Thursday, February 15, 2018

Vol VI No. 690 Part 1d

"How can you tell a true Aloha Aina person? They don't accept any money. "
But looky here, Hawaiians supporting Coco Palms. Sad!

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Elaine Kauai These are not the Coco Palms Protectors so please dont allow that thought to germinate. I know a couple of these heirs work for the state (and btw, they know nothing about ANY laws). But is this anything new that some Hawaiians are state and some are not?

Debra Koonohiokala Norenberg This is fine by me. I don't see it in a negative way at all. I'm not scared of a difference of opinion or opposition. I'm more scared to break the law, Kingdom law. Time will tell if they are lawful or not.

Jimmy Love Creating an echo chamber. Operation Mockingbird only smaller.

Ron Cawthon A classic tactic, worked well for 125 years divide and conquer...some of those folks are anti-Hawaiian Kingdom...

Dustin Barca Not surprised . All these people is so disconnected from their ฤ€ina and kupuna... so shame

Alden Dirkovich Theyre Kam schooled so they already get the superiority complex over the "regular" Hawaiians.

David I. Bryan Stop fighting and come together. PLEASE. Its the only way.

Ron Cawthon so many egos, time to lay them aside, move forward, or get out of the way...

Keke Manera All I know is we don't need another stinking hotel on these beautiful islands. We certainly don't need anymore tourist attractions or mundane jobs of cleaning crappy toilets for the visitor industry! I'd rather work in the loสปi and take care of the land! THAT'S OUR JOB!!!!

Ron Cawthon Lest we forget that after 911 there were no tourists flying into Hawaii for several days, what would happen if for some reason ships could not deliver that 95% of food that is imported to these islands..

Shanell Dedman Troy not a surprise. Dont know of the rest......sell outs!!!

Keeaumoku Kapu O.K. try help me understand what the hell is going on here. You guys like go up that path? Who the ring leaders? So what you guys know about title? you guys sound more like grease monkeys. Cuzin! I hope you not involved. Maui does not belong on Kaua'i.

Johnny Kealoha Fucking ass holes!

Kaukaohu Wahilani Napua who wrote this???

Ron Cawthon Troy Hanohano is with Kani Kahapea and 4 others.
January 28 at 9:30am ·...See More


Napua Ha'aheo So the author lives in the mainland and is "too haole"Manage

Ron Cawthon perhaps its time to focus on what matters, this is all just a distraction, the land issues are really what matters, whether Kauai or!

Debra Koonohiokala Norenberg I finally got to read this memo in it's entirety. The one thing that stood out the most to me after reading it is simply this:

Their clearly stated bias negates their ability to act as mediators or judges in this case. ...See More


Pikanini Pake All about the money and belonging to the BAR. They have to perpetuate the FRAUD committed against our Queen and all of their ohana on the Kui Petition. Their parents, grandparents, great grand, etc., must be really Proud of HIM!

Kapali Keahi Holy shit. Wilmont Kahaialii is legit. He knows his stuff about the Hawaiian Kingdom. I cannot imagine him being retained for any other reason other than for his competence on the Hawaiian situation.

Kapali Keahi Fuck all this shit. We all better get to the fucking table. We better handle this problem once and for all.

Maria Taylor My opinion is that there had better be an air tight legal argument whenever you are up against a legal battle because making new, bad law could impact future generations and many other cases. Stick with the rule of law, the paper trails, and the evi...See More

Maria Taylor Everyone is entitled to challenge the credibility of every witness in court. Guaranteed, as you challenge "them," they will challenge you. Be aware of this - and also that FB postings can be introduced as evidence in court to show bias, character and state of mind.

Foster Ampong Yes. goes two-ways. FOR EVERYONE.

Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii Aloha no Kakou. Mahalo for all the mana'o. It is good for all kanaka to be anxiously engaged in a good cause. I like the kukakuka. Debate is good if all participants draw from their own achievements, challenges, due diligence, and experiences in ou...See More

Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii For the benefit of na kanaka a pau loa, below are the kanawai for the state of Hawaii that pertain to allodial title and kuleana land. Look closely and learn that the Hawaii Revised Statutes are derived from the laws of the Kingdom of Hawaii,

Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii §7-1 Building materials, water, etc.; landlords' titles subject to tenants' use. Where the landlords have obtained, or may hereafter obtain, allodial titles to their lands, the people on each of their lands shall not be deprived of the right to take ...See More

Debra Koonohiokala Norenberg Of all the laws we have on the books today in the Kingdom, the law pertaining to and prohibiting treason stands out the most to me in this case. This law protects the Kingdom even as the same law protects America.

I feel it's imperative that we pre...See More


Ryan Sonognini Who the what the shit... I've never been pestered like this before.... just based on crazy ass messages I'm gonna say WTF

Debra Koonohiokala Norenberg Threatening and harassing others is never supportive of one's case. Sigh...

Whatever happens, I just don't want Crown lands or Government lands to be bought or sold by ANYONE because they are necessary to the functionality of our Government. And I w...See More


Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii Aloha no kakou, as suggested by kimokeo keaweiwi, my contribution / participation in the group organized by Kealii is limited / restricted to what little knowledge I possess with regard to na kanawai o ko Hawaii pae aina, a e na kanawai o Hawaii Revise...See More

Kalama O Ka AinaGroup Admin Speaking of mo'oku'auhau... Since Aken is so keen to demand folks present their genealogy, anyone up to asking him exactly HOW he's related to Papa Kekuni? Especially given that none of his family knows he exists.
And...knowing Papa Kekuni's genealogy,...See More


Ron Cawthon Hopefully folks have realized about all this drama is a waste of our love and aloha...there are some people that want to continue to the status quo...let them go, they are irrelevant in the bigger picture...there are plenty pretenders out there, they just need to be exposed and we keep moving forward, Hawaiian Kingdom Law, and/or Ke Akua will judge them...

Kalama O Ka AinaGroup Admin Can't dismiss these people based upon Kingdom law, because they are arguing actual Kingdom law. Which goes back to my original point, that we can't count to upon the constitution and Independence alone to safeguard Aloha aina. it didn't sufficiently p...See More

Keeaumoku Kapu Yes we do. And staying the course is one huge Kuleana in it self.

Kalama O Ka AinaGroup Admin Let's never forget who actually ‘occupies’ most of the land on Kaua`i —

Malia Temana Laka My cousins screwed up and got big aunts pulled them out of Kamehameha cause shame that . They are 30 and the other 39-40 and regretting it.

Amelia Gora yep, was sad to see Kamaunu on this list........ noticed also that he has some errors in history......everyone should watch comments coming from the list............thanks for highlighting those names..........
Amelia Gora Debra Kekaualua added 5 new photos.
15 hrs ·

sorry i am beyond livid for what people have gotten away with. Kauai is DONE, never can it be the pristine that it was, UNLESS we take THIS right now opportunity to HULI the phqing system!!! THIS is, my and others opinion, a now or NEVER committment! Citizens Arresting, no voting precincts, Concerted effort of our people to LITERALLY go to any government office, chose a seat, mayor, council, KPD offices and the many warriors at the same moment overrun the good ol boy nextwork! WE are doing nothing wrong, although THEY will insist otherwise! if they can do to me behind closed LOCKED courtroom doors KIDnapping my happy ass, into a hold cell! my estimation says i also have the power to do the same! as soon as i find my fake state ID and ive got MINIMUM 20-warrior on my wailuanuiahoano doorstep to make the plan happen and coordinate 90-day exit strategy that CAN only happen on kauai due to the population of Colorful and voter purple people eaters leaning our way. IT is Sunday 13:49 hours!!!! meeting?????? today tomorrow, tomorrow evening. ALL the BELOVED kane sons of mine from other mothers, it is time! I assisted you all, i loving you all with heart and soul....never mind that we couldnt keep name brand clothes drying, instantly harvested! With you all, and growing up as a teenager when kauai was a teenager is the GIFT i received; my dad rallied with the Souix Tribe in 1952 stationed south dakota, then back and fourth four time german, france, usaf paid for ability to travel england, rome, Notre Dame, mega cathedrals castles, mom german war bride, dad born chicago, Soooo aft mom passed in 2011, if finally hawaii all the puzzle pieces, time lime, and militaropoliticals that set the R
use statehood performances. 1958-59, my intel officer dad, brought us to what was his Ready to retire last harrah from 20-years USAF, high clearances top secret documents that sat at the politomilitary negotiating table Hickham. I was 12- had no clue, we were housed, schooled at Fort DeRussy for several months and we saw several more hours on waikiki beach, beach boys eager to share the exciting sport perfect for this tom boy....ANYway please come home NOW or asap!! please im asking for YOU to help me, as well as the greater Lahui, ohana. peeople with heart, r truthful and have integrity mAhalo!!! message me best times to git er done!

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Debra Kekaualua, Ku'ulei Perez and 8 others
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Debra Kekaualua

China Owns California: that's why the Fires are Happening!

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Crystal Marie A border collapse . A restructuring of “ North America “ . Was the UNs Agenda 21, in play since the 90s. But it’s not really China, there is no China like there is no USA, rather the NWO.

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Debra Kekaualua

China Owns California: that's why the Fires are Happening!

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Kimberly Arriaga


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Kimberly Arriaga


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Kimberly Souza ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ˜˜Mahal aunty

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Jacqueline Kamai Speechless, though I ALWAYS had ??? about PCC. Dtill the missionaries still exploiting the NATIVE in the name of God. SOS PILAU HEWA What the world needs now is lots and lots of PRAYER. Pule kakou

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Jacqueline Kamai Let's not forget the TWO Bush regimes. Give credit where credit is due.

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Amelia Gora Hi Deborah Debra Kekaualua ....Can I assign you a Protective Order which includes helping to malama our families interests.... am a descendant of Kaumualii in two lines....through his daughter Kinoiki 1 who had Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani; Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Abigaila/ Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani; and Kinoiki 2 - the line of the sellouts Kawananakoa and Kuhio. ---Queen Kapiolani was the hanai daughter of my great grandfather Kaluakini who married Haili the daughter of Princess Poomaikelani. Kaumualii had son Haupu/Kahekili and had Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine who had John Kapena who had Keawe and Kekualoa. Keawe married Peke Davis and had David Keawe/Pauahi who married Kapehe opio the daughter of Opunui son of Kekualoa (female).....Yes both were cousins... Kapehe opio had Mele Keawe who married Charles Kauweloa another cousin and had Mary Kauweloa my grandmother......i'll make sure that we have the prima facie evidence the superior titles in place...with the Alodio docs... that way the people can maintain their talents with the loi etc..... my email is I'll post more information at my e-mail.... p.s. I'm a former Fed employee worked for the Army, Navy, Air Force and the IRS/Internal Revenue Service....had top secret clearances too... interesting... kool music

Luciano Pavarotti & James Brown - It's a man's world แดดแดฐ

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Amelia Gora posted:

Kaumualii Descendants Will Help Kanaka maoli/Kanaka Hawaii Maoli on Kauai -…

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Amelia Gora

Viva Forever - Luciano Pavarotti & Spice Girls (1080pHD)


sorry i am beyond livid for what people have gotten away with. Kauai is DONE, never can it be the pristine that it was, UNLESS we take THIS right now opportunity to HULI the phqing system!!! THIS is, my and others opinion, a now or NEVER committment! Citizens Arresting, no voting precincts, Concerted effort of our people to LITERALLY go to any government office, chose a seat, mayor, council, KPD offices and the many warriors at the same moment overrun the good ol boy nextwork! WE are doing nothing wrong, although THEY will insist otherwise! if they can do to me behind closed LOCKED courtroom doors KIDnapping my happy ass, into a hold cell! my estimation says i also have the power to do the same! as soon as i find my fake state ID and ive got MINIMUM 20-warrior on my wailuanuiahoano doorstep to make the plan happen and coordinate 90-day exit strategy that CAN only happen on kauai due to the population of Colorful and voter purple people eaters leaning our way. IT is Sunday 13:49 hours!!!! meeting?????? today tomorrow, tomorrow evening. ALL the BELOVED kane sons of mine from other mothers, it is time! I assisted you all, i loving you all with heart and soul....never mind that we couldnt keep name brand clothes drying, instantly harvested! With you all, and growing up as a teenager when kauai was a teenager is the GIFT i received; my dad rallied with the Souix Tribe in 1952 stationed south dakota, then back and fourth four time german, france, usaf paid for ability to travel england, rome, Notre Dame, mega cathedrals castles, mom german war bride, dad born chicago, Soooo aft mom passed in 2011, if finally hawaii all the puzzle pieces, time lime, and militaropoliticals that set the R
use statehood performances. 1958-59, my intel officer dad, brought us to what was his Ready to retire last harrah from 20-years USAF, high clearances top secret documents that sat at the politomilitary negotiating table Hickham. I was 12- had no clue, we were housed, schooled at Fort DeRussy for several months and we saw several more hours on waikiki beach, beach boys eager to share the exciting sport perfect for this tom boy....ANYway please come home NOW or asap!! please im asking for YOU to help me, as well as the greater Lahui, ohana. peeople with heart, r truthful and have integrity mAhalo!!! message me best times to git er done!

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Kimberly Souza ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ˜˜Mahal aunty

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Jacqueline Kamai Speechless, though I ALWAYS had ??? about PCC. Dtill the missionaries still exploiting the NATIVE in the name of God. SOS PILAU HEWA What the world needs now is lots and lots of PRAYER. Pule kakou

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Jacqueline Kamai Let's not forget the TWO Bush regimes. Give credit where credit is due.

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Amelia Gora Hi Deborah Debra Kekaualua ....Can I assign you a Protective Order which includes helping to malama our families interests.... am a descendant of Kaumualii in two lines....through his daughter Kinoiki 1 who had Kapiolani/Queen Kapiolani; Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Abigaila/ Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani; and Kinoiki 2 - the line of the sellouts Kawananakoa and Kuhio. ---Queen Kapiolani was the hanai daughter of my great grandfather Kaluakini who married Haili the daughter of Princess Poomaikelani. Kaumualii had son Haupu/Kahekili and had Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine who had John Kapena who had Keawe and Kekualoa. Keawe married Peke Davis and had David Keawe/Pauahi who married Kapehe opio the daughter of Opunui son of Kekualoa (female).....Yes both were cousins... Kapehe opio had Mele Keawe who married Charles Kauweloa another cousin and had Mary Kauweloa my grandmother......i'll make sure that we have the prima facie evidence the superior titles in place...with the Alodio docs... that way the people can maintain their talents with the loi etc..... my email is I'll post more information at my e-mail.... p.s. I'm a former Fed employee worked for the Army, Navy, Air Force and the IRS/Internal Revenue Service....had top secret clearances too... interesting... kool music Manage

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Debra Kekaualua Im a veteran AIRFORCE brat and i get the impression you are trying to share something, but with your career lineup i hardle "feel warm and fuzzy was your agenda

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Amelia Gora am a former Fed employee....then found what the military has been up to...occupation based on premeditation, supporting role in pirates/parasites in paradise.........#1 Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates trustees #2 Liliuokalani Trust - fraud trust of 1909....etc. had I known what I know now...don't think I would have taken their tests to participate in the unwelcomed occupation... did work for the IRS to find out how the rich got away from paying taxes.....answer: they buy losing businesses and take the losses to use to offset their gains in the winning businesses...... difference of your experiences is that you had no choice in the matter because it was your families livelihood....and I had a choice in the matter and found the truth...........auwe/alas eyeopener.... and now, we can do something about it I did get the prima facie evidence for Deborah Kapule's properties.... the Royal Patent; Land Commission Award; and the Survey Notes ----for everyone's info: Deborah Kapule became the stepmother of all of Kaumualii's children, Kamehameha's children, and Kalaniopuu's chidren, the hanai/adopted children too............which means many can also place claims and show superior, paramount titles which the Aliens,, and their Sellout Hawaiians cannot because they are part of the Alien group under the umbrella of a corporation who can NEVER own Alodio/ Allodial titles.....such sellouts are also recorded for the records....

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Debra Kekaualua Amelia Gora now i feeling warm and fuzzy, mAhalo for clarifying status, positioning! we ohana!


fyi.........expect apologies folks....

HRH Princess Owana Ka‘helelani Salazar has reestablished the Royal Order of the Crown of Hawai‘i in a protocol exchange with HRH Dom Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza and Head of the Royal Family of Portugal, and other members of royal families and nobility of Europe and Africa. This historic event is th...
Shanell Dedman So who else will join her? There are others. She must be protected spiritually and physically. Serious.

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Amelia Gora aren't we all? the facts are there...Pilipo posted this: " A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive Treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the Traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in th very hall of government itself. For the Traitor appears not Traitor---he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation---he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city---he infects the body politic so that it an no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared". (Cicero, 42 B. C.)Manage

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Shanell Dedman Awesome quote. Mahalo Amelia. Ku'e!

"one YEAR ago in 'Iao celebrating July 31st I brought my big fat binder of Moses Kekuaiwa papers, research,
e the typed 300 pages via bm
of His two handwritten the bible, to me. pd 50c/page
I want-ed to share all of His mana'o in the pages....started w wilmont." Note to Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii and All Interested in knowing about a Minister, a Corporate Supporter, Anti-kanaka at CoCo Palms etc..............
Return Seeti's big fat binder with 300 pages, etc.....everyone must know that he has failed to respond to Seeti and Friends to return what belongs to doesn't belong to you.... kindly return it please............thank you................information for all to know....for the records.

Listen to the NEW mashup:!ytp Music video by…

Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii Aloha no Amelia. Mahalo for the reminder. I actually retrieved all the okana from Joyclyn yesterday at her workplace. I am delivering it to Kathy this morning. She will be heading upcountry to visit aunty Seeti today. The research you have done on Moses is incredible. The truth of his story really gave me a glimpse of the bias, challenges, prejudice and trials he had to confront and overcome during his lifetime. At times it made me angry. At times it made cry. And then there times that made me smile! This journal is a priceless treasure for the people of Hawaii to cherish forever! Wow! He belongs up there with all the unsung heroes we all rarely hear about in the History of Hawaii. E hoomau I ka pono.

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Amelia Gora    KAMAUNU KAHAIALII IS RETURNING SEETI'S BOOK!!!...............see comments below.........
13 hrs
"one YEAR ago in 'Iao celebrating July 31st I brought my big fat binder of Moses Kekuaiwa papers, research,
e the typed 300 pages via bm
of His two handwritten the bible, to me. pd 50c/page
I want-ed to share all of His mana'o in the pages....started w wilmont." Note to Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii and All Interested in knowing about a Minister, a Corporate Supporter, Anti-kanaka at CoCo Palms etc..............
Return Seeti's big fat binder with 300 pages, etc.....everyone must know that he has failed to respond to Seeti and Friends to return what belongs to doesn't belong to you.... kindly return it please............thank you................information for all to know....for the records.

Listen to the NEW mashup:!ytp Music video by…

Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii Aloha no Amelia. Mahalo for the reminder. I actually retrieved all the okana from Joyclyn yesterday at her workplace. I am delivering it to Kathy this morning. She will be heading upcountry to visit aunty Seeti today. The research you have done on Moses is incredible. The truth of his story really gave me a glimpse of the bias, challenges, prejudice and trials he had to confront and overcome during his lifetime. At times it made me angry. At times it made cry. And then there times that made me smile! This journal is a priceless treasure for the people of Hawaii to cherish forever! Wow! He belongs up there with all the unsung heroes we all rarely hear about in the History of Hawaii. E hoomau I ka pono.

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It is most important to note that Hawaii lands were NEVER ceded and the normalized use of the term "ceded" is incorrect and the precedent set in this otherwise accurate summary of Mauna Kea and land ownership is FALSE.
It is also MOST IMPORTANT to note that the "overthrow" of Hawaii is and was an UNLAWFUL OVERTHROW being that treaties existed between the U.S. and Ko Hawaii Pae Aina (The Hawaiian Kingdom).
Therefore the term unlawful, as opposed to illegal should ALWAYS proceed overthrow in regards to Hawaii.
To say overthrow without unlawful or with illlegal or with nothing proceeding this term is an enablement of, and collaboration with, the unlawful occupation, the economic genocide of all of Hawaii, and the ethnocide of kanaka and Ko Hawaii (Hawaii's National Subject Body and its descendants) past, present, and (hopefully not, but...) future.
"Illegal" should never proceed the term "overthrow" in regards to Hawaii, once you are made aware. The term "overthrow" should never be used in regards to Hawaii witout being proceeded by "unlawful." In other words to just state "the overthrow of Hawaii" is false, innacurate and wrong. So is "the illegal overthrow."
Why? "For something to be considered ‘illegal’, there has to be a specific law passed by a legislative authority, such as a local or national government that expressly makes it illegal. Something that is ‘unlawful’ is contrary or goes against the established law, without there being a specific law enacted by a legislative authority. So it seems illegal has more to do with internal laws and unlawful has more to do with external legal agreements like treaties.
On a separate note, although I am not a despicable lawyer but act as my own lawyer as Sacred Mauna Kea Hui's founder, I want to clear up some confusion in the case of what is called "common law." These set of mandates and regulations, called "common law," if adopted by a country's legislative entity, would fall under legal and not lawful.
"The boundaries of Hawaiสฟi as promulgated by Kamehameha III were clear. The 1846 law named the islands and the channel waters as the dominion of the Kingdom. After the overthrow in 1893, the Provisional Government claimed the same dominion as belonged to the Kingdom. Likewise, the Republic of Hawaiสฟi in 1894 as successor to the Provisional Government held the same dominion as both the Kingdom and the Provisional Government. the Territory in 1898 could not claim the dominion of its predecessor, the Republic of Hawaiสฟi. The Republic had never ceded its dominion to the U.S. Unlike the Provisional Government and the Republic there was no basis by which the U.S. could claim the dominion held by the Republic of Hawaiสฟi." (2015, Chang, pdf pp. 34-35…/09/APLPJ_16_2_Chang.pdf)
“The Ceded Lands After the overthrow of the monarchy in 1893, the Republic of Hawai’i joined the Crown Lands and the Government lands together into what was known as the “Public Lands,” amoun…
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Shana Logan Mahalo for the information Kamahana
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Kaleinani Jason G. Kinimaka Mahalo Cousin Tried calling you, when you have time call me๐Ÿ˜š
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Punohu Kekaualua Keep doing your thing. Stay ruffling all kind feathers
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Jazzmin Cabanilla Gotta love “words” - definitions, meanings, constructs — the human construct in the human condition — who determines that “abcdefg” doesn’t mean with absolute certainty the same thing as “faith”... letters connected to form words to express n be vessels to thoughts all open to interpretation, all subject to perspectives, perceptions, experiences —- agreed upon & stamped as yes this is acceptable but not really... all aloha my braddah
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Hailama Ani Cheehoo!!
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Hank Fergerstrom well written Kamahana....
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Pua'ena N. Ahn Yea but weren't treason and sedition actually codified as illegal within the Kingdom Constitutions and Statutes? Not that I explicitly disagree with you, but just curious.
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Amelia Gora The fact of the matter is that Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's deeds were found at the archives... the Crown lands belongs to "myself, my heirs and successors, forever"!!! the Republic of Hawaii are NOT the owners.... check out the documents then talk......the Government lands are to be taken cared of by the House of Nobles and the conveyances are to be made by the Kingdom of Hawaii Minister of Interior....period... Premeditation is documented which nulls and voids all the conspirators moves.....IDENTITY THEFT is documented.....the Kamehameha's are here, exists, no thanks to the undesirables who utilized law, twisted, and turned to accommodate themselves....
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