Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Pretend Friends Exposed

Hi , 

Meetings are canceled.

Sent a message to everyone.

Keala - I understand that you are forming a kupuna council and a Common law court which is contrary to what we are doing.

We are the ones who were sued over the Crown Lands.

We are the documented Kamehameha I descendants in Probate etc. and will continue to move on reclaiming our tutu's aina.

We will resume meetings for our Royal Families, Queen Liliuokalani's Trustees and our Konohiki in separate meetings.

I did not anticipate clashing between strong headed personalities and we'll be keeping some of the people separate.

It's o.k. if you don't plan to continue to meet with us.....we continue on in reclaiming our private properties.

We continue on because we are not only Kamehameha's but also Queen Liliuokalani's true trustees....some of us are the descendants of two (2) of her hanai/adopted daughters - Kaaumoana aka's and Abigaila/Princess Poomaikelani… we are for real, not funny monkey business pushed by many....we support kanaka maoli etc........

we cannot be aligned with those who do not support what we are doing.  

Kalani has to find his connection to the Kalama Meyers line....the Waha genealogy line....our protective orders will  continue to protect him if he is truly part of the Royal Families.

Kalani - makes questionable comments and offensive and I feel everyone needs to watch him as this past meeting - Monday, he told me that he doesn't know why I haven't been assassinated yet. Such a nasty comment which makes me feel uncomfortable to be around you.

Stay safe, Good Luck to all.

All kanaka maoli not following the rule of law including the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States  are viewed as usurpers because they are contrary to the Constitutional Monarchy.

Changes are only to be voted in by the Sovereigns, descendants and heirs; House of Nobles, descendants and heirs; and the anticipated group under the voted in House of Representatives - a temporary, voted in position.  
Reference:  HAWAII REPORTS, Rex vs. Booth case, Supreme Court Case of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.



p.s. we maintain Hawaiian laws and are aware that the Doctrine of Political Question is used, the facts that Kamehameha I's descendants exists also changes  the entire look at the conspiracies, premeditation now documented.

United States Secretary of State John W. Foster "helped direct the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy

                                         JOHN W. FOSTER:   LOADS OF LIES OUT OF WASHINGTON, D.C.
                             As Secretary of State, Foster "helped direct the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy."[ 



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Hi , Meetings are canceled. Sent a message to everyone. Keala - I…

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