…/dear-jen-ruggles… Dear Jen...……….Ruggles….
Premeditation documented and Friendship Treaty breach, planned usurpation documented... Crimes against Peace is what it is...the Hawaiian Kingdom did no wrong except refusing to give loans to the U.S. and refusing to get paid interest, the principal would not get paid for thousands of years....the envy, greed over lands, monies, assets is shown in Kilikina's film fraud, piracy, pillaging, conspiracy documented equals all is null and void....mahalo for sharing the fact that there is indeed an occupation of illegal sorts....aloha. also see: and other posts at
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Just to let you know about the negativity heading your way....whistleblowers get a lot of it too...see: The 25 disinformation list aloha.
Premeditation documented and Friendship Treaty breach, planned usurpation documented... Crimes against Peace is what it is...the Hawaiian Kingdom did no wrong except refusing to give loans to the U.S. and refusing to get paid interest, the principal would not get paid for thousands of years....the envy, greed over lands, monies, assets is shown in Kilikina's film fraud, piracy, pillaging, conspiracy documented equals all is null and void....mahalo for sharing the fact that there is indeed an occupation of illegal sorts....aloha. also see: and other posts at
50th State Fraud - A Visit With Williamson Chang
p.s. Claim your tutu's aina...the alodio, paramount, superior titles belong to our Royal Families, and kanaka maoli…………..only Fee Simple or 30 years can the Aliens have...…...not forever titles....
read all 730 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk
p.s. Claim your tutu's aina...the alodio, paramount, superior titles belong to our Royal Families, and kanaka maoli…………..only Fee Simple or 30 years can the Aliens have...…...not forever titles....
read all 730 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk
facebook:…/dear-jen-ruggles… Dear Jen...……….Ruggles….
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