Subject: Calling for the ARREST of the Current Trustees, et. als. of the Liliuokalani Trust/Queen Liliuokalani Trust ----Letter Delivered to the Attorney General Office on December 1, 2017 at 3:42 PM
December 1, 2017
Attorney General, et. als.
State of Hawaii
Please see attached letters from the Supreme Court Attorney, and the Honolulu Police Department dated 1998.
The Prosecutor's Office in two (2) visits says that the Attorney General's office is one of the Prosecutor's. She had said that this issue s way over her head. She had called a Honolulu Police Officer and he too said that they were not the ones to handle these matters.
Please assist in prosecuting the Fraudulent Trustees of the 1909 Trust of Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani.
We have our Konohiki assigned to the various properties belonging to Queen Liliuokalani and her families.
We hold the Superior/Paramount titles to the various private properties of Queen Liliuokalani, et. als. And maintain that the Fraud Trust Trustees are not part of the True Trust nor are they part of our families.
Thank you for your assistance in these important matters.
Awaiting your reply.
Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Queen Liliuokalani's family member, Royal Family member, Queen Liliuokalani's True Trustee descendant/heir
Other letters included the following:
May 5, 1998
Ms. Amelia Gora
(address )
Dear Ms. Gora:
I write, on behalf of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Hawai'i, to acknowledge
receipt of your April 27, 1998 letter.
The supreme court does not consider claims to land in the first instance.
Such claims must first be asserted in a court having original jurisdiction, such as the
land court or the circuit court. Complaints about criminal activity should be made to the
police and prosecutors. The justices cannot meet with you to discuss your claims. You
may want to consult an attorney about your claims.
James L. Branham
Other Attachments were as follows:
April 27, 1998
Supreme Court Justices
of the State of Hawaii
c/o Attorney General Marjery Bronster & Associates
Honolulu, Hawaii
Dear Sirs and Madams,
My name is Amelia K. Gora, a direct descendant of Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Kaumualii, Inaina (w) mother of Kekuanaoa, Mataio the father of Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, Victoria Kamamalu, and Ruth Keelikolani. I am one of the heirs of Kahekili (k) through Kapukini (w) and am starting to bring out Fraud, Defraudation charges along with Genocide Activities in Court.
OHA, Office of the Hawaiian Affairs, is an organization created by the State to accept monies for Ceded Lands which includes lands that I am heir of thru heirship and descendancy.
The dilemma facing the State and Federal are "Ongoing Genocide Issues, especially since the true descendants and heirs are now coming forward, including myself".
Attached find a copy of the letter to President William Clinton.
I am hereby claiming my interest in the Rents and Leases to the Lands called ceded. I disapprove of any monies being directed to OHA, Offie of Hawaiian Affairs and hereby Raise Objections for descendants of Kamehameha exist, such as myself. Interest/royalties should be paid out to Kamehameha's dscendants. Issues of Genocide are going to have to be reckoned with. Fraud, Defraudation occurs in court with the ongoing land cases. Federal Penalties are ssevere, minimal $500,000 Fine plus Ten Years in rison. I further request your assist in ppursuing Genocide Charges against the Ashford & Wriston Group, caretakers of the Kamehameha Schools Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates and all of the present Trustees; Attorney(s Robert B. Graham, Jr.; Wayne Nasser; Tom Leuteneker; Donad Scearce; William Crockett (Governor candidate husband?) and Others as further Cases show Criminal Malfeasance, Genoide Activities, Fraud Works continue, and Judges/Justices such as Colleen Hirai, due to collusion. (The Trustees of the Estates of Kamehameha Schools Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, may be allowed to resign immediately to assist in bringing down the Kamehameha Schools Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates and its subsidiaries or seek personal counsel without the further use and abuse of Trust Monies.)
Once again, Kamehameha direct descendants exist including myself, we have had many ancestors die on Kalaupapa, Molokai, have Oral Histories of how our families had to hide for safety. Genocide Evidences have been uncovered in research at the Archives and Bureau of Conveyances. How different ae the issues of Genocide from other areas in the World? Ongoing Gnocide activities prevail in the Justice/Court System. Kanaka Maoli are Political Prisoners due to issues of trespassing on their own lands and many are presently in Jail.
Am awaiting for a response from President William Clinton to assist in bringing down the Kamehameha Schools Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates due to the magnitude of Fraud, Defraudation of the Heirs, Genocide and Associated activities which include the countless fraudworks of histories claiming Bernice Pauahi as being the Last of the Kamehamehas.
Our kanaka maoli, those who dd not participate with the greedy businessmen, etc. remain with True Aloha. Justice and Truth, Treaties maintained is expected. I and my families are the True Heirs of Royalties, etc., NOT OHA.
I seek assistance from the Supreme Court Justices, through the Attorney General's Offices - Marjery Bronster to Bring Down the Kamehameha Schools Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates And Associated Business Interest due to its Mega Fraud Existence which cannot be denied. Defraudation of the Heirs, Fraud, Theft, Corruption based entity. Descendants exist. To maintain the Estates is cause for Genocide Acgtivities continued. Genocide charges is anticipated in the near future.
The following attachment is a letter sent to Presideent William Clinton on April 20, 1998. Letters have also been sent to Counsel out-of-State.
A meeting of Descendants of Kamehameha with people from your organization and a group of professionals from Washington, D.C. is desired.
Corrections in Wrongdoing is anticipated, leading to criminall prosecutions, etc. of Genocide movers who maintain Genocide activities in Court, etc.
Amelia K. Gora
One of Kamehameha's, Kalaniopuu's, Kaumualii's, Liloa's, Umi-a-Liloa,
Akahi's, Kamehameha's Siblings and many others descendant.
Attached: 1) Letter to President William Clinton
2) Letter to All in Hawaii; Note to Visitors to Hawaii
3) KAOLEIOKU Kamehameha's Oldest Son, His Descendants, Heirs (Genealogy Pages Only)
4) Genealogy Documents to verify Claims also used in Courts - Genealogy References List Only
**************************************************************Note: Attachments for this letter not included in this packet.
The following letter was received from the Police Department, City and County of Honolulu:
Reference: 98271435 AF-CF
July 23, 1998
Ms. Amelia K. Gora
(address removed)
Dear Ms. Gora:
We are in receipt of your letter of July 17,, 1998, regarding genocide activities in Hawaii
Your complaint has been made a matter of official record under police report number 98-273435.
Should you have any father questions, please call Captain Alan Fujimoto of the Records and Identification Division at 529-3295.
By (signed)
Records Division
Other attachments given in the packet to the Attorney General:
Royal Families/Royal Persons Legal Notice: 2017-1129 Subject Fraud Deed Filed in the 1909 Fraud Trust of Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani
Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Notice No. 2017-1128 Updated Konohiki List
Honolulu Police Department Incident Report 17-422845
E-mail from The White House dated August 8, 2017 - "Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message."
Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani True Trust Timeline (overview by Amelia Gora - 2017 - 8 pages)
HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1851: "Chief Justice Lee charged the jury, that every fraudulent combination, mutual understanding, or concerting together of two or more, to do what is obviously and diretly wrongfully injurious to another is a conspiracy.....were guilty......That a mutual concert in cases like this, could sedom if ever be proved, otherwise than by circumstances, as conspirators do not call in witnesses to their undertakings." - Case from Volume 1 included in the packet.
OHA /Office of Hawaiian Affairs article Queen Lili'uokalani - A Legacy That Inspires - Trust Timeline Reference: OHA News November 2017.
Compiled by Amelia Gora (2017)
Due to animosities towards People of Color, it is important to note the following highlights in history affecting our Hawaiian, and other people of color:
1852 - Anti-Slavery Law documented in the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom's Constitution of 1852 by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
1865 - The U.S. passed their anti-slavery law 13 years AFTER the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom did.
1865 - American Civil War ended - the LOSERS were the Confederates. Then the focus became the American Indians who were further Plundered Upon. Slaughter against the Indians, buffalo, etc. See:
1872 - Liliuokalani later became Queen Liliuokalani made a Trust Deed, her trustee was her hanai/adopted daughter.
1898 - An Agreement was made with a Void clause. It included interests in Charles Kanaina, King Lunalilo, Queen Liliuokalani, and Bernice Pauahi Bishop interests. The interests were from Kahakuakoi, one of the cousins of Bernice Pauahi Bishop to Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani.
1909 - A Fraud Trust was set up by the usurpers. William O. Smith was the Attorney. Note: William O Smith had the usurpers in conspiracy meet in his office to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani in 1893. The William O. Smith successors are the Case Bigelow & Lombardi attorneys which helps to perpetuate the crimes of Fraud, deceit, Genocide Activities ongoing, etc. and supports the Illegal Trustees.
Queen Liliuokalani denied signing a Trust Deed with Smith, Iaukea, and Cleghorn.
Her denials are recorded in the case with Prince Kuhio testimony of Samuel Parker, and in her Will.
1915 - Queen Liliuokalani was made Queen for a Day on Balboa Day or Pan-Pacific Day. Under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation, she signed illegal contracts with the Pan-Pacific Club/Hawaii Tourism Authority.
1917 - Queen Liliuokalani died.
The Fraud Trust gave directions to the Territory of Hawaii: 1) Assume Washington Place; 2) Assume the Queen's remains; and 3) the funeral arrangements.
The Illegal Trustees & Territory Took Over Queen Liliuokalani's Home - Washington Place. Her Remains, etc. Upon Her Death = Private Properties of the Royal Families
Honolulu star-bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1912-current, November 12, 1917, 3:30 Edition, Page TWO, Image 2
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Prince Kuhio took an out-of-court settlement to the claims of Fraud of Queen Liliuokalani.
The usurpers gave him the beach front property called Kuhio Beach, etc.
Queen Liluokalani had expected Colburn and others to correct the wrongs......they didn't.
Charles Reed Bishop provided for Kinney's wife Helen because her grandmother was the first cousin of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Fact is Helen was the daughter of adopted/hanai daughter of Kahakuakoi and they were not the bloodlines of her body.
Conspiracy is detected and have been found in the ongoing fraud issues of who is really the Queen's Families.
Charles Reed Bishop was party to the crimes of helping to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani and her true families.
William O. Smith was the attorney who planned the dethronement of our Queen in 1893 meeting with others in his law offices..
William O. Smith was the brother-in-law of Judge A. Hartwell, former American Civil War General.
William O. Smith set up the Will and Trust of Queen Liliuokalani.
It is the Case Bigelow and Lombardi attorneys who perpetuate the crimes of the ages.
Let us review the HAWAIIAN REPORTS Case of 1851, The King vs. Anderson and Russell for the Case Precedence and hold the following to be true:
"Chief Justice Lee charged the jury, that every fraudulent combination, mutual understanding, or concerting together of two or more, to do what is obviously and diretly wrongfully injurious to another is a conspiracy.....were guilty......That a mutual concert in cases like this, could sedom if ever be proved, otherwise than by circumstances, as conspirators do not call in witnesses to their undertakings."
The U.S. has been benefitting off of the Fraudulent Trust since 1909 and is recorded as having received $14 million dollars + per year, etc.
Lastly, Supreme Court letter shows that the Public Prosecutors or the Police Department are to be contacted for charges, etc.
I, Amelia Gora, did file an Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 at the Bureau of Conveyances on 12/17/1996 (281 pages) which shows frauds, Kamehameha's heirs and successors, premeditation documents, etc. and was told it is a lien on all the islands.
I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants of three (3) of Bernice Pauahi Bishop first cousins, sibling, and hanai/adopted sibling of Bernice Pauahi Bishop because Abner Paki did marry his brothers last wife named Kaikaina. Kaikaina had two (2) hanai/adopted children - one named Abigaila/Princess Poomaikelani. The names of Bernice Pauahi's cousins were Kahakuakoi - the true trustee designated by Queen Liliuokalani, and Kalola (w) who was documented as the next-of-kin in the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
There are other Kamehameha descendants.
For all of the above reasons, we are calling for the Arrest of the Current Trustees, etc. Seven day notices were sent to the Liliuokalani Trust created in 1909, and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees and defaults are recorded, etc.
Your expeditious reply will be greatly appreciated.
Amelia Gora
a Royal person, Royal Family member
More references for everyone's information: Hawai'i is Not a Legitimate State: What the Birthers Missed
Articles/References Affecting ALL LANDS in the Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian government from the time of Paiea/ Kamehameha, including Coral Reefs, etc.:
Xerox of Article "SAYS GOVERNMENT SUPPORTS TRUSTS" The New York Times Published February 21, 1904
xerox of The Pacific Commercial Advertiser, (Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands) 1885-1921, August 26,
"President Cleveland, in his latest proclamation warning the citizens of the neutrality laws, says that any combination of persons organized in the United States for the purpose of proceeding to and making war against a foreign country with which the United States is at peace, and provided with arms to be used for such purpose, constitutes a "military expedition or enterprise" within the meaning of the neutrality laws, and that the providing or preparing of the means for such "military expedition or enterprise," which is expressly prohibited by said laws, includes furnishing or aiding in transportation for such "military expedition or enterprise." We are pleased to note the flat-footed manner in which President Cleveland declares himself, but it is strange that he failed to discover this interpretation of the law some twelve or fourteen months after the Wahlberg affair."
xerox of Grover Cleveland XXIV President of the United States: 1893-1897
Special Message
February 10, 1897
To the Senate of the United States:
In compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 9th instant, the House of Representatives concurring, I return herewith Senate bill No. 3328, entitled "An act to amend an act entited ; An act to repeal the timber culture laws, and for other purposes."
xerox - PEARL HARBOR COALING STATION -ex v. Joseph Booth Imperative Necessity That the United States Take Possession, The New York Times, Published January 9, 1893
xerox - HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1863, Rex vs. Joseph Booth, page 636 - page explaining that "The Hawaiian Government was not established by the people...."
xerox - Kamehameha III's Speech, 1851 - 3 pages.
xerox - JUSTICE MEMO SHOWS U.S. Never Legally Annexed Hawaii article by Steven T. Newcomb, THE HONOLULU ADVERTISER, Sunday, March 12, 2000
xerox of Deed of Trust Liber 35 pages 131-132 - Kaeha to H. Prendergast in Trust for Kaaumoana, Bureau of Conveyances, 24th day of June 1872.
xerox of Agr./Agreement of Kahakuakoi to Liiuokalani Liber 178 pages 267-268, Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu - signed 5th day of September 1898, recorded and compared on the 14th day of September 1898.
xerox of Trust filed by Archibald S. Cleghorn, Curtis P. Iaukea and William O. Smith - first page dated 2nd day of December, 1909 - 1 page.
xerox of Trust from the book LILIUOKALANI TRUST,H346.056 L 1988, the Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu pages 1, 11,12, 13, 14 - number (45) "Deed of Kahakuakoi et al, September 3, 1898, Liber 178/267; Interest in Estates of Charles Kanaina, W.C. Lunalilo, Bernice P. Bishop, and Queen Hakaleleponi."
Note: Liber 178/267 is an AGR/AGREEMENT, NOT A DEED - the Fraud Find which has a clause which became VOID.
page 15 was also xeroxed showing signatures: LILIUOKALANI, A.S. CLEGHORN, CURTIS P. IAUKEA, WILLIAM O. SMITH, Executed in the Presence of S.M. DAMON (sgd), CECIL BROWN (sgd)
end of pamphlet
The Letters to the Trustees, etc. can be seen at the following links:

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Correction: Kingdom of Hawaii and Royal Families Legal Notice No. 2017-0304 7 Day Notice from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affai…
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John Ii/Ioane Ii's Families - One of the First Four (4) Judges Appointed by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli …
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The herald. (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1893-1900, December 23, 1897, Image 2 Image provided by University of California, Riverside; Riversid…
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