Thursday, December 27, 2018

Vol VII No. 735 Part 1c

Being assaulted by drunk female got saved due to LonoikamakahikiLonoikamakahiki. My samoan side said hurt her but, my Hawaiian side said, A'OLE PONO! She lucky I one Kanaka who honors my na akua. Just saying! She is lucky that my aunty NeSe O Aiea wasn't here last night because she would have been DEMOLISHED! Police was called! No report or charges filed. I refuse to get involved with The American corporate prison system! She was drunk and being a bully in my hale. I didn't invite her either! I told her straight up! You not going disrespect me in my hale. I don't know you and I don't like you. You need to go! She attacked me and pulled me to the floor by my shirt. No one was around. Held her in the floor for a few seconds and ran to the stairwell to the parking garage to call The police. Dispatcher tells me to wait for police in the lobby. I arrive in the lobby talking to security. They said a woman used our phone and overheard her say bring a gun. Then the lady comes with her husband down to the lobby. She attacked me again, the husband did nothing. She attacked security too. It is all on video! She was passing her baby around trying to force people to watch her baby! My heart cries for the baby. Before that? I had a great time. When is Lonoikamakahiki pau? Lol


Linda Quejado Omg hope you didnt have other people there



Linda Quejado And glad your okay



Frederic Torres-Pestana Alga-oil , U kapaila people drink some can handle , some no kan ,it’s also called “Spirits”da true person inside come out . Many come happy , some show sad , and da wicked in some show well da drama in da head. Who & What to blame easy , WEA is da Spirit of Kanaka caught up in da Net of Amelikanization?



Frederic Torres-Pestana Alka-oil , u kapaila drink some show happiness, some show sadness , some show da wackiness wicked inside da head , as why alka-oil also called “spirits”



NeSe O Aiea You got her on video? Call me! You know I don't play that shit! PM me!!



Mark Miller Dang. Now I know for sure why I no longer go out. Wait...also why I don't invite people to my home. Wow. What freaking nerve!



NeSe O Aiea Btw, u know all my kids are grown and I have no problems of taking a vacay in our HPD finest!!. In fact I'm due for one!
It's honorable that you are sticking to your beliefs, however, remember, you are also a Patolo!! Of which means, don't start none, won't be none! Call me Haka!!



Mikey Kamaunu Kanaka, sorry bout that person, she is my cousin and I feel very embarrassed and disappointed for her attitude and actions towards you and everyone else who was there... I had issues in the past with that very own cousin...
I pray she finds her u my Palala...Aloha



Cody Nemet Tuivaiti Only outside of Sāmoa are many samoans looked at as violent because they too have a disconnect, when in fact, back in Sāmoa they are more respectful than most people in the world. The beauty in the beast🙏🏾



Amelia Gora the person who invited her should step forward and apologize....and they should be banned from any more of your gatherings.....your menu sounded really ono...…..peaceful people only, just like you...malama pono Kahaka.. Happy Holidays! ;)


Kahaka Patolo Ae. This person has lost his privilege in inviting people over. I am a peaceful person so why would you bring this idiot if you had problems with her. I wanted to see your true Kanaka Ohana like Manas Kealoha. Angel Diaz. These guys are solid and cool as fuck.



Manas Kealoha Kahaka Patolo YOU ALRIGHT HAWAIIAN



Kahaka Patolo Manas Kealoha back pain. Body aches. Found a bruise on my back.



Manas Kealoha Kahaka Patolo SORRY TO HEAR THAT TAKE IT EASY



Linda Quejado Kahaka Patolo havent you met this person at BBQ'$ ? With all due respect You should press charges having to disclose all this info with the world you should disclose it with HPD



Mokihana Iida Or me I would have to do some MMA ON HER ASSERTIVE TAKE DOWN . I’m sorry you had to go through that ignorance .



Linda Quejado Kahaka Patolo and Mikey Kamaunu Im glad my daughter didnt get hurt because it would have been. a rap. She should re-think on her driinking because there were a baby there. I just hope she remembers and regret what she did nd hope you can forgive her. Im sorry she disrespected you in your hale nd glad no one got hurt



Kahaka Patolo Unfortunately I am the only one injured. Physically.



Linda Quejado Because we all live in the flesh our human thinking would be if a person hits ur right fuck that, we going whack that left.



Ryan Sonognini Glad everything worked out... bummed it got hectic!! Keep that circle tight, palala!! Especially on the home front. I understand you like make action for Lahui... but reserve your private space for your private needs.. all in all, sound like one regular local party. Hahahaha. Malama pono! Chheeeeeeee



President Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen sat down with ABC News for an exclusive interview

Clayton Shiraki sex is not illegal, its paying for sex that is illegal specially using campaign money! report the crime


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