Thursday, November 29, 2018

Sharing and Caring for Innocents.......focus on Rule of Laws, Constitutions, Treaties.....

About this website
Premeditation documented and Friendship Treaty breach, planned usurpation documented... Crimes against Peace is what it is...the Hawaiian Kingdom did no wrong except refusing to give loans to the U.S. and refusing to get paid interest, the principal would not get paid for thousands of years....the envy, greed over lands, monies, assets is shown in Kilikina's film  fraud, piracy, pillaging, conspiracy documented equals all is null and void....mahalo for sharing the fact that there is indeed an occupation of illegal sorts....aloha.  also see: and other posts at





Just to let you know about the negativity heading your way....whistleblowers get a lot of it too...see:  The 25 disinformation list  aloha.



Premeditation documented and Friendship Treaty breach, planned usurpation documented... Crimes against Peace is what it is...the Hawaiian Kingdom did no wrong except refusing to give loans to the U.S. and refusing to get paid interest, the principal would not get paid for thousands of years....the envy, greed over lands, monies, assets is shown in Kilikina's film  fraud, piracy, pillaging, conspiracy documented equals all is null and void....mahalo for sharing the fact that there is indeed an occupation of illegal sorts....aloha.  also see: and other posts at

 50th State Fraud - A Visit With Williamson Chang


p.s.  Claim your tutu's aina...the alodio, paramount, superior titles belong to our Royal Families, and kanaka maoli…………..only Fee Simple or 30 years can the Aliens have...…...not forever titles....
read all 730 issues of the IOLANI - the Royal Hawk


About this website
Premeditation documented and Friendship Treaty breach, planned usurpation documented... Crimes against Peace is what it is...the Hawa...


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Amelia Gora making fun of pirates now documented …. see Abercrombie one of the pirates

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Ruthann Caudill Premeditation documented and Friendship Treaty breach, planned usurpation documented... Crimes against Peace is what it is...the Hawaiian Kingdom did no wrong except refusing to give loans to the U.S. and refusing to get paid interest, the principal would not get paid for thousands of years....the envy, greed over lands, monies, assets is shown in Kilikina's film fraud, piracy, pillaging, conspiracy documented equals all is null and void....mahalo for sharing the fact that there is indeed an occupation of illegal sorts....aloha. also see: and other posts at

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Ruthann Caudill Let's talk about Treaties and the lack thereof. ICC has NO Treaty with America.


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Ruthann Caudill Kanaka have, I think, been taking their complaints to the ICC. No Treaty.


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Ruthann Caudill Dr. Sai had his Lawsuit dismissed and now is taking it to the PCA.


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Amelia Gora Lookin foolish ...a jester/clown....yikes!

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Ruthann Caudill Ruthann Caudill
Yesterday at 1:35 PM ·
Here is a ruling already made by the Permanent Court of Arbitration.
The Tribunal underlined the many points of agreement between the parties, particularly with respect to the propositions that Hawaii was never lawfully incorporated into the United States, and that it continued to exist as a matter of international law. The Tribunal noted that if there existed a dispute, it concerned whether the respondent has fulfilled what both parties maintain is its duty to protect the Cl...
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Cases | PCA-CPA
Lance Paul Larsen, a resident of Hawaii, brought a claim against the Hawaiian Kingdom by its Council of Regency (“Hawaiian Kingdom”) on the grounds that the Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom is in continual violation of: (a) its 1849 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation with the United...

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Ruthann Caudill The Tribunal concluded that it could not determine whether the Respondent has failed to discharge its obligations towards the Claimant without ruling on the legality of the acts of the United States of America – something the Tribunal was precluded from doing as the United States was not party to the case.


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Ruthann Caudill The Kanaka have NO ONE on any UN Seats.


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Amelia Gora the 1849/1850 Treaty between the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States article XIV which shows that pirates, pillagers etc needs to be arrested and returned to their homeland...the U.S.....the treaty is in effect because of the permanent friendship aSee More


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Ruthann Caudill 175 years and has anyone gotten an International Lawyer involved?


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Amelia Gora 2018 - 1893 = 125 years....we can start subtracting the years where our people opposed annexation in 1897....opposed statehood in 1959 ---opposition documented by a Kamehameha descendant Harold Abel Cathcart supported by Kamehameha's families... 1996 ….I filed a 281 page affidavit/lien which shows fraud, conspiracies, genealogies, land owners, Crown land owners etc. Document No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/1996 and continuous oppositions made since, and even todays ongoing projects.... see the recent posts on the IOLANI website because it's causing some heavy readership coming from Russia in number 1 place now.... I think it's kool…..what all of this research shows is that the Hawaiian archipelago was watched for the purpose of creating the final link by England, U.S. etc. for a claim to the One World Order scheme....and trying to look at it as legal, lawful.....but as we all know...No one likes Pirates and Pirates are the aged word for Terrorists, Big Bullies, etc. Living in an age of rule of law, abiding Constitutions takes everyone into a civilized status...and right now as we speak, the civilized status is Not had by England, and the United States, etc...… and I think many of the nations are bound based on monetary needs through the connections of the United Nations which was built on lands of the Rockefellers, the owners of the 911 buildings, etc......what is being revealed are the nations in collusion, corruption, conspiracies against 'weaker' nations.....wicked but true...….Rule of Law, the U.S. Constitution maintains justice, the conspiracies revealed by Vladimir Putin, etc. makes him and others like him "the enemy".... lots of people needs to be arrested for treason for failing to follow the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, and the treaties..... ;)

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Ruthann Caudill There have been Treaties that SHOULD have been unheld, but were not.


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Amelia Gora Civilized nations treaties are upheld...truth, justice even in our Hawaiian Kingdom courts today....


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Ruthann Caudill Amelia Gora Treaties were NOT upheld and International Lawyers should have brought Lawsuits years ago.


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Ruthann Caudill Amelia Gora I am talking about American Laws.


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Ruthann Caudill Happy 175 years, too.


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Amelia Gora 1893 …..criminal usurpation of our Queen...yet she was still the Queen in 1917 when she died....oppositions continued, Royal families still here... we own the alodio titles, the paramount titles, superior titles.....we are Not subject to the laws because our families made the laws...Constitutional Monarchy....we not the ones who did wrong....Racketeers, pirates, pillagers in our midst....we are part of the Innocents with truth and justice....the true aloha....paradise and being the non-piratical people spoken about by the statistician

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Ruthann Caudill AND???? LAWYERS should have been employed.


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Amelia Gora checked the background of the so called "lawyers"... there was a Booth who was part of the Court of Claims and check this out...yet another conspiracy/piracies....and the guy appears to be a relative of Obama! Sinister and yet Fraud documented..... conspiracy is part of this and they are precedence of the Hawaiian Kingdom case 1851.... with General John W. Foster information …. it's a major conspiracy and hereby documented, see this article as one of the evidences researched over time

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Ruthann Caudill Amelia Gora I know all your work.....please find an International Lawyer, thanks.


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Amelia Gora Justice prevails... mahalo….. note: the International lawyers will be needed to expose the information to all.... ;)

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Ruthann Caudill Amelia Gora you have lots of evidence to hand an International Lawyer.


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Amelia Gora yes and by conveying it through our news media which was set up for our Royal Families for more than 10 years....many have it for their records, etc...….and now that the readership is at a peak from Russia, and many others....exposure of the dogs are being made too... wrongfully attacking innocent nations? for greed, pillaging, piracies? certainly not ok....

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