Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Vol VII No. 736 - Promoting Health With David Klein and the Physicians Coalition

David Klein updated the description.
The Physicians Coalition for Responsible Agriculture on Maui is a coalition of health-minded medical doctors and all allied health professionals and citizens of the world supporting healthful, non-toxic, non-GMO, non-experimental, organic, permaculture agriculture on the Hawaiian island of Maui. Please join us in recruiting new members and supporting our causes of stopping agro-chemical experimentation without informed individual consent and of promoting healthful agriculture... practices on Maui. Please watch Dr. Pang's video, Ethical Violations of Pesticide Use In Hawaii on Experimental GM Fields, for more information: https://youtu.be/ckf9XUbLiIE. Also please read A Case of Illegal Agro-chemical Experimentation Without Informed Individual Consent on Maui and Molokai by Lorrin Pang, M.D., M.P.H. and David Klein, Ph.D.

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Aurelia Skip was called "a darling of corporate special interests" by Western Values Project Executive Director Chris Saeger.
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US Senator Brian Schatz introduced a bill last Monday to ban chlorpyrifos, a dangerous pesticide that is particularly harmful to children.
Is this where we are heading?
Never mind the insect apocalypse, here comes the pesticide-resistant…
Jeffrey Turnbull Effing egghead imbalanced megalomaniac "scientists" pretend they can create a system better than the original provision of Nature divine?!
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Forests are the most powerful and efficient carbon-capture system on the planet
Authorization of pesticides for market release requires toxicity testing on animals, typically performed by test laboratories on contract with the pesticide producer. The latter provides the results and summary to the regulatory authorities. For the commonly used pesticide chlorpyrifos, an industry-...
Robin Rose The recent study illustrating how mercury tox’d we are in Hawaii (study panPacific) -And then I found an article verifying my sense that negative synergy between mercury and pesticides offers additive risk - looking for other docs to dialog this - my interest in early moderate ckd leaves me thinking the pandemic of kidney will mushroom in this toxic soup - anyone looking thinking about this?? (I’m on Molokai)
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Organic food sales in the U.S. doubled over the last decade, but organic…
ABC Australia presented "The Monsanto Papers" in early October 2018.
Here is that Australian broadcasted video.
Remember the term 'Farmers Lymphoma'.
Lymp...homa cancer has become common among farmers in Australia that use Roundup/Glyphosate. They believed Monsanto's claim that 'Roundup is safe'.

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The secret tactics used by global chemical giant Monsanto, to protect…
All turkeys that are 'factory farmed turkeys' eat GMO grain.
GMO grain contains Glyphosate herbicide residues. Monsanto still holds the patent for Glyphosat...e as an antibiotic. Glyphosate antibiotic kills off all of the turkey's gut bacteria EXCEPT Salmonella and E.coli., which are allowed to grow. This also happens with factory farmed pigs and cows. Right now we are having an issue with Salmonella in raw turkey meat.
When the birds are slaughtered the contents of their guts are contaminating their flesh. That is where the issue with Salmonella is coming from. You can counter this contamination by cooking your bird thoroughly. Steady, moderate heat such as you use for roasting will destroy Salmonella. But what about the ractopamine that is fed to factory farmed turkeys? Cooking does not alter ractopamine's chemical composition.
Ractopamine is banned from food production in at least 160 countries around the world but it was fed to that factory farmed Thanksgiving Turkey you will eat on Thursday.
Be aware that a rapid heart beat (tachycardia) can result from eating animal flesh that contains ractopamine.
..." Hormones may not be used in turkey production but ractopamine, the asthma-like growth enhancer used to quickly add muscle weight to factory farm turkeys is. Banned in 160 countries and widely viewed as dangerous to animals and humans, ractopamine was approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for use in turkey in 2009, under the brand name Topmax. It has never been labeled.
How dangerous is Topmax? This is what its label says: “NOT FOR HUMAN USE. Warning. The active ingredient in Topmax, ractopamine hydrochloride, is a beta-adrenergic agonist. Individuals with cardiovascular disease should exercise special caution to avoid exposure. Not for use in humans. Keep out of the reach of children... When mixing and handling Topmax, use protective clothing, impervious gloves, protective eye wear, and a NIOSH-approved dust mask. Operators should wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling.” There’s even an 800 number for emergencies.
Monkeys fed ractopamine in a Canadian study "developed daily tachycardia" (rapid heartbeat). Rats fed ractopamine developed a constellation of birth defects like cleft palate, protruding tongue, short limbs, missing digits, open eyelids and enlarged hearts.
In its new drug application (no longer on the FDA website), Elanco, ractopamine’s manufacturer, admitted that ractopamine produced “alterations” in turkey meat such as a “mononuclear cell infiltrate and myofiber degeneration,” “an increase in the incidence of cysts” and differences, some “significant,” in the weight of organs like hearts, kidneys and livers. "...
Click on the photo below to read the entire, extremely informative article on factory farmed Thanksgiving Turkeys.
News story for today is another big meat recall for both e Coli and Salmonella in the meat, this time it is beef. Cows are just as affected by eating GMO grain as are turkeys.

Monsanto's patent for Glyphosate as an antibiotic. Destroys your gut bacteria through their Shikimate Pathway. Does the same with farm animals we raise for food that eat GMO grain.
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As Turkey Day approaches, animal lovers cringe, food safety…
In a post by Stephanie Seneff (Battle Against Bayer 11/20/18) she reminds us that Glyphosate, which kills both plants and our gut bacteria through the Shikimate... Pathway ( present in both plants and bacteria) plays a role in the violence we are all witnessing today in the United States.
"Serotonin is derived from tryptophan, which is a product of the shikimate pathway, which is the key pathway that glyphosate disrupts to kill the weeds. Our gut microbes use this pathway to make tryptophan, which then supplies us with serotonin. I bet people who are chronically exposed to glyphosate (almost everybody in the US) have a serotonin deficiency problem, among many other problems. Serotonin deficiency is linked to both obesity and violent behavior. "
MY COMMENT: It's the Glyphosate herbicide residues in GMO food and Glyphosate in non-GMO food (cane sugar, oats, some wheat, dried nuts and other dried foods) sprayed with Roundup/Glyphosate at harvest, that is causing many people to be emotionally depressed, over weight plus some go as far as being just plain crazy nuts.
It's the food.
Click on photo below to read the informative article on tryptophan in Psychology Today.

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An amino acid that brings feelings of calm, relaxation, and sleepiness.
Originally published on November 21, 2018.
Our hero Jeffrey Smith (The Institute for Responsible Technology) reports in this video from Japan with the late...st information in our fight against toxic GMO foods and non-GMO foods sprayed with Roundup/Glyphosate. Remember that non-GMO sugar cane, oats and some wheat are sprayed with Roundup/Glyphosate at harvest time to kill these non-GMO crops which dries them out for a quicker harvest. This action puts toxic Glyphosate herbicide in those food products.
In this video filmed in Japan, Jeffrey does ask for a donation to fund The Institute for Responsible Technology to help spread the word around our planet about Roundup/Glyphosate and what it is doing to all of us, in many cases without our knowledge and without our consent.
I know that Jeffrey Smith has been working to inform all of us about Roundup/Glyphosate for over 20 years.
I know from my own experience that Roundup/Glyphosate has been in the market place here in California since April 1994, that is 24 years.
It should be no wonder WHY so many of us are ill today. Some of us with terminal diseases because of the added body burden we are suffering with a toxic herbicide in our food system.
Add to that body burden all of the Roundup/Glyphosate that is sprayed in our environment to control weeds that exposes many more of us to an even greater dose of this toxic herbicide.
'The Institute for Responsible Technology' is an anti-GMO, anti-Roundup/Glyphosate group that is well worth a donation.
Click on photo to watch video.
..." In addition to its use as an herbicide, glyphosate is also used for crop desiccation (siccation) to increase harvest yield,[8] and as a result of desiccation, to increase sucrose concentration in sugarcane before harvest.[50] The application of glyphosate just before harvest on grains (like wheat, barley, and oats) kills the food crop so that it dries more quickly and evenly, similar to the use of dessicants.[51] This dry crop does not have to be windrowed (swathed and dried) prior to harvest but can easily be straight cut and harvested. This saves the farmer time and money, which is important in northern regions where the growing season is short.[52][53] Excess residue levels in beans resulting from incorrect application can render the crop unfit for sale.[54]
In 2003, Monsanto patented the use of glyphosate as an antiparasitic,[55] and in 2017 they marketed a Roundup formulation without glyphosate as a lawn herbicide.[56]
Genetically modified crops[edit]
Main articles: Genetically modified crops, Genetically modified organism, Genetically modified food, and Genetically modified food controversies
Some micro-organisms have a version of 5-enolpyruvoyl-shikimate-3-phosphate synthetase (EPSPS) resistant to glyphosate inhibition. A version of the enzyme that was both resistant to glyphosate and that was still efficient enough to drive adequate plant growth was identified by Monsanto scientists after much trial and error in an Agrobacterium strain called CP4, which was found surviving in a waste-fed column at a glyphosate production facility.[44][57][58]:56 This CP4 EPSPS gene was cloned and transfected into soybeans. In 1996, genetically modified soybeans were made commercially available.[59] Current glyphosate-resistant crops include soy, maize (corn), canola, alfalfa, sugar beets, and cotton, with wheat still under development.
In 2015, 89% of corn, 94% of soybeans, and 89% of cotton produced in the United States were genetically modified to be herbicide-tolerant.[60][clarification needed] "...

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We stopped consuming pork back in 2007 and we are glad we made that decision. All of the pork in a U.S. supermarket today (2018) is CAFO pork.
Regulations put... in placed by the U.S. Government are to blame for this situation.
We didn't know about Ractopamine fed to pigs or any other food animal back ten years ago. Ractopamine is administered to other food animals kept in CAFO's, not just to pigs. Many people that became ill from eating CAFO meat (loaded with GMO's and Ractopamine) have switched to being Vegans in order to regain their health.
CAFO's are fenced in spaces located in wide open spaces filled with cattle that are being raised for food, and frequented by wild deer. We knew in the past that mass produced beef in 'feed lots' those same feed lots we later came to know as CAFO's were the same animals that carried the disease called 'Mad Cow' Disease (a prion disease, a prion is a form of protein) and we knew from Internet reports that wild deer were also being infected with what we called 'Mad Cow'.
As it turned out, infected wild deer were feeding on the same GMO grain being fed to the cows in the CAFO feed lots.
Has there ever been a case of 'Mad Swine' ? How would we know if pigs had gone 'mad' when the animals (pigs) are kept in 'coffin' like structures where they cannot move about?

We learned the name for 'Mad Cow' was 'Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy'.
We didn't know that CAFO's, where GMO grain was fed to the captive animals, could be populated by chickens, turkeys or pigs, as well as by cows, and we sure didn't know that toxic GMO grain was fed to the animals kept in CAFO's. Way back when, we didn't even know about GMO grains or that they were toxic.
In time we learned about the brain disease called 'Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease', which affects human beings the same as 'Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy' affects cattle and deer. In deer this disease is called 'Chronic Wasting Disease' (CWD). CWD was discovered in 1967.
This same prion disease causes dementia in human beings, and today we call this dementia, Alzheimer's Disease. Alzheimer's Disease is the number one, surpasses cancer, costing disease that Medicare pays for. Yes, we pay the bills for a disease that is caused by BIG corporations so the BIG corporations can continue to make lots of money, and we, the public, suffer.
While the article I posted was written in 2012 the information contained within the article is exactly the same today as it was when the article was originally published. CAFO's have not changed.
Click on piggy's face to read the story about CAFO's.
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More and more of the meat you buy in the supermarket is produced in meat factories, a.k.a. CAFOs. Hold your nose and have a look, then think hard about that next hot dog.
#StopSoilPollution is at the heart of the Global Soil Partnership’s mandate as demonstrated by the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution. We work to ensure that people have safe and nutritious food to ensure active and healthy life without endangering essential ecosystems services.
Contact your Congress members. Let them know that legislation that…
Roundup Cancer Study – Published Research Lymphoma Link Confirmed…
Thank you Jeffery Smith for making this informative video.
Thank you Esther Miller Grondahl for posting this video of our hero Brent Wisner.
…" In this video excerpt, Brent Wisner talks about Monsanto’s strategy called, “let nothing go.”
Are you familiar with it?
Get the inside scoop on Monsanto’s strategic, purposeful programs to discredit the scientists and eliminate the evidence that proves the dangers of Roundup. http://bit.ly/monsantotrials "....
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Institute for Responsible Technology
In this video excerpt, Brent Wisner talks about Monsanto’s strategy called, “let nothing go.”
Are you familiar with it?
Get the inside scoop on Monsanto’s stra...tegic, purposeful programs to discredit the scientists and eliminate the evidence that proves the dangers of Roundup. http://bit.ly/monsantotrials
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Carol Garnier Dutra
Being half Irish, I claim the lowly potato as my favorite vegetable. It does upset me that GMO technology has taken on our healthy potatoes and is doing it's ...best to turn our mainstay vegetable into a weapon to destroy our health, destroy our very being.
You need to become aware of what is going on with our potatoes before you take your next trip to your local grocery store.
The only way to combat this assault against our very being is to buy only USDA ORGANIC POTATOES. And please tell your friends what is going on here.
Even the scientists, who developed these potatoes for the 'Simplot' company, Dr. Caius Rommens, is warning people to not eat them. Does that tell you something?
Article from 2014 on the GE (Genetically Engineered) Simplot potato being toxic.

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CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease, and the resulting dialysis treatments to keep patients alive) is a major issue here in California, not just in places that we ofte...n consider to be 'third World countries' like Siri Lanka where this disease has claimed the lives of over 25,000 otherwise healthy young male agricultural workers.
Right now, on our ballot in Central California, U.S.A., we have to vote on wither or not to allow facilities that service CKD patients the right to charge their patients what ever they want to charge for their services. As most of us know, who read the news on the destruction that Roundup/Glyphosate has done to all of us, Glyphosate in our food and water (it is a metal chelator) plays a major role in the destruction of the human kidney causing CKD.
Do you understand what is happening here in a major agricultural center (California) in our own country?
We are all in very 'deep trouble', and the sooner people 'wake up' the sooner we will be able to dig ourselves out of this horrible mess we are all in.
More dialysis treatment centers are being built to accommodate the ill. Because both CKD and cancer are big business today, more centers are being built to accommodate the ill in Central California. How soon will it be the same where you live? Link to our California election is here. It is proposition 8. Click on photo to read story on Siri Lanka and their battle.

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Professor Channa Sudath Jayasumana from Rajarata University announced earlier this week that a group of farmer organizations, researchers, patients and
Carol Garnier Dutra
..." Statement on behalf of Baum Hedlund & The Miller Firm:
Although we believe a reduction in punitive damages was unwarranted and we are weighing the options,... we are pleased the Court did not disturb the verdict. The evidence presented to this jury was, quite frankly, overwhelming. And, as we saw in recent days, this jury was intelligent, diligent, and followed the letter of the law. We are happy the jury’s voice was acknowledged by the Court, even if slightly muted. We are still reviewing whether we will accept the proposed remittitur or retry the punitive damages. That said, today is a triumph for our legal system. We care deeply for Lee and his family, and we are excited to share this important win with them and all those who supported this case. "...
Click on baumhedlundlaw link below to read the entire article PLUS much more on this case.
There are thousands of cases like this one that will be reported on in the near future. Thousands upon thousands of dollars will be paid out to the Glyphosate cancer victims.
I am looking forward to the day when breast cancer lawsuits hit the courts. Glyphosate is an endocrine disruptor in very small doses, which interrupts hormonal activity. It has been proven that Glyphosate promotes breast cancer through endocrine disruption.
And how about the high rate of gut related cancers we are seeing today?


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