Thursday, November 30, 2017

Vol VI No. 679 Part 1b

Took day off work, got hearing aids checked and fixed per Triwest VA aapt. At 10 am. On our way to next Triwest appt with cardiologist at 1:30 pm Waimea. (Took 15 months to get VA Hawaii to refer to this specialist, and 6 weeks after referral for appt.) Recd written authorization of appt date and time and called for directions to find out Jack was a "no show" because his appt was at 9:15 am. VA referral specifically says 1:30pm but doc only works half day on Wed. 3 no shows, you're out of VA. Lillia from Triwest, a clerk is taking the fall for this, but most importantly, Jack is in heart failure, needs of a pacemaker and if he dies, his VA claim goes away. Are you seeing how this works? these are my notes because VA Sec Shulkin will hear about this. Just another way the Kannaka are run around and most don't know how to deal with it, so they don't.

Maria Taylor And for those who want socialized govt medicine, you are ignorant to the realities.
Tamara Wood So disgusting!!!! So sorry what is happening!
Maria Taylor Gathering evidence...every day, but they need to compensate and make things right for Jack.
Tamara Wood Keep being an advocate! He needs one!!!! You will have a special place in Heaven for all you do.....So will Jack for his suffering!
J Roselani Baricuatro-Kanīnau USA military & govt's great negligence of VA and non-white needy Veterans, is absolutely racist & deplorable.
Amelia Gora Howz about checking in with Queen's Hospital for services....think they could bill the VA for that portion of insurance....obtain a copy of the Queen's Hospital Incorporation documents at the Archives, obtain a certified copy and use it for services as so many kanaka maoli have done....Kamehameha IV is the permanent President... many kanaka maoli have the docs too..... fyi.........also check with Keola Mamo for kanaka maoli health benefits...the clinic was started by Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell and serves kanaka thinking that they too can send billings to the VA to be reimbursed for their services......they are located at the Dillingham Blvd site and have a Clinic at Kuakini Hospital offices... Contact: Queen's Hospital or Queen Emma Clinic phone number:

The Queen Emma Clinics is operated by The Queen's Medical Center in collaboration with the College of…
Maria Taylor Thank you Amelia. It's not an insurance issue. It's an "evidence of discrimination" issue. Jack is covered by 3 insurances. It's the V.A. that is exposing itself and the feds are going to be all over them, I hope and pray, soon, for the benefit of the rest of the people here. Jack is not a victim, he's a spear head and bull dozer. Complaining about stuff is one thing, actually providing evidence that requires action is another - I'm just anal enough to have saved it. We left for 10 years, he improved. We come back...same as before we left - which creates a pattern and practice as far as I know. Looking for a lawyer to file a Federal Tort Claim action, though, if you know of any.

Reply1 hr
Amelia Gora Maria Taylor Jack could be seen by the Clinics for his health issues....think you could talk with the Queen's Hospital social workers, etc. for Federal Tort Claims, etc. pertaining to the Veteran Agency......just seek his care and still pursue the VA issues...aloha.

Reply1 hr
Maria Taylor Thank you. I appreciate the advice.
Patrick Dempsey Wow, you can't make this up. They didn't even contact you about the "phony" appointment. Most doctors call to remind people of appointments.

Reply1 hr
Maria Taylor Well, they did call me. And I confirmed, but for 1:30. I rec'd a V.A. reminder via email for 1:30. We showed up for the 1:30 appt. This cardiologist treated a friend, who raved about him. But, the next appt. for this guy is January 13th or something like that. Ultimately, Tri-West referred another cardiologist on Oahu for 12/8.
Maria Taylor The funny thing is that Tri West also referred Jack to a hearing aid appt. today at 10 am. So, I asked them how they could have set up two appointments for the same time. The reply was that they don't see other appointments when they make appointments, i.e. they can't see if there is a conflict, so it is possible on Tri West's part that they double booked Jack's appointments (9:15 and 10:00). ???
Nadine Aquino I have it Maria Taylor call me
Nadine Aquino Ae pololei maikai

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Maria Taylor If push comes to shove, may need a connection to fly us out of here....again. Not letting them off the hook - and V.A. Office of Accountability is already looking into it. Because of their actions or inactions, I'm able to feed them evidence nearly daily.
Maria Taylor The truth is that dialysis patients are turned away from hospital stays. It's a money thing. When a veteran needs surgery or is sufficiently ill to require hospitalization, they are turned away. If Jack needed hospitalization, he'd have to choose between it or dialysis, not both. This is a horrible atrocity that few know about. This has to change!!!! I see a lot of Hawaiian programs doing nothing more than getting a lot of money and doing the very least for the people.

Hawaii Newspaper - Coverage and reports on news, sports, business, entertainment, and events

Reply1 hr
Melissa Leina'ala Haa Moniz This article is from 2008 since then there are several privately run kidney dialysis centers in Hawai‘i.
Melissa Leina'ala Haa Moniz We don’t need more facilities we need a cure
Maria Taylor Melissa Leina'ala Haa Moniz the 2nd is from 2017. I'm told some have ICU dialysis. Thankfully, Jack hasn't needed hosp. But we are told by Dr. Dawson that Queens doesn't have in patient dialysis in Kamuela,
Maria Taylor It's a cross-over with V.A. because Hawaii is so short of physicians that the VA is forced to refer to civilian physicians. When it does, the V.A. then becomes free of liability for any wrong doing by a civilian physician. The civilians are subject to the State's policies/practices re medical care even though it is via V.A. referral. In other words...they are all in bed together.

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Maria Taylor Hawaii doesn't like the "undesireables" such as the sick, the homeless, the drug addicted.

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Amelia Gora Maria Taylor Please contact Nadine Aquino for a copy of the docs.... if Jack is part of the John Young, Isaac Davis family..........he could also pursue his claims to being part of the family of Queen is a legitimate issue because the current administrators are based on the claims of Dr. TCB Rooke who adopted Queen Emma....the court of the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani gave the interest an lands to Rooke's nephew from England..... yep, lots of fraud in these islands.... but the legal documents exist... please contact Nadine Aquino....and obtain care for Jack soon.... the docs are superior claims and are legal....keep in touch too.... aloha.
Maria Taylor He claims he is a descendant of Queen Emma. I will call, Nadine Aquino, but maybe we should come down to speak in person. Jack's been a bit fatigued the last couple weeks and we've been staying close to home.
Nadine Aquino I have Uncle Jack genealogy


47 mins
Maria Taylor Nadine, will call this weekend. XO
Nadine Aquino Send me address I will mail it to u the Queen's charter
Melissa Leina'ala Haa Moniz Sorry you having so much trouble getting Jack medical help
Maria Taylor Trying my best to turn it around - as you know by persona experience.


Theresa Keohunani Taber
9 hrs
Cry me a river...
Hawaiians are divisive because SOME Hawaiians are making moves against the Lahui and they know it....
You either FOR or AGAINST... QUIT GreyLining Kanaka... no half kine kanaka, you either are or arenʻt, your kupuna either signed the Kuʻe or they didnʻt... whatʻs so hard to understand?
When you have an organization that is SWORN to uphold and yet they are DELIBERATELY, BOLDLY and PUBLICLY supporting and FUNDING Federal Recognition, incorporating their messages into Lahui workshops and marketing materials...
OHA needs to STOP FUNDING FEDERAL RECOGNITION with beneficiary funds and Pimping us and our IDENTITY and NATION without our CONSENT....
Yeah I going recognize you Hawaiian, but if you trying to tell me we gotta kumbaya because "THE MAN" and the world looking at how divisive us Kanaka are, ummm Iʻm NOT interested...I REFUSE to RELINQUISH my Identity or the legacy of my KUPUNA

Pikanini Pake I agree with Theresa. I think as heirs to all assets belonging to the Hawaiian Kingdom, we need to sue OHA for failure to uphold their fiduciary trust to the people, committing treason and continue to sleep with the state and federal to make us into a tribe. But, they forget the law of Nations says, as long as their is one of the kanaka standing on their RIGHTS, our Nation exist.

That brings the number to 79 now. NO suspects.... The CIA-MOSSAD/Big Pharma purge rolls on.
» Dr. Crespo, cancer researcher, found dead in NY’s Upper East Side hospital bathroomHealth Nut News
Kui Rodrigues
» Unintended Holistic Doctor Death Series: Now over…
Dee Thomas One thing for sure, us conspiracy theorists know that we would never f****** tell anyone what we know for fear of being found dead...poor trusting souls don't get what's happening
Pā’ia Development DEFERRED!!!
Mahalo everyone!!! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

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