Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Crown Lands, Government Lands, Alodio Lands Has Owners and It Is Not the Conspirators/Usurpers/Pirates Claiming Ceded Lands - Rule of Law


    Crown Lands, Government Lands, Alodio Lands Has Owners and It Is Not the Conspirators/Usurpers/Pirates Claiming Ceded Lands - Rule of Law

                                                          by Amelia Gora (2018)

Premeditation to take over our neutral, friendly, non-violent nation has been discovered which null and voids all claims made by those who claimed to transfer the Crown Lands to the United States in 1893.

The following transactions by the documented Conspirators/Usurpers/Pirates are hereby documented:

1884 - Bernice Pauahi Bishop died.  She was on Opium to rid pain from breast cancer.

The first Trustees were problematic, set everything up against our Alii, our people:

The first trustees

Charles Reed BishopCharles Reed Bishop (1884-1898)
Charles R. Bishop was born at Glens Falls, New York, on January 25, 1822. He was an orphan in his early years and went to live with his grandparents. At the age of fifteen, he took a position in a country store in a neighboring village. The next two years. he spent working on a farm and during the part of the time as a worker in a store in a larger town not far away. When he was 24 years old, he sailed from Newburyport, Massachusetts, around Cape Horn on the way to Oregon. The vessel made a stop in Honolulu. The trip having been an exceedingly stormy one, Mr. Bishop decided to remain in Honolulu for a period of months before proceeding on to Oregon. He made his way slowly and after some years formed a banking institution with Mr. W. A. Aldrich as his partner. This later became the bank of Bishop. Through his own character and institution, Mr. Bishop did much to aid the developing economic institutions of Hawaii. He had firm faith in the work that was being done in these islands and on number of occasions, he stood firmly when disaster of one kind or another threatened that work. In 1850, he married Bernice Pauahi Paki. From that time on, he played a very active part in the government of the islands. Mrs. Bishop died in 1884, leaving her estate for the establishment of schools for the advancement of education among the children of Hawaiian ancestry. Mr. Bishop became one of the first trustees of that estate and remained so until after he had moved to California where he made his home during the latter years of his life. The Friend, June 1948, pg.12)
He became a naturalized citizen of the Kingdom of Hawai'i in 1849 and was appointed Collector of Customs. The Bishops were dedicated to education. He provided leadership to the Board of Education under Kings Kamehameha V, Lunalilo and Kalakaua and it was his wife who founded the Kamehameha Schools. In addition to being a close friend and confidant of Hawaiian royalty, Bishop held many other court-appointed positions. After his wife's death, Bishop founded the Bernice P. Bishop Museum in her memory. The museum now has the largest collection of Hawaiian artifacts and is a world renowned museum and a mecca of knowledge for Polynesian history and antiquities. 

Charles Montague CookeCharles Montague Cooke (1884-1897)
Mr. Cooke was born in Honolulu on May 16, 1849, the second son of Amos Star Cooke, who was a member of the Eighth Company of missionaries. After completing his education, Mr. C. M. Cooke joined the firm of Castle & Cooke in Honolulu and worked there for a period of years. He then united with Mr. Robert Lewers to establish the firm of Lewers & Cooke. After years of active service to the territory both in business and in political life, Mr. Cooke left Honolulu in 1894 with the intention of making his home in California. However, four years later he returned to become President of the Bank of Hawaii and also of C. Brewer & Company. Mr. Cooke took great interest in some of the developing agricultural enterprises of Hawaii and lent his every effort both to their establishment and to their successful development. The Cooke library at Punahou School and the Aquarium building at Waikiki beach are tributes to his generosity and widespread interests. He died in 1909. The Friend, June 1948, pg.13)

Samuel Mills DamonSamuel Mills Damon (1884-1897,1898-1916)
Mr. M. Damon was born in Honolulu on March 13, 1845. He was the son of the Reverend S. C. Damon, who for many years was the pastor of the Bethel Church and was the founder of the FRIEND magazine. Mr. S. M. Damon showed rare ability in the field of business and finance and succeeded Mr. Charles R. Bishop when the latter left the islands for San Francisco but Mr. Damon is equally well known for his participation in public affairs. He was a member of the Privy Council of the Hawaiian Kingdom for a number of years and held important posts in government almost throughout his life. He represented the Hawaiian Kingdom at the court of London for the diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1897 and two years later, he went to Italy as a representative of his government. Mr. Damon died in 1924. The Friend, June 1948, pg.12)

Charles McEwen HydeCharles McEwen Hyde (1884-1899)
Mr. Hyde was born in New York City in 1832. He received a thorough University and Theological training and then occupied pasturage back in the New England States. In 1876, he was asked by the American Board to come to the Hawaiian Islands to assist in the training of pastors of Hawaiian ancestry. He arrived in Honolulu in the following year. He was placed in charge of the Training School which had been operated by the mission and reorganized it under the name of North Pacific Institute. He directed this institution until the time of his death. However his rare abilities and excellent training made him one of the outstanding leaders in the missionary enterprise while he was here. He was an excellent administrator and an outstanding educator and in these two activities, he was much in demand. The summer of 1899 his health began to fail and after a brief trip to see his son in Massachusetts he returned to Honolulu where he died on October 13th. The Friend, June 1948, pg.12)

William Owen SmithWilliam Owen Smith (1884-1886, 1897-1929)
Mr. Smith was the son of Dr. James W. Smith and was born in Koloa, Kauai. For a period of time, he worked in the sugar industry and served as sheriff on the island of Kauai. He then entered the office of Judge A. S. Hartwell and there read law. He was admitted to practice in 1875. From then on he filled an important place in the life of the territory in the field of law. He occupied many public offices such as that of the Attorney General, President of the Board of Health, a member of the legislature, and he was very closely identified with the affairs of the Hawaiian Kingdom during its closing years. He was one of the leaders in the movement which changed the status of Hawaii from a kingdom to that of a territory of the United States. He was the one who represented Hawaii before the committee of the United States Congress which considered the Organic Act of our territory. The Friend, June 1948, pg.13)

Reference:  http://www.ksbe.edu/about_us/about_pauahi/the_first_trustees/

William Owen Smith planned the 1893 dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani in his Law Offices.

His partners in crime included the Bernice Pauahi Trustees and Sanford B. Dole, with Lorrin Thurston,, et. als.

      - The conspirators claimed to have conveyed the Crown Lands and renamed it the Ceded Lands to the United States.  The Crown Lands and Government Lands original deeds are posted below and the owners are kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli, Not Aliens.
Reference:  http://amelia-gora.blogspot.com/2018/02/crown-lands-belongs-to-kamehameha-iii.html

1894 - U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani.

1897 - Opposition made to the annexation treaty by Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects.  To date only 21,000 signatures found.  The other signatures have yet to be found.

         - U.S. President Cleveland gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani for the second time.

William Owen Smith wrote up the Trust of Liliuokalani and claimed she signed it in 1909.

Queen Liliuokalani denied signing the document.  Her testimony was made by Sam Parker in the Prince Kuhio case.

Queen Liliuokalani denied signing again in her Will.

Queen Liliuokalani died in 1917.

William Owen Smith became one of the Trustees of the Fraud 1909 Trust Set Up.  The Other Trustees were Archibald Cleghorn, and Curtis Iaukea. 

William Owen Smith's law offices which also takes care of the fraud 1909 created Trust are now under the names of:  Case, Bigelow & Lombardi.


The Law offices of Case, Bigelow & Lombardi along with the current Trustees of both Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates and Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani Trust have been perpetuating fraud, deceit, racketeering over time and arrests for their wrongs are pending.

The U.S. Court of Claims is Null and Void due to stress, duress, usurpation, premeditation, coercion upon the Queen and people.

Additionally, based on the documents found at the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Deed over the Crown Lands is specific:  the Crown Lands belongs to himself, his heirs, and successors.............in other words, only bloodlines of his, not Aliens and the usurpers were aliens and continues with those claiming to own the Crown Lands.

Also, the Government lands belongs to the House of Nobles to take care of, and the Minister of Interior of the Kingdom of Hawaii allows kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli to reside, plant, etc. 

These lands can never be owned by Aliens.  Worst a conspiring, manipulative, greedy, bankrupt aliens operating without rules of law, rules of treaty which still exists.

In 1899 the United States of America became an entity formed after a secret U.S. Constitution made by the bankers then made into two (2) nations:  (1)  American Empire, and (2) United States.

The Treaty of 1849/50 which was ratified by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli was signed with the United States of America President Zachary Taylor, and not the secretive usurpers of the American people.

The Crown Lands is owned by the Royal Families of a Constitutional Monarchy government which supports rules of law, and the innocents which includes the American people, and of course, our kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli, et. als.

The following deeds are reposted showing who the Crown Lands belongs to....hint:  it does Not belong to the Identity thieves, the premeditation conspirators,, pirates, racketeers:


Kamehameha III- Kauikeaouli Crown Land Deed Belongs to His Heirs, and Successors - Not Only to Kamehameha IV, the Seat of the Crown.....Government Deed For the House of Nobles to Care For, Minister of

Kamehameha III- Kauikeaouli Crown Land Deed Belongs to His Heirs, and Successors - Not Only to Kamehameha IV, the Seat of the Crown.....Government Deed For the House of Nobles to Care For, Minister of Interior to Assign Lands
                  - A Review -
                             by Amelia Gora (2017)
 Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli shared his lands with his family(ies):  his heirs, and successors.
Conspirators, treasonous persons moved to change his deeds over time through their legalese, maneuvers, intended to defraud Kamehameha III's families.
Treasonous persons includes the False Flag operatives/ Judge(s) during Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho's period and on.
Kamehameha III
King of the Hawaiian Islands (more...)
June 6, 1825 – December 15, 1854  
 Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli was a good King who shared his lands with his subjects, which included his families and people.
Kameha  III  didn't have to share it because he was the Monarch, a descendant of his father Kamehameha who was recognized as the head of a Monarchy based government.  His lands included the Hawaiian archipelago made up of 133 Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
With Aetearoa and the Samoan Islands, the Hawaiian Islands were recognized as the Pacific Empire.
Infiltration by American operatives have been found in research.
This article is focused on the Crown Lands, and the Government lands with the true documents found in the Archives, Honolulu, Oahu.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Crown Land Deed, and Government Lands to be taken cared of by the House of Nobles, House of Representatives, with the rights of Native Tenants.
The following are the important documents affecting our Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago/ Hawaiian Islands/Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii lands, etc.:


                                        researched and reposted by Amelia Gora (2016 and 2017)
Queen Liliuokalani entered her claims in the Court of Claims.

Note:  Her true title was Liliuokalani Regina.  
In the Court of Claims the basis rule was that a Sovereign could do no wrong.
Judge Fenton Booth declared that the Crown Lands belonged to the office.
The Court of Claims was a federal court that heard claims against the United States government. It was established in 1855, renamed in 1948 to the United States Court of Claims (67 Stat. 226), and abolished in 1982.
1855 - Court of Claims established in the United States of America.
1871 -  The United States of America' s U.S. Constitution was usurped by the bankers.
1884 -  Bernice Pauahi Bishop died.  Her husband entered his alien relatives to receive trust monies belonging to the bloodlines /heirs of Bernice Pauahi Bishop only due to the Alodio lands belonging to only heirs and successors of the blood of the Kamehameha's.
Charles Reed Bishop's sister's daughter was named Bernice Pauahi Dunham who had Stanley Dunham and who had Stanley Ann Dunham who had Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama/Boris Abramov and a Maya Soetoro from his mother's second marriage.
1893 -  Queen Liliuokalani was criminally dethroned by conspirators, those who premeditated the takeover of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.
Many people on the Big Island were shot, killed, beheaded by guillotine, hung, scalps taken, use of sharks to kill patriots of Queen Liliuokalani and the Kingdom of Hawaii.
1897 -  President Grover Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani before he left office, before President William McKinley went into office.
Queen Liliuokalani could not utilize the Postal Service and therefore was not able to get information from the U.S. President Grover Cleveland.
Meanwhile, Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects opposed Annexation through signatures collected from Oahu, and the outer islands.
1899 -  The United States of America became two (2) Nations:  (1) the United States; (2) the American Empire
Reference:  PEACOCK vs. The Republic of Hawaii, HAWAIIAN REPORTS (1899), Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands
1900 - U.S. President McKinley made a Proclamation that Hawaii was a Territory of Hawaii.  With the help of the Army, Navy and Federal officials, it was they who developed the Territory.

1910 - Queen Liliuokalani entered the U.S. Court of Claims.  Judge Fenton Booth declared that the Sovereign could do no wrong.  He claimed that the Crown Lands belonged to the office.

Note:  Fenton Booth appears to be part of the Booth Family related to Barack Obama and the Booths from Illinois did contribute to the Presidential campaign for Obama.

Queen Liliuokalani was under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion, which means all was Null and Void.

1912-  PA PELEKANE Case shows Identity Theft by a proclaimed entity called the Territory  which was claimed by the Attorney General to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii".
Reference:  PA PELEKANE case (1912), HAWAIIAN REPORTS (1912), Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands
1915 - The Territory, with the Pan Pacific Club put Liliuokalani back on the throne and made her "Queen for a Day".
The Pan Pacific Club claimed that Balboa was the founder of the Pacific archipelago and claimed that they were celebrating a Flag Day.
Note:  It was a sham set up, lies, deceit, criminal indoctrination against the truth that our kanaka maoli peoples were here for more than 1,650+ years and Kamehameha was a documented King of a Monarchy government recognized since 1810.
Queen Liliuokalani was one of the heirs of Kamehameha through Kaoleioku his oldest son who had four (4) children:  (1) Pauahi - mother of Ruth Keelikolani; (2)Hanuna (male) - father of Kapule (male); Kini (female); Hookahe (female) and Poohina (female); (3) Keola (male) and (4) Konia (female) - mother of Bernice Pauahi who had also a hana/adopted child name Kaeha/Kamakaeha/ Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani.
Kapule (male) and Kini (female) had three (3) children:  Nahuina (female); Meleana (female); and Kaapiipii (female).  Kapule (male) and wife Keawa (female) had Kamai (male); Kaakau (female); Kaili (female) and Nainoaalua (male).  
It was Kamehameha's great grandaughter named Nahuina (female) who did hanai Keohokalole (female) who was married to Caesar Kapaakea who went on record saying that his daughter Kaeha/ Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani was a hanai of Abner Paki and Konia (female).  Keohokalole his wife was a member of the permanent part of the Hawaiian Government - House of Nobles.  Their children were Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani; David Kalakaua/King David Kalakaua; Leleiohoku (male) - later adopted by Ruth Keelikolani; and Miriam Likelike who was the mother of Princess Kaiulani.
You see, all of the Kings, Queens of Hawaii were indeed part of the Kamehameha Dynasty, whether anyone liked it or not.
All of the above were part of the Heirs and Successors of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, descendant and heirs of Kamehameha.
It was the sham entity, the proclaimed entity created by a Proclamation of U.S. President McKinley's people who made made Queen Liliuokalani sign illegal contracts.  It was All Fraud, conspiracy, criminal indoctrination, theft, beyond evil that was set up to defraud our Queen.
As you can see, there are many Kamehameha's, and many, many more from his other wives based on an extensive genealogy research made for more than 27 years by myself.....others also have some research which they will have to produce with certified documentation.
1917 -  Queen Liliuokalani died.  
Queen Liliuokalani had remained under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion which means all of the contracts, illegal maneuvers including the criminal set ups of the Court of Claims became null and void.
The issue of the Court of Claims was that Sovereigns did no wrong was the foundation rule.
1918 -  The Pan Pacific Club/Hawaii Tourist Authority gave themselves the right to purchase Hawaiian lands.
1948 - The Court of Claims was renamed the the United States Court of Claims (67 Stat. 226)
1959 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed an Executive Order making a foreign nation with Alodio Titles owned by the Kamehameha's, subjects, vs. Aliens fee simple or 30 years titles, part of the United States and the American Empire.
Opposition to Statehood was made officially by a Kamehameha descendant named Harold Abel Cathcart a cousin of my great grandmother named Mele Keawe /Mele Kauweloa another Kamehameha descendant.
Note:  As Judge Randall Lee had stated in my Paralegal class at the Chaminade University of Honolulu "because opposition was made, Sovereignty shall be."
1963 - U.S. President John F. Kennedy came to Hawaii to meet with the Mayors and announced that Hawaii's Governors would no longer be appointed by the Presidents but voted in by the people.
He left for Texas and was assassinated shortly after.
1982 - The United States Court of Claims was abolished in 1982.
There was no Treaty, Law, Lands belonging to Aliens, foreigners who had designs on the Kingdom of Hawaii since the time of Kamehameha or in 1810.
The following videos exposes the United States and the American Empire.
Fraud vitiates all claims and all contracts.  Treaties (1849/1850 ) supersedes all State and Federal laws and are the Supreme Laws of the Land.
  1. 50th State Fraud - A Visit With Williamson Chang

    • 1 year ago
    http://VoicesOfTruthTV.com - Imagine the surprise University Of Hawai`i Professor Williamson Chang got when he discovered the ...
  2. Hawaiian Sovereignty Symposium 2: Williamson Chang

    • 10 months ago
    The symposium, "I Ka Pono: The Future of Hawaiian Sovereignty," examines the resurgence of Native Hawaiian nationalism today ...

    World Banker Karen Hudes Reveals Secret US Constitution

    • 2 years ago
    World Bank Whistle blower Karen Hudes joins Gary Franchi in studio to reveal the truth about the secret US Constitution ...
More References:

It just may be that the FE Booth found with Ackerman both of California are related and he was a namesake for the Judge....note the following mentions that his Uncle Newton was in California......both Booth and Ackerman were from California and were visiting New York:

Fenton Whitlock Booth

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fenton Whitlock Booth.jpg
Fenton Whitlock Booth (May 12, 1869-July 26, 1947) was an Illinois State Representative, and later a long-serving judge on the United States Court of Claims.[1]
Born in MarshallClark CountyIllinois, Booth graduated from DePauw University(where he was a member of Delta Upsilon), and received an LL.B from the University of Michigan Law School in 1892. He was in private practice in Marshall from 1892 to 1905, and was a member of the Illinois House of Representatives from 1896 to 1897,[1]and a delegate to the 1904 Republican National Convention.[1] He was appointed to the United States Court of Claims by President Theodore Roosevelt, taking office on March 17, 1905. He was later nominated by President Calvin Coolidge to be Chief Justice of that court, and was so commissioned on April 23, 1928, serving in that capacity from 1928 to 1939, the year of his retirement.[1] While serving on the court, he was Dean of the YMCA Law School for several years,[2] and for seven years during the 1920s was Dean of the Howard University Law School, all the while refusing to accept payment for holding the position.[3] He also later taught at the National University Law School.
Booth was the nephew of California political figure Newton Booth.[1] He married Mabel Dana on December 17, 1893.


  1. Jump up to:a b c d e http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/booth.html#RN10L4OFF
  2. Jump up^ Alfred Findlay Mason, Samuel Epes Turner, American Law School Review (1934), p. 86.
  3. Jump up^ Marion Tinsley Bennett, Wilson Cowen, Philip Nichols, The United States Court of Claims: The Judges, 1855-1976 (1978), p. 104.
The Court of Claims was a federal court that heard claims against the United States government. It was established in 1855, renamed in 1948 to the United States Court of Claims (67 Stat. 226), and abolished in 1982.

The Washington herald. (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, January 30, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

Image provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1908-01-30/ed-1/s...


The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, July 07, 1908, Last Edition, Page 6, Image 6

Image provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1908-

The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1902-1939, July 07, 1908, Last Edition, Page 6, Image 6

Image provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1908-07-07/ed-1/s...


Hawaii's Legal Case Against the United States - Truthout


Hawaii's Legal Case Against the United States - Truthout

Dec 13, 2010 - Queen Liliuokalani's protests to Harrison were ignored. .... ending up in a Supreme Court that is extremely hostile to indigenous claims.

Lili'uokalani Loses A Big One (The Crown Lands) -- Liliuokalani v ...

There is one and only one court case in which the ex-queen Lili'uokalani sued the .... In 1910 the ex-queen's lawsuit was decided in the U.S. Court of Claims, ...

Revisiting Fenton Booth - Court of Claims Judge Adjudicating Queen ...

Jan 11, 2015 - ... Court of Claims Judge Adjudicating Queen Liliuokalani's Case - fyi ... the Judge for the "Court of Claims Court" in which Booth said the Crown ...

The Rights of My People: Liliuokalani's Enduring Battle with the ...

Neil Thomas Proto - 2009 - ‎History
Liliuokalani's Enduring Battle with the United States, 1893-1917 Neil Thomas ... The Queen's case before the court of claims had emerged as less hers and more ...

Cases Decided in the Court of Claims of the United States: At the ...

United States. Court of Claims - 1911 - ‎Law reports, digests, etc
Court of Claims. A p p e n d i x . PROTEST or THE QUEEN, JANUARY 17 , 1893. I, Liliuokalani, by the grace of God and under the constitution of the Hawaiian ...

The Central Law Journal - Volume 72 - Page 460 - Google Books Result

1911 - ‎Law
If the claimant practices, or attempts to practice, fraud, the claim is forfeited to the ... In Queen Liliuokalani's case, referred to above, the court was called upon to ...

Cases Decided in the Court of Claims of the United States at the .....

United States. Court of Claims, ‎Charles C. Nott - 1911 - ‎Law reports, digests, etc
Court of Claims, Charles C. Nott. Appendix. PROTEST OF THE QUEEN, JANUARY 17, 1893. I,Liliuokalani, by the grace of God and under the constitution of the ...

Bellows Air Force Station Land Use and Development Plan, Waimanalo:...

Court of Claims, in ruling on queen Liliuokalani's claim to the Crown lands, held that ... In thatcase, Queen cram Claimed personal and individual rights in the ...

Hawaii v. Office of Hawaiian Affairs (07-1372) | LII Supreme Court ...

In this case, the Supreme Court must determine whether the Apology ... land in other states which may have competing claims of ownership by native populations. ... Hawaii's then queen,Queen Liliuokalani, was dethroned and imprisoned and ...

Queen Liliuokalani « Rowena Akana

One fifth, or about 225,000 people claim some Hawaiian blood. ..... The Court of Claims ruled against Queen Liliuokalani in the case of Liliuokalani v. United ...

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  3. The Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands by Amelia Gora ...

    Feb 01, 2015 · The Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands by ... adopted child: Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi. Updated by Amelia ... In the Hawaiian Islands by Amelia Gora ...
  4. Why Bernice Pauahi Bishop Was NOT the "last of the ...

    Sep 06, 2017 · Why Bernice Pauahi Bishop Was NOT the "last of ... the Royal Families/ Royal Persons Who Are Not Subject to the Laws Posted by Amelia Gora on ...
  5. Articles - Author's Page for Amelia Gora | OpEdNews

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      7. Maui Court Case - Kahoma: Identity Theft by the entity ...

        Mar 08, 2016 · Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Special Appearance, In Propria Persona, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal Member, having Immunities etc.

        Jul 11, 2010 · OUR HAWAIIAN MONARCHY: FOCUS ON FACTS – A Pictoral History – by Amelia Gora, a Royal person (2010) Let’s hop, skip, jump to the important stuff ...
      9. A GIFT OF TRUTH from Hawaii by Amelia Gora (eBook) - Lulu

        Buy A GIFT OF TRUTH from Hawaii by Amelia Gora ... to file for a restraining order in Federal Court to prevent the ... are to treat claims of copyright ...
      10. Oahu Court Case - KUALOA

        Plaintiff’s Failed to Inform the Court that these lands belong to the Kamehameha’s, Kamehameha III’s Families; 2) Kamehameha III’s Families Exists, the Owners ...

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