Saturday, February 10, 2018

Assistant Konohiki's Update: Kalani Asam and David Krummel/Santa- and friend Orion

Kalani Asam is out of jail....appears to have been placed there by Mahealani Asing Kahau, her brother and Keline who changed the locks on the house they were in and assumed their clothing, personal goods including our other assistant Konohiki's personal items, trailer etc...... Dawn Wasson has steered clear from the what the heck's going on? Asam spent 3+ days in jail......habeas corpus papers were made including my documents and he's out.........suggest everyone keep an eye on kanaka maoli who are Not for our Assistant Konohiki's  - includes David Krummel/Santa - and friend Orion - who are assigned to Victoria Kamamalu's lands...........yes, our families are descendants/heirs of Mataio Kekuanaoa who was heir to Victoria Kamamalu and we have multiple ancestors coming from him.......and her hanai father was John Ii.....our ancestor Kapehe (w) was also a documented hanai as found in land testimonies.... meaning our tutu became the sibling of Victoria Kamamalu and Robert /Bobby Ebanez tutu.....we planned to do some projects just before he died.............this is an update...........also, Asam used Leocadia Hashimoto docs which is part of the quantum language used by Kahau, her brother and Keline....which means they are with David Wyn Miller? who is running with Henry Noa and claiming that he can write up land deeds? everyone...........we have Pirates acting as if they are for the Hawaiian people....aloha all..... Mahealani, her brother and Keline needs to return stolen goods... because the Waimano lands are under Victoria Kamamalu whose heir is Mataio Kekuanaoa and we are part of his family in many ways. Liber 19 pages 12 and Liber 19 pages 175..
Love her playful facial expressions...R.I.P. Nicole. LYRICS: It's…
Love her playful facial expressions...R.I.P. Nicole. LYRICS: It's…

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