiled by Amelia Gora (2014)
The following articles were pulled out of the Chronicling America website with the query:  "Tongues Pulled Out"..........from the overall U.S., there were 795 articles found, then focused only on Hawaii:
"Tongues pulled Out" in this article on the 'Cruelty of the Persians':

The Pacific commercial advertiser. (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, April 04, 1887, Image 4

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

Circus Act visiting Hawaii featured an animal with it's tongue pulled out by the roots:

The Hawaiian star. (Honolulu [Oahu]) 1893-1912, January 20, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

Englishwoman told her maid to "pull out her tongue" to lick stamps in Maui News:

The Maui news. (Wailuku, Maui, H.I.) 1900-current, August 30, 1902, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link:

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Well what is this all about?
Oral history from our own family documents that many kanaka maoli had their tongues pulled out when they spoke out about what happened to our people after the dethronement of Hawaii's Queen in 1893.
Then a few days ago, another Kamehameha descendant said that people's tongues were cut out, and removed by whites in the Hawaiian Islands............... she even disclosed the leader of that move who ordered that CHILDREN'S TONGUES be removed and were removed.................which is why Many Hawaiians are Wary about Whites even these days...........

The Hawaiian Genealogy Society came together focused on GENOCIDE ISSUES.  This is what is posted on the website:

Group Description

Hawaiian Genealogy Society began in 1996. Meetings occur informally. Most of the members are Kamehameha descendants, Royal family members or heirs of Sovereigns of Hawaii.
This Society is affiliated with the Kingdom of Hawaii, maintains genealogy documentation of the Royal families genealogies, history, etc. We are one of the 13 repatriated groups, granted recognition for ancestral burials including the kaai- burial basketry which holds remains of alii nui/high chiefs of Hawaii, our ancient 1,650+ year old society based on genealogies. Representative, Amelia Kuulei Gora is descendant of Kalaniopuu (Alii Nui during the time of Captain James Cook), Kamehameha thru daughter Kanekapolei, through son Kaoleioku, Nuuanu, John Young, Isaac Davis, Akahi (w), Mataio Kekuanaoa, John Kapena, Queen Liliuokalani, Princess Poomaikelani, etals. She participated in the planning, reburials, and recognized as one of the parties by State of Hawaii-DLNR-Burial Programs, the City & County of Honolulu, etc. Gora's great grandfather was also a hanai/adopted father of Queen Kapiolani, who was married to King Kalakaua, brother of Queen Liliuokalani, wrongfully dethroned in 1893 with present day, ongoing issues. Queen Liliuokalani under the name of Kaeha claimed Abigail/Kapoolohu/Kapooloku/Kapapoko/ Princess Poomaikelani to be her daughter.

Through 18+ years of Archives, Bureau of Conveyances - Libraries, aged books,"hands on" research verifies the oral genealogies,history, etc. of our families. (24+ history, 9+ legal research.)

The Society was pulled together based on the question: Do you have stories of your families having to run and hide(beaten etc.) due to sugar planters/others, etc.?

Aboriginal Hawaiians/kanaka maoli should reclaim your ancestral lands, build, etc. by following the format at:

We are open to FRIENDS/non Hawaiians/kanaka maoli who are Hawaiians at heart/ have interest in issues.

Group Website

see also for 504 issues posted to date.
questions:  Hawaii 3000 - Sudden Rush
Kanaka Maoli had their TONGUES PULLED OUT...and the OHA, et. als. Fools think its OK? Genocide Issues documented and this is ONLY PART OF IT! fyi
compiled by Amelia Gora (2014)    The following articles were pulled out of...
other issues affecting Kanaka Maoli
More Evidence of Robert Wilcox, traitor/treasonous person:

Sweet Memory / E Pili Mai

A Tribute to our Kanaka Maoli, the survivors of Genocide as parts of it is documented on this thread...... the song Sweet Memory and E Pili Mai gives meaning to the ongoing goodness which supersedes the evil Genocide Activities against our people who did no wrong.....we remain a neutral, friendly, non violent nation.............and recognize the constant evils in our midst including what we observe with the entity State of Hawaii, the U.S./U.S.A., the American Empire, OHA, Kanaiolowalu, et. als.  
This is also for the records of GENOCIDE ACTIVITIES ONGOING files recorded at the Honolulu Police Department since 1998.

There are many unresolved issues, which reveals that this is truly the CRIMINAL MECCA of the U.S., genocide issues 

Informing many because..............
Something STINKS...............(.and I know it's NOT ME) WICKED TO THE MAX!
facebook post :
Amelia Gora Living with the good memories and knowing the EVILS against our people MUST BE RECORDED FOR ALL TO SEE........... 
Play Video

Cyril Pahinui with Peter Moon, Jr. (video stream glitches included)
More Evidence of Robert Wilcox, traitor/treasonous person:
 "Scotty Wong posted a short flick of Dexter Kaiama and the following was posted:
  • Scotty Wong Letʻs spread this around to remind our people to stay steadfast inspite of the propaganda they are now spreading claiming Fed Wreck would NOW bring Nation tot Nation Status rather then Gov to Gov... These people are sick in the head...
    2 hrs · Edited · Like · 5
  • Amelia Gora Dexter Kaiama FAILED to defend our families in Court. EVERYONE needs to know that......he looked the other way when the Attorney General accused US the Kamehameha families who the State of Hawaii SUED over the Crown Lands.......we had to file Oppositions ... so to be STEADFAST coming from Kaiama.....yeah right!........... NOT supporting Genocide Activists including Kaiama.... fyi read some Genocide issues that many don't know about
                                                                            compiled...See More
Sad that many kanaka maoli were not able to sing after having their tongues pulled out/cut out:
Had to share this...
Aloha from The Sacred Garden in Makawao, Mau'i. Singing Makalapua.
heard disturbing genocide news that 8OO had their heads cut off in KONA AFTER THE OVERTHROW ! info from a kupuna auwe sad uwe uwe

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