Monday, November 26, 2018

Royal Tidings No. 2018-1126 Royal Families news on the web - U.S. Pirates documented

Royal Tidings No. 2018-1126 Royal Families news on the web - Sharing a Preview of What's to Come...

Royal Tidings No. 2018-1126 ROYAL FAMILIES news on the web

Monday, November 26, 2018

Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: Three (3) Part United States or How to Defraud Non-Pirates

Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series

                                    INTRODUCING A THREE (3) PART UNITED STATES OF 1897


                                               HOW TO DEFRAUD NON-PIRATES

                                                                                   Review by Amelia Gora (2018)

The following article shows that the United States has  three (3) Governments:



In 1899, according to the case Peacock vs. Republic of Hawaii, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1899, Supreme Court/Archives/Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, the claims on record is that the United States became two (2) nations:  (1)  the United States - deals with other nations who have treaties; and (2) the American Empire - deals with territories regarded as less than a nation/state.

The claim made by the U.S. is that the Hawaiian Kingdom was a Territory, which is Not true.

The premeditated Provisional 'government' was actually the 1/3 part of the Hawaiian government known as the House of Representatives which could not stand by itself.

The House of Representatives was and entity, neither de facto nor de jure.  It was a voted in, temporary body and not permanent as with The Sovereign - his heirs and successors, and The House of Nobles - their heirs and successors.

Conspiracies are documented and the case precedence shows guilty.

Fraud, conspiracies, piracies, pillaging, premeditations, racketeering, lies, etc. are hereby documented.

The use of indoctrination/disinformation is also noted.

For more information, see:

Research incomplete.

  730 issues posted to date



Amelia Gora shared a post.
Where are the Clowns? They're here....the squatters, pirates, pillagers exposed..... ;(

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