Saturday, November 11, 2017

Vol VI No. 676 Part 1cc

Federal recognition vrs Hawaiian Independence
Pella Libertas was live.
Fed Rec Debate 11/10/16
Window to Wisdom
"......make time to help others......."
Kainoa Bugado uploaded a file in the group: 'A'ole DOI.
reconstitute a tribe or other sovereign entity that has ceased to exist as a polity in the past. Tribes are “recognized,” not created or reconstituted."
Just posted on Aljazeera:
The people /kanaka maoli remain under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation since the criminal dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani who was wrongfully dethroned in 1893. Do you know that the United States actively engage in psyops in many other nations....Hawaii included/the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii ....let us start with the missionaries who were really mercenaries after Kamehameha died in 1819...then add the American Consulate spies Charles Reed Bishop, William Lee....then add the American Civil War Generals who were on assignment after 1865 included CC Harris et. als......they were all operatives engaged in criminally assuming our lands, assets, resources.... then add son of a bitch S.B. Dole/Sanford B. Dole who began the indoctrination /lies claiming that Kamehameha V was the last of the Kamehameha's which was perpetuated by a concerted effort of treasonous people who were Americans operating as subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom.....They all belonged to the Masons/Freemasons who defend the One World Order since the 1822 Secret Treaty of Verona with moves to break down monarchical/monarchy governments worldwide. These people fear Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy governments because of greed, etc. Wars were started over the decimation of Monarchy governments, into the Hawaiian Kingdom, and continues today in the Middle East, etc. The documented culprits are those who signed into the 1822 Secret Treaty... and recently Russia bowed out from that conspirator, terrorist entity....manned mainly by the U.S., England, and the bankers - includes JP Morgan and the World Bank (see Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, and Alana Fleischmann, whistleblowers who stated that the U.S. Constitution was changed by the bankers and made the people slaves in 1871). The Hawaiian Kingdom remains a nation because the Royal Families exists with stories of evils, including beheadings of 800 Hawaiians, the cutting out/pulling out of tongues for those who spoke. Kamehameha III's heirs and successors exists from his own children, his stepchildren, and adopted children. There are 34+ lines which equates to many owners of the Crown Lands because we found the deeds showing that it was for himself, his heirs and successors ....exclusively. The 1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the U.S.A. (not the U.S. and the American Empire which became a substitute of the U.S.A. apparently resulted from the 1871 secret bankers Constitution but is recorded in a case in Hawaii in the year 1899 (Peacock case)). The true Crown Land owners are Kamehameha III's families also known as the Royal Families and we can prosecute pirates, pillagers, treasonous persons under Article XIV according to the date 556 have been dispossessed. see for more information...The U.S. , illegal State /foreigners owns Nothing in the Hawaiian Islands and are illegally collecting taxes...we are surrounded by pirates, criminals, deviants, thieves, scoundrels who are now being challenged by facts, issues, Rule of Laws from our ongoing neutral, friendly, non- violent nation since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli. The Royal Families exists supporting all non treasonous kanaka maoli claims to their alodio/alodial lands......the Pirates have been caught in our candy store and all in the World is watching.....aloha.
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Romualda Estoy very good infos.
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November 10, 2015 at 9:21am
Amelia Gora oops,.error,.all in the world Are watching ...e kala mai 
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ReplyNovember 10, 2015 at 9:31am

From: Walter Ritte
Subject: 2017 Status of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Its Alignment with Hawaiian Communities.
What has become apparent is the fact that Hawaiian communities throughout the Islands have
become much more informed of the status of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the implications regarding the illegal overthrow of the Kingdom by the United States of America, and the violation of every principle of international law upon which the world order of governments is grounded. And yes, much more of our people are aware that the Hawaiian Kingdom was the first non-European country accepted into the family of nations by Great Britain, France and the US, and the fact that the Hawaiian Kingdom had the honor of welcoming Japan into the family of nations in the same way.
It is also widely known that given the opportunity and legal strategy to dispute the legality of the US in the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, the Acting Government of the Kingdom has achieved shocking success in its case before the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA).
As the oldest international judicial institution in the world, the PCA’s decision in the Larsen Case determined that the US is in fact a war criminal and an illegal occupier of the Hawaiian Islands. While the findings of the Larsen case cannot be imposed or legally enforced upon the US by the PCA, it does provide a legal wedge, used in a range of international venues that exposes the hypocrisy of US as it seeks to continue the charade of being the world's leading advocate of international law and justice.
The Larsen Case proves that the US has lied to the world and its US citizens for more than a
century. This is core to the deceit that has been imposed upon Hawaiian communities for generations. 1t is the same US that lies to itself in conducting day-to-day business of its own government.
PCA’s South China Sea case brought by the Philippines government against China’s illegal occupation of Philippine Island Reefs is comparable and not unlike the Larsen case. In this legal circumstance, the US and China are both in violation of international law. The US completely disregards its broken laws, which has undermined our culture and way of life for generations.
It is indisputable that the Permanent Court of Arbitration has fully recognized the necessity of the Acting Government of the Kingdom, and the fact that it is responsible ultimately for the
restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom government. As a consequence, it therefore follows that the US is legally and financially accountable for the totality of damages imposed on Hawaiian citizens for generations. Once these legal consequences of the US are clearly understood by the more than forty or so other nations whose treaties with the Hawaiian Kingdom continue to be effective and valid - the US will be compelled to follow its laws and the laws of the international community.
In keeping with the Permanent Court of Arbitration, this is what the International Commission of Inquiry (ICI) is currently undertaking, under the leadership of the Acting Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Relevance to OHA and the Aliʻi Trusts
With this brief background, and circumstances that many of us as former and current Trustees have witnessed, I recall OHA trustee, Oz Stender, strongly reacting to the notion of a restored Hawaiian Kingdom with the words, “so what”. For someone approaching his 90th birthday, his reaction may have been appropriate and understandable. But for many others whose birthdates are in the 21st century and now are attending Kamehameha Schools or one of the many Punana Leo schools throughout the Islands, the status quo of Hawaii continuing as the 50th State of the Union is no longer acceptable. Time, in this regard, does not favor the Oz Stenders of our Islands. As we all know, for those who have promoted deceit and/or lies that have affected the lives of every Hawaiian family, community, church, school, and institution - all of which has been a systemic debasing of our language, culture, Island society and way of life – they must ultimately be held accountable.
Implications of Hawaii Party Politics That Have Directly Affected Hawaiian Families
From this perspective, what must be done, is the will and drive for justice and a more
meaningful future for our families and communities, which can only come with the restoration of our Kingdom. In this pursuit, however, we can no longer accept the self serving political
decisions imposed on our families, communities as well as our Aliʻi Trusts. The self interests over the course of generations, seeking to enhance the power of Hawaii’s Republican and Democratic Parties to the detriment of our people is unforgiveable. The blatant disregard by the Territorial and State of Hawaii governments, was simply driven by deceit, greed, and
power – all aimed to totally control and enhance the financial power, assets and political leverage to the ultimate detriment all the Aliʻi Trusts and its beneficiaries.
It is from this perspective, that we await the procedural and legal steps and advancements in the international courts, the United Nations and other such venues. It is with great anticipation that we will be able to bring our historical truth via the International Commission of Inquiry (ICI) as an extension of the Permanent Court of Arbitration to the world on January 17, 2018 in the Kanaina Building on the Iolani Palace Grounds.
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Reply16 hrs
Belle Kaiwi The continued dominance of lands, ali'i trust monies, political status still rest from the beginning of the occupier(s) Sanford B. Dole to his descendants. Not only this family but countless others.
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15 hrs
Michelle M. Winner Well written Walter!
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Reply14 hrs
Rose Darling Desecration of Iwi Kūpuna in KNOWN wahi kapu MUST STOP. No more rubber stamping permits in areas like the Maui Lani Project Development which is a known burial area where the sand dunes have been all but mined for construction purposes. Maui Lani Partner's claim that the Battle of Kakanilua did not take place in any of the 1000 feet of the 1000 acre Maui Lani development is insulting.
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9 hrsEdited
Rose Darling Mahalo Uncle Walter Ritte for sending this awesome letter!!
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8 hrs
Coral Rose Mr. Walter Ritte, may I please send you a paper I've written about Kanaloa-Kahoʻolawe in this context?
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Reply6 hrs
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Reply3 hrs
Rose Darling p.s. AWESOME PHOTO! The Kalo at the Palace... so profound... really moving and powerful... ua maika'i loa.
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1 hr
Shalee Kekawa Mahalo for this letter anakala Walter. We continue to Kū'e and stop the desecration of our culture and the lies that the U.S. Government has continued to spread. E ala e!
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Reply11 minsEdited

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