Friday, November 9, 2018

Vol VII No. 728 Part 1A - Head's Up Kanaka Maoli!

Amelia Gora I've had a Genocide Activities Ongoing File posting names of problematic people...…….I think all kanaka maoli and others should also start a file also so that we can document this for the world to's simply not ok that fraudulent ppl persevere when they in the wrong...….know what I mean jelly bean? after a while crocodile? the Kamehameha's are here which means the truth is that their wrongs have been found out, etc......we remain a neutral, friendly non violent nation...issues of the Doctrine of Political Question is the truth....Maka Ala you Sleeping Giants! for the kanaka maoli are the Giants slowing waking up from their deep slumber, suppressed by American Squatters and Pirates now documented....


Frederick Torres-Pestana Kanawai of our Kupuna will heal humanity and dis planet


Ku'ulei Perez We have to, our Mauna in danger and so is her people.

Jim Zampathas and Michael E.Malulani K.Odegaard shared a link.

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  • Michael E.Malulani K.Odegaard shared a link.
    Aloha Kakou, I agree with Kealoha that we should wait for the full decision from the supreme court regarding the TMT...and wait for the desending opinon of Justice the mean time following the Military HSTT.( southern -california testing and training corridor that includes the northwest Hawaiian Islands to Pohakuloa)..they published there finding....they direct you to for the least myself ...I cannot acess the site as it shows ...up as a possible fake site and Safari will not let me acess it. I've reported it to the Navy and their recommendation acess site also produced the same effect. Are their others using Mac or otherwise that have tried to access the site. Please let me knoe as soon as possible if this is a proble to acess as it was for me. I supplied the nave with screen shots to verify the path I took from both sites.
    hold tight everyone as this roller coaster is moving faster....trying to shake up off... Aloha Unko Hank Fergerstrom
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    Giorgia Piekarski Never can....uncover the truth. It is possible. Blessings, ride the wave. Aloha.
    Cathy Allegretti I can post more or I can convert to PDF files & send to your email but send me your email I have an old one
    Fred Hofer Worked on android phone
    Ruthann Caudill How about suing using the US Constitution “Freedom of Religion” and “Separation of Church and State.”
    They would not be building on sacred Catholic ground.
    Cathy Allegretti I will argue that is not Catholic ground, that is Hawaiian land and sacred to Hawaiians. I knew kupuna who never went to Msuna Kea. They did not have permission. Hawaiians, born in Hawaii, not going to Mauna Kea because it was so sacred they were not allowed. So for them (from what I remember them telling me) is these people that go there (without permission) it’s up to them; in their upbringing the way was to let people do what they do; mind your own business. But personally, for those who never went, it was not for them. It was for their Gods, their ancestors, and the Kuhuna. These were folks who converted to Christianity but still held traditional beliefs. They would not disrespect the land, their culture, their family, or the Hawaiian religious beliefs by going there. To see so many people running up and down the mountain like it was an international playground was hurtful to them. These are feelings/ thoughts they told me on the use of the mountain. So humble. The Catholic Church has nothing to do with it.
    Ruthann Caudill Cathy Allegretti that is the point.
    They would NOT build on a sacred ground of a strong Church.
    Ruthann Caudill Cathy Allegretti my husband and I were visiting Hawaii, and when we found that Mauna Kea was sacred, we did NOT drive up.
    We stopped and went another way.
    Ruthann Caudill Cathy Allegretti I strongly recommend using the US Constitution.
    Cathy Allegretti Ruthann Caudill oh... that’s true. They don’t dig up Christain burial grounds either.... blatant racism
    Ruthann Caudill Cathy Allegretti again, suing using the US Constitution.
    I don’t understand why no one has!
    Cathy Allegretti Ruthann Caudill you can check with hank but it’s hard to use the US Constitution if your argument is that you aren’t on US soil. If you don’t recognize US laws since you are not a US citizen and the US does not recognize Hawaiian Kingdom law so the EIS is the document that shows there is adverse environmental impact. Ask Hank he’s been at this for 50 years. I understand about 5%
    Ruthann Caudill Cathy Allegretti the Federal Court would handle any US Constitution, so there is no need to go through the State Courts.
    Hank Fergerstrom Ruthann Caudill ..I seriously disagree with you....but maybe...going to find out really soon...maybe another Federal District Court outside of the Hawaii I said ...going to find out very soon.
    Ruthann Caudill Hank Fergerstrom these were State of Hawaii Justices, not Federal Justices.
    Hank Fergerstrom yes, thank you...this was also based on a State administrative hearing...however having exhausted the top remedy within the allows entering the Federal much easier....without a remand down for exhaustion of judicial remedy within the State.
    Ronald Fujiyoshi I was able to access the document on my Mac.
    Ruthann Caudill OHA v SOH; STC 11/19/18. Parties wanted to wait until after the election to have further discussions. There are no new documents filed.
    Ruthann Caudill Despite four state audits and generations of Native Hawaiians expressing concern about the threats to Maunakea, the state and the University of Hawaiʻi have continuously neglected their legal duties to adequately manage the mountain. Instead, they haveSee More
    Cody Wolfchild IMO, when dealing with native american issues the government will always try to avoid describing the doctrine of discovery and manifest destiny so that’s where the public at large needs to hear that we are not the victims. That kind of announcement would be called conspiracy theory at the start but once it soaks in a little people will be able to say “what about the native americans stolen land” to everything that the politicians say.

    Lets consider perhaps we are the saviors of society by keeping our fingers pointed at it and lighting the path out from the cave of christendom into the acceptance of white, black and asian tribal histories...this is in order to create a more perfect union in the world.

    Maybe we should dig ourselves out of the legal briar bush the Marshal Trilogy has put on native americans and how it questions most of American policy from borders to economy. Nations being “reduced to tribes” or poor brown ppl neighborhoods.

    People aren’t getting very far forwarding the narrative of self determination while being stuck in legal debates way down deep in the confines of legal precedent. It makes the legally disadvantaged native community go silent when american laws get talked about and they talk shit about american lawyers going back to their old kingdom history. That’s how they basically kick Ruthann out of every grassroots hawaiian group she tries to get into on social media

    Then the american public thinks the natives are dumb because they didnt hear anyone blame it on something real: the pulling of legal levers and things we can tangibly manipulate or change to get things happening like Johnson versus Mcintosh. A major u.s. land mark against the brown in favor of the white to put it in todays terms.

    That’s what I beleive Americans are looking for! They’ll act where natives have steady aim to point to. That’s the secret of America haha.

    We should always think about the overall picture not just the legal strategy. The ratio of policy to publicity is usually fifty fifty for natives when it comes to realization. Suggestion.
    Ruthann Caudill Cody Wolfchild too much for Hank to handle.
    Cody Wolfchild People born into nations at war sometimes don’t even know they’re in them.
    Cody Wolfchild So they dont know how to act or respond to the information they want.
    Cody Wolfchild Just give them time and keep on sharing what you know. Good job you two!
    Ruthann Caudill Cody Wolfchild I think we are talking about Mauna case at a time.
    Ruthann Caudill OHA is still suing for the return of the Mauna Kea Lease.
    I guess we will have to wait for that.
    Judge Crabtree is the Judge, in case anyone wants to know.
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    Ruthann Caudill It amazes me the Kanaka who want to go Pro Se who have no idea of the laws.
    Ruthann Caudill This, of course, plays into those hands who want to take everything from you.
    Ruthann Caudill Hank Fergerstrom the Navy 106 you made the same arguments. That was not within the Parameters of the Navy 106.
    Yes, I have tried to help in countless ways.
    Kanaka won’t listen.
    Upai Robinson I do not have a computer or email Kupuna Hank and I got a card talking about moving the south Calif border that belongs to the hawaiian Islands. No treaty, no annexation, no permission. It belongs to the hawaiian Kingdom!! Who is handing hawaii to the NAVY?
    Upai Robinson It did not come up on mine Kupuna Hank.
    Ah Lui This is what appears at the site referenced:

    Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement



    Hawaii-Southern CaliforniaTraining and TestingEIS/OEIS
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    Welcome to the U.S. Navy's website for the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS).

    The Navy has prepared a Final EIS/OEIS to re-evaluate potential environmental impacts associated with ongoing naval training and research, development, testing, and evaluation (hereafter referred to as “training and testing”) activities conducted within existing Navy range complexes in Hawaii and Southern California, and the transit corridor that connects them. These activities involve the use of active sound navigation and ranging (sonar) and explosives while employing marine species protective mitigation measures.

    Littoral combat ship USS FreedomThe Navy EIS/OEIS supports the issuance of federal regulatory permits and authorizations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act. The Navy previously completed an EIS/OEIS in December 2013 for training and testing activities occurring within the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing EIS/OEIS Study Area from 2013 through mid-December 2018. The Navy has updated this analysis by evaluating new, relevant information, such as more recent marine mammal density data and new scientific information, as appropriate. This updated EIS/OEIS will support future training and testing activities beginning in late 2018.

    Click the image below to watch an informational video about the importance of Navy training and testing in the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing EIS/OEIS Study Area.

    Final Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement Available to View

    The Navy has released the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing Final EIS/OEIS for public viewing. Regulations provide for a 30-day wait period after the Final EIS/OEIS is published before the Navy may take action. View the Notice of Availability published in the Federal Register.

    The Comment Period for Proposed Rule Is Closed

    The National Marine Fisheries Service requested public comments on its proposed rule to issue regulations and subsequent Letters of Authorization to the Navy to incidentally take marine mammals during specified activities. Public comments were accepted through Aug. 9, 2018.

    Public Involvement Summary Report Available To View

    A Public Involvement Summary Report, which summarizes the public involvement and outreach activities conducted by the Navy and the main issues heard from the public during the Draft EIS/OEIS Public Review and Comment Period, is available to view.

    The Public Review And Comment Period For The Draft EIS/OEIS Is Closed

    The public comment period for the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing Draft EIS/OEIS was open from Oct. 13, 2017, to Dec. 12, 2017. The public was encouraged to submit substantive comments on the Draft EIS/OEIS during this period.

    Navy Held Public Meetings For The Draft EIS/OEIS In Novermber 2017

    Public meetings were held in Hawaii and San Diego from Nov. 6, 2017, through Nov. 13, 2017. Meetings included an open house information session with poster stations staffed by Navy representatives, followed by a brief presentation by the Navy and a public oral comment session.

    Project Fact Sheet Booklet Available

    A project fact sheet booklet is now available and contains information about Navy training and testing activities and the findings contained in the Draft EIS/OEIS.

    Federal Register Notices Available

    View the Notices of Availability and Notice of Public Meetings for the Hawaii-Southern California Training and Testing Draft and Final EIS/OEISs published in the Federal Register.

    U.S. Pacific Fleet is the official sponsor of this project website. Questions regarding its content may be directed to the Public Affairs Office at 808-471-3769.

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