Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Protest "to the very last Aloha Aina"!

100 Years Ago Today. . . Mass Anti-Annexation Rally in Hawai`i
"Therefore, do not be afraid, remain steadfast in your Love for the Land, and be of one mind, forever protest the annexation of Hawaii'i to America until the very last Aloha Aina." (aloha aina, of course, means loyal Kanaka Maoli--a patriot). David Kalauokalani explained the treaty to the crowd. This rally kicked off the petition drive. The Petition of Hui Aloha Aina was called "Palapala Hoopii Kue Hoohui Aina a Ka …  important read....statistician wrote that Hawaii will return to the non-piratical people! ;)  Hawaiian is the language of our islands ...strange occupation of a sovereign nation now known to many.....also, be aware of no annexation... see: and watch all videos by Professor Williamson Chang showing the claimed annexation is illegal and it is impossible to annex a foreign nation....lastly, read all articles on theiolani-the Royal Hawk news on the web published 729 weekly news to date...…..aloha.
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Judge Blaine Kobayashi (Shame upon you and your name). I demand Harakiri! You have no honor! You are not a BUSHI descendent. You are the root of poison in Hawaii. How dare your Send out a Warrant for an Aboriginal Hawaiians speaking Hawaiian in Hawaii!. You are a low down worn. I demand Harakiri! The Japanese emperor would be ashamed of you Judge Blaine Kobayashi! As a Hawaiian I demand Harakiri! You honor-less snake.

The Constitution of the State of Hawaii states “ English and Hawaiian shall be the official languages of Hawaii, except that Hawaiian shall be required for public acts and transactions only as provided by law. [Add Const Con 1978 and election Nov 7, 1978]”(Hawaii, 1959)

But Judge Blaine Kobayashi interpreted this in his own view. But wait??? Doesn’t the Hawaiian Flag have the British seal on it? That because Kamehameha the 1st signed a treaty with King Gorge the third in 1796. Making the Hawaiian language within the United Kingdom another form of English.  What a stupid raciest judge.


The Constitution of the State of Hawaii states. Article 4. (1959) Retrieved from website

Section 4.  English and Hawaiian shall be the official languages of Hawaii, except that Hawaiian shall be required for public acts and transactions only as provided by law. [Add Const Con 1978 and election Nov 7, 1978]

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