Friday, December 28, 2018

Vol VII No. 735 Part 2


Darlene Geiger Vaai Hi Amelia Gora... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It's been a long time miss you... 💖💖💖



Amelia Gora miss you too...changed my phone and will try to get your number back...was thinking about you too!


Amelia Gora Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you and yours too!!! aloha cousin!

Darlene Geiger Vaai commented on your post.


Darlene Geiger Vaai Hi Amelia Gora... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It's been a long time miss you... 💖💖💖



Amelia Gora miss you too...changed my phone and will try to get your number back...was thinking about you too!


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Tane Inciong
Kamehameha IV proclaimed December 25th as Thanksgiving Day in the Hawaiian Kingdom. For Christians it was Christmas and celebrated according to their church teachings. Diplomatically, non-Christians could celebrate however they chose to fit in with their beliefs and customs of that period.
Whatever, it was a day of thanksgiving for whatever reason but the entire nation celebrated on the same day in unity.
December 30th was the day Nah’ena’ena passed away and in grieving, Kamehameha III, thereafter proclaimed that day as Hawaiian Kingdom National Memorial Day. It was a time to pay tribute to loved ones and famous people in Hawaiian history that are beloved by the people.
Whether it’s Christmas for Christians or mythical Santa Claus or “pagan” rituals; celebrate it as Hawaiian Kingdom subjects. Likewise our Kingdom Memorial Day should be celebrated as we prepare for new year ‘s day.
Enjoy a safe holiday season; Lonoikamakahiki!


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KSBE/Bishop Estates are documented Conspirators, Frauds, etc. Rents are due to the real land owners......the Royal Families.....Legal Notice
Vol VII No. 734 Wednesday Weekly December 19, 2018 ...
Vol VII No. 734 Wednesday Weekly December 19, 2018 ...

*********************** Legal Notice *********************************
The PIRATES HIEARCHY - View from Hawaii - by One of Kamehameha's descendants Amelia Gora (2018), Evidence Compiled which includes the above articles, and more.....
Updated 12/19/2018 which shows why the Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Charles Reed Bishop/KSBE owns NOTHING.
Note: all who purchased lands from the conspirators purchased from the wrong people who are NOT the land owners, are NOT the alodio land owners but documented PIRATES, Pillagers/Frauds/ Corrupt individuals who did conspire against our Royal Families. Rents are due, it is advised that you obtain your monies back by contacting the fraudulent people and the title companies.
Amelia Gora is also one of the Representatives of the Royal Families.
Watch for the Legal Notices conveyed to U.S. President Trump, the Secretary of State, et. als.
*****************************Legal Notice************************************ Reference:
See More
Vol VII No. 734 Wednesday Weekly December 19, 2018 ...
Share far and wide to families and friends...………….mahalo
Around 20 other studies show similar conclusions regarding the anticancer properties of ginger. In short, ginger seems to prevent canc...
Around 20 other studies show similar conclusions regarding the anticancer properties of ginger. In short, ginger seems to prevent canc...
Healani Sonoda-Pale
For those of you who want a summary in layman’s terms of what was legally and ethically wrong with the Hawai’i State Supreme Court decision on the lease for the Thirty Meter Telescope atop Mauna Kea read this article by EarthJustice. Yes it seems that the decision was a political one not following the rule of law - a decision that diluted protections for Kanaka rights, and conservation and public lands. Stand with us on January 16, 2018 at the Hawai’i State Capitol to correct this Hewa. #AlohaMaunaKea #AlohaAinaMaukatoMakai
1. The opinion inserted two footnotes that dropped legal bombshells: one suggesting that Native Hawaiians must bear the burden to prove their rights, exactly opposite to settled precedent that developers and agencies bear the burden to justify any harm to Native Hawaiian rights; and the other endorsing a false and offensive distinction between “contemporary” (read: fake) and “traditional” (read: real) Hawaiian practices.
2. The opinion also included language suggesting that agencies could limit their analysis of impacts to just the specific project footprint, while disregarding broader harms.
3. Finally, the opinion offered a cursory analysis of the public trust doctrine, a bedrock constitutional principle that protects all natural resources for present and future generations. Instead of following the precedent in the landmark Waiāhole case, the majority applied its own diluted interpretation suggesting, for example, that community benefit payments could fulfill the public trust.

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