Saturday, November 11, 2017

Whistleblower's Information: Corruption In Hawaii Ongoing!

This is an example of the level of corruption here in Hawaii. This letter is coming from Anthony Troy Williams who tried to help people whose homes were stolen like ours was. This is his plea that if he turns up dead, in the Honolulu prison, it was not a suicide. This is s direct message for the thugs running the Hawaii AG's office that we are watching Anthony's case very closely as the independent media, so don't do anything stupid. Please share this far and wide to bring attention to this very serious matter.
"Dear News Reporter,
My mission is regarding the corruption that I have exposed in the judicial system, law enforcement agencies, banks and mortgage companies. I have been retaliated against for exposing this corruption and was almost murdered in 2013 in my cell at the direction of the Attorney General (AG) at that time in Hawaii who was David Louie. For the last 4 years I have been harassed, threatened to be killed by the FBI if I didn't stop doing what I was doing, and continuously charged with bogus charges to keep me unlawfully incarcerated. The FBI tried to have me imprisoned for life for rape and child molestation charges they knew were bogus but charged me anyway. First, they charged my 21-year-old son to hurt me by attacking my child. I got his case dismissed in 3 weeks and then they turned around and had me charged with the same charges. The FBI went so far as to fake my fingerprints to identify me as the one who committed the crime at my extradition hearing. The hearing was video recorded and uploaded to YouTube under FBI Hawaii Conspiracy Part 1 and FBI Hawaii Conspiracy Part 2. I was arrested on Sept. 13, 2013 in Honolulu, Hawaii and spent 3 months awaiting extradition back to Georgia to face the false rape and child molestation charges. While incarcerated at the Oahu Community Correction Center (OCCC), I was attacked 3 straight weeks at the direction of David Louie who was the AG of Hawaii at that time. The reason I know it was at his instruction was because 2 of the officers at OCCC who came to know me told me that the AG's office is the one who put the "hit" out on me because what I exposed about them not distributing the $71 Million-dollar settlement from the banks that were supposed to go to the homeowners but instead went to their office and the homeowners were paid a measly $300 - $400 dollars. On Oct. 9, 2013 while incarcerated at OCCC I was visited by 2 agents from the AG's office. This was on a Wednesday. After they came to see me I was attacked by inmates 3 straight weeks, all on Wednesdays. On Oct. 16, 2013 I was assaulted by 5 inmates. We were thrown in the hole for 5 days. When I came out the hole I was sent to dorm M11. On Oct. 23, 2013 while I was in my cell an inmate who I don't know came in my cell and said something to me in a foreign language and assaulted me. I was again thrown in the hole for fighting. I then received a letter from the warden which stated I would remain in the hole because "I was a threat to the security of the facility. I was placed on administrative segregation which is solitary confinement. I was not allowed to have any contact with any inmates and had to go to the rec yard by myself. On Oct. 30, 2013 while in solitary confinement, the other inmates were let out to go to the rec yard, my cell door then came open and I walked to the door and looked left and that's all I remember. I then woke up on my cell floor with my head busted open and I'm lying in a pool of blood with a medical team around me putting me on a stretcher and asking me what happened to me. I was rushed to Queen's Medical Center and had to have eleven (11) staples put in my head to close up the wound to my head. I still have a total memory loss of how I was assaulted but the jail cameras caught the incident and I was told that inmate Matthew Fassau was the one that assaulted me. I still haven't been told what I was hit with. The guard who was working that shift intentionally opened my cell door to allow me to be assaulted. The 2 officers told me that when I get out to either wear a bullet proof vest or just leave Hawaii because they felt that they would kill me if I stayed. I'm reaching out to you to let the American people know what really happened to me in the event they succeed in murdering me.
In the last year and a half, I have gone through 3 trials. The first was for the unlicensed practice of law which is a civil charge, but I was the only man every charged criminally in Florida for it. I represented myself and won the first trial when the jury came back with a 5 to 1 not guilty verdict and the judge unlawfully declared it a mistrial even after I objected. I was then tried again 24 days later and was not allowed to put in the same evidence and exhibits I placed in the first trial. One of the jurors told the bailiff she was afraid to be on the jury and wanted off the jury. She was a Caucasian lady whose name is Patrica Katz and when Judge Siegel brought her in by herself to question her about this, she confirmed that she was afraid and didn't want to be on the jury. I had the judge ask her did anyone threaten her, and she hesitated then said no. And then the judge asked her then you are ok to stay on the jury right and now she states that she is. She goes back to the jury room and I was convicted in less than 45 minutes. Obviously, someone threatened those jurors to issue a guilty verdict. I was sentenced to 6 months jail, 2 years community control and 22 1/2 years’ probation. I then was violated in 2 months for receiving a traffic ticket and sentenced to another year in jail. While serving that time and 2 weeks before I was due to be released I was charged with new charges of unlawful filing of documents and grand theft of a house! This stemmed from a foreclosure proceeding that I protected a client from being evicted by Bank of America. The client had been living in that house since 2008. I was charged with grand theft for filing documents that prevented the bank from kicking this family out on the streets. I represented myself and again was not allowed to put in evidence in my defense and was found guilty and sentenced this time to 15 years in the Florida State Penitentiary and 15 years of probation to follow. Three days after being sent to the Florida State Pen, I was picked up by the U.S. Marshals for an indictment out of Hawaii for mail fraud and wire fraud. I have been charged with 19 counts of mail fraud and 11 counts of wire fraud all stemming from me protecting homeowners from foreclosure. The government is falsely alleging that I misrepresented through the mail and wire what I could do for clients in which I've never misrepresented anything to any clients and never had any complaints from clients and have an A+ better business bureau rating. I demanded a speedy trial and was denied by the judge who gave the government a 6-month extension to take me to trial which violates my due process and speedy trial rights. They indicted me back in February 2017 and continue to hold me without bond in order to further harass and cause financial hardship for me and my family. If convicted of these bogus charges I face up to 30 years in federal prison for a crime that never happened. They have done everything to shut me up from exposing the corruption of the courts, banks and FBI.
I do apologize for the length of this letter, but this may be my only change to have the truth told before they kill me. I have no intentions of committing suicide because I have everything to live for, so if I am found dead in my cell and the jail reports that I committed suicide you will know that it's a lie and just a cover up. I want my family to know and they already know this, that I would never do anything to harm myself or kill myself. I am a man of faith and believe in Yahweh and Yahshua and I am mentally and spiritually strong and will continue to fight to expose this corruption and inform the American people what is going on and other their rights.
I have had other news reporters try to come visit me while I was in Florida and they were denied visitation with me. Please expose this corruption before they do something to kill me. If they do succeed, please don't let my death be in vain.
Sincerely yours
Anthony Williams
Private Attorney General
FDC Honolulu
P.O. Box 30080
Honolulu, Hawaii 96820"

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Debra Kekaualua saved shared, hmmmmmm this is kinda hectic shit, i know im feeling very similar to this writing, ESpecially cuz i kauaian and know these criminals well! takes one to know one RIGHT??? buahahahaha

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Yesterday at 7:31pm
Rene Powers Shared

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18 hrs
Judson Witham Bobby Harmon was a Good Man .... When He Died .... His Site was given to Me. RUN Bobby Harmon's Name and Corruption in Hawaii ....

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6 hrs

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6 hrs
Sherri KaneGroup Admin Willy Bouy Joy Stahley, I think you start reading this case. Interesting that it names Seabright and his relation to the corruption and preventing evidence to go to a Grand Jury.

Part 1 THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE U.S. TRUSTEE David C. Farmer , Successor Trustee vs. Bobby N. Harmon ...

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4 hrs

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4 hrs
Sherri KaneGroup Admin Comment about the banking system here is interesting.

Royal Tidings: Greg Wongham's Murder Appears to…

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4 hrs
Sherri KaneGroup Admin This whistleblower's Bobby Harmon, now deceased, was ordered to be taken down right before he mysteriously died.

COMING OUT OF THE WOODS Confessions of a WHISTLEBLOWER Sightings from The Catbird’s Nest…

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4 hrs
Sherri KaneGroup Admin Judson Witham. here is our story.

Attorney Paul J Sulla involved in Real Property Theft

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4 hrsEdited
Judson Witham Bobby's Wife was tired out from years of the struggle. Bob was old. I talkednto Him the last few Days He was alive. I think He just died of a broken heart. He fought for many years. His Widow made Me administator of the FaceBook Site. Hawaii is a Huge CIA and FBI / Mafia mess. Be very careful .... It's very real.

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3 hrs
Sherri KaneGroup Admin We know it all too well. How they allowed Sulla, a drug dealer to steal our million dollar home and we never got a trial is unreal. There are 2 cases going on right now in State Appeals Court and it has been over a year and instead of doing the right thing, the courts are trying to figure out how to further to screw us!

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