Wednesday, December 26, 2018

More Films on the Kingdom of Hawaii with Truth posted

Published on Mar 3, 2017
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Watch More Direct From With Dena Takruri: In 1893, armed U.S. naval forces helped American sugar plantation owners illegally overthrow Hawaii’s constitutional monarchy. One hundred years later, the U.S. apologized and admitted in a resolution that Native Hawaiians had never relinquished their claims to sovereignty. Today, many Native Hawaiians continue to yearn for independence. One activist, Bumpy Kanahele, has even created his own village as a model for Hawaiian sovereignty. AJ+'s Dena Takruri reports on the Hawaiian fight for sovereignty. Subscribe for more videos: Like us on Facebook: Download the AJ+ app at Follow us on Twitter:
Show less Concerted effort showing conspiracies, premeditation, piracies, pillaging, fraud, deceit documented through research.....pass on, share far and wide...aloha.
America should give back Hawaii to their own people.
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Wish them luck.
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Meanwhile Native American culture is forgetten and land is stolen with no consideration of being returned..
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I want the Hawaiian culture to still be alive
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People in Hawaii are not Americans, they're Hawaiians. #FreeHawaii
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Make Hawaii Independent Again
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Just give them their island back.
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Its kinda irritating that some mainlanders misinterpret hula into thinking it a sexy dance by showing by wearing coconut bra and fake grass skirts, Its like mocking our Hawaiian traditions
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They should fight for their Land . No culture should die like that.
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Free Hawaii
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The Hawaiians look like the native olmecs but that's just me though
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1:34 "The provisional government that was set up after" I think you meant to say "The white American businessmen that funded the coup and named themselves a 'provisional government' after kicking all the real Hawaiians out of office".
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the United States of America: The Biggest Terrorist Organization in the World
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Hawexit. hawaii becomes a country.
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As usual, this video simplifies an extremely complex issue.  Yes, U.S. business interests screwed over Native Hawaiians from the beginning.  But what about these questions:   *Who abolished the kapu system and why?   *Didn't the Kingdom declare that ALL children, regardless of race, who were born in the islands were "Children of Hawaii?" If sovereignty was achieved, what would it look like?  What happens to property?  What happens to land?  How would the state be run?  Do ALL non-natives get kicked out?  If so, how much native blood do you need to have to stay?  What if you're married to someone without native blood?  How do you defend your country from aggressors? *In the 19th century, all western powers were problematically imperialistic.  If it wasn't the U.S., wouldn't it have been France or England or Russia?  *What about the thousands and thousands and thousands of folks with Native Hawaiian blood who love, support, and embrace the notion of maintaining and fostering Hawaiian culture and ideals, but who DON'T GIVE A RIP ABOUT SOVEREIGNTY?
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Good luck to Hawaiians! US will NEVER take their imperialistic hands off Hawaii! Their political mission is to invade and steal, not to liberate!!! it is evident since WWII!
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It's interesting the movement of native Europeans to take back Europe is not covered in the same positive spin.
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Hawaii should declare independence from USA.
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Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo.
U'i o wahine o hiki no.. ☺ o maika'i e.. 🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋 🌛☀️🌜 e holoimua kaikuana keia.. Makanei o Haole Kanaka ka'ua.. E Mai Nei Ke O'a!! E Holo ia e kakou!!
Next do about Israelian occupation of palestine
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It's a lost cause... White people are always going to make it about them... Caucasians are the immigrants who feel they have the rights to invade countries illegally and take everything justifiably ... They run the entire island of Oahu even the west is being slowly taken...Oahu is just a tropical Disneyland... After Bumpy there is no one that media will come to, After bumpy the 80 people living there will be evicted and that land will be taken too.
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Imagine never had the US. Would've been "meet the native hawaiians fighting JAPAN occupation"
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If the U.S hadn't taken over Hawaii, wouldn't the Japanese? Wouldn't Japanese commit genocide on the Native Hawaiians, literally, and the Native Hawaiians would be long extinct by now?
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Stay strong my Hawaiian brothers and sisters
This is the shit I actually want to learn! Wish it were the first thing that popped up when you type "Hawaiian life" in the search bar.
God bless them. It's a struggle to get our homes back, too... a long, and hard struggle, but worry not, soon, we will get our land back eventually. Soon, Hawaii will be free, as will Tulapit Wapakisinep. Free Hawaii, Free Turtle Island!
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Free Hawaii ..... Let them be their own country establish their own government ! Only Hawaii native should be able to own land in Hawaii
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Most so called Native Hawaiians have less than 40% Native Hawaiian blood. Native Hawaiians really don't exist anymore.
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Notice how the Hawaiian Governor let the protesters stay there for 15 months ? And in return He gave them their own land to occupy. Now if these were Native Americans in the US they would have been shot dead by local authorities. Respect to the state of Hawaii and her people!

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