Hawaiian Kingdom and Royal Families Legal Notice 2019-0520: Opposition to fuel tanks in Halawa, Oahu, Hawaii, and Rents Due for Land Use, Water, etc.from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, etc.
U.S. President Donald Trump
Secretary of State
U.S. Military/U.S.Navy/U.S. Army et. als.
Governor David Ige
Board of Water Supply
All Subjects, Citizens in the Hawaiian Islands
Hawaiian Kingdom and Royal Families Legal Notice 2019-0520: Opposition to fuel tanks in Halawa, Oahu, Hawaii, and Rents Due for Land Use, Water, etc.from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, etc.
Opposition to fuel tanks in Halawa, Oahu, Hawaii documented for the records. I, Amelia Gora, am a Representative of our Royal Families, descendant of Grace Kamaikui, and Mataio Kekuanaoa, the owners of the Halawa Ahupuaa, which make up 8,712 acres, hereby inform the U.S. Military, and the entity State of Hawaii, to remove the Fuel Tanks from our Private Properties effective immediately.
John Young/Olohana a counselor of Kamehameha had Grace Kamaikui (and siblings) who married Isaac Davis and had Hueu, Kale, and Peke Davis. I, Amelia Gora descend from both Hueu and Peke Davis. Grace Kamaikui married Dr. TCB Rooke who adopted Emma/Queen Emma. In the Will of Grace Kamaikui, directions shows that Emma/Queen Emma would not inherit lands if she did not have children and the lands would go to her father's Family. Her Father John Young/Olohana had adopted her three (3) children who were also adopted by Kamehameha, and Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.
Emma/Queen Emma did have a child with Kamehameha IV -Alexander Liholiho who died before Grace Kamaikui made her will. Dr. TCB Rooke died before Grace Kamaikui who died in 1866.
Emma/Queen Emma did have a child with Kamehameha IV -Alexander Liholiho who died before Grace Kamaikui made her will. Dr. TCB Rooke died before Grace Kamaikui who died in 1866.
Other family members were Grace Kamaikui's siblings: Kekelaokalani/Fanny Kekela; Keoniana/John Young Jr.; Lahilahi/Gina Lahilahi; adopted by her father: Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis. Because Kamehameha adopted the three children, their siblings/stepsiblings were all of Kamehameha's children/stepchildren which included Kalaniopuu's, and Kaumualii's children/stepchildren also.
Mataio Kekuanaoa, father of Paalua, Ruth Keelikolani, Moses Kekuaiwa, Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV, David Kamehameha, Victoria Kamamalu, hanai/ adopted: Bernice Pauahi Bishop, stepchildren: John Kapena, Sam Kapena, and Umiokalani (female) owned a portion of the Halawa Ahupuaa.
Mataio Kekuanaoa also married Pauahi who was one of the seven wives of Kamehameha II - Liholiho who was also the stepfather of all of Kamehameha's children/stepchildren/ hanai - adopted children which included Kalaniopuu's, and Kaumualii's children/stepchildren also.
I, Amelia Gora descend from Paalua, John Kapena, Kalaniopuu's four (4) children, Kamehameha's four (4) children, two (2) of his hanai/adopted children - Hueu Davis, and Peke Davis, and Kaumualii's children named Kinoiki (female) and Haupu/Kahekili.
I, Amelia Gora, one of the Representatives of our Royal Families hereby maintain that we are the Private Property owners of the Halawa Ahupuaa located on Oahu and demand that the U.S. Military, and the entity State of Hawaii, remove the Fuel Tanks from our Private Properties immediately.
Rents amounting to $200,000,000 per month are also added for the use of our private properties which includes Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor Treaty was signed by King David Kalakaua who was not authorized to engage in a move allowing the U.S. to use Private Properties of our Royal Families who are direct descendants of Grace Kamaikui, and Mataio Kekuanaoa.
The removal of the tanks filled with jet fuel, etc., cleanup, etc. and rents are due in two (2) weeks or by June 3, 2019.
The health and safety of water tainted and flowing on our Private Properties is an important matter which affects all utilizing our water on Oahu.
Your expected cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
Storage of your fuel is not welcomed on our Private Properties.
Amelia Gora, a Royal person, One of our Royal Families Representatives, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal Judge, Supreme Court Judge, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative, Konohiki, Land owner, and Landlord - Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago/ Hawaiian Islands/Sandwich Islands/ Hawaii
US Military Fuel Tanks Threaten Aquifer In Hawaii | Zero Hedge
When 1.5 million gallons of fuel spilled from the site in 2006, the U.S. Navy was decided to replace the tanks. Question of When, Not If For us on Oahu, the bottom line is that when —not if —the massive jet fuel storage tanks leak into the aquifer of Honolulu, city, …-
https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-10/documents/rh-public_meeting...Presentation developed and presented by EPA and Hawaii Department of Health for the October 6, 2016 Public Information Meeting at the Moanalua Middle School in Honolulu. Keywords Oahu, Honolulu, bulk fuel storage, groundwater, drinking water, contamination, Tasks, EPA DKT NO.
https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2017-12/documents/red_hill_update_fact...Status Update: Red Hill Underground Fuel Storage Facility. Implementation of the Administrative Order on Consent Agreement (AOC) between the Navy and Defense Logistics Agency, the Hawaii Department of Health, and U.S. EPA for Environmental Investigation, Cleanup and Environmental Performance. Typical tank construction. HIGHLIGHTS
Images of fuel tanks in halawa oahu status
bing.com/imagesRed Hill 'hides' WWII engineering wonder | The Honolulu ...
Jun 13, 2007 · Each tank has a 300,000-barrel capacity, and all 20 can hold 252 million gallons of fuel. Hawai'i's gasoline consumption in 2004 was 460 million gallons. Today, with few major alterations, all but a couple of the steel-lined tanks contain diesel and JP-5 or JP-8 jet fuel, and still directly feed Hotel Pier by gravity at Pearl Harbor.Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility 2016 Updates - Board ...
Dec 27, 2016 · MAY 12, 2016 - In its May 2016 issue, Hawaii Business magazine reported on the lingering concerns stemming from the U.S. Navy's Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, where there was an accidental release of at least 27,000 gallons of jet fuel from one of the underground tanks.Red Hill Underground Fuel Storage Facility - Wikipedia
Unlike any other facility in the United States, Red Hill can store up to 250 million gallons of fuel. It consists of 20 steel-lined underground storage tanks (USTs) encased in concrete, and built into cavities that were mined inside of Red Hill. Each tank has a storage capacity of approximately 12.5 million gallons.Groundwater Modeling Services for Risk ... - wrrc.hawaii.edu
The US Navy’s bulk fuel storage facility at Red Hill is located in the ridge between south Halawa Valley and Moanalua Valley on the island of Oahu. The facility was constructed in the early 1940’s and consists of 20 buried steel tanks each with a capacity of about 12.5 million gallons.Star Advertiser: Red Hill fuel tanks need swift remedy ...
Jun 01, 2017 · The BWS estimates that structural failure could sink more than 1 million gallons of fuel into groundwater and potentially several million gallons into Halawa Stream and Pearl Harbor. The semi-autonomous agency that manages Oahu’s municipal water resources wants the Navy to double-line tanks or relocate them away from the aquifer.-
health.hawaii.gov/epo/files/2013/09/Red-Hill-Informational-Mtg-HEF-7.15.14.pdfJul 15, 2014 · Tank No. 5 Halawa Stream Navy Drinking Water wells Red Hill Elementary Halawa Correctional Facility. Aloha Tower will fit into each of the 20 Red Hill Storage Tank Each tank can hold 12.6 Million Gallons of fuel The Tanks were constructed inside of Red Hill from 1940 to 1943. Lower Access Tunnel (Connects all tanks)
EXCLUSIVE: 5 million gallon oil plume beneath Pearl Harbor
https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/30060416/exclusive-5-m-gallon-oil-plume-beneath...For decades, leaks from Pearl Harbor's fuel tanks have been collecting beneath the area near the naval base's Halawa gate.Hawaii News Now has obtained records issued by the Navy that indicate that ...Oahu | Hawaii News and Island Information | Page 8
In his most recent letter to stakeholders, Rear Adm. John Fuller, commander, Navy Region Hawaii, said, “To address fuel tank integrity, the Navy employs a continuing process that monitors the tanks with testing and inspections and sustains them with planned preventative as …
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