Monday, February 5, 2018

Pirate Information

History Repeating Itself in Hawaii
History does repeat itself when we connect the dots as it parallels with the past; in this case, in Hawaii Nei.   The seditious actions in 1893 was orchestrated, sponsored, and protected by the Lawless United States of America military along with its agents and co-colaborators.  Now in 2016, again the actions of the U.S. an its partners in crime repeats the actions it deemed successful in the first place.  The Na'i Aupuni is such a nefarious repeat action that stems from the alleged-state of Hawaii and Hawaii Demoratic Party.   A the plot unfolds, we see where U.S. House of Representative-elect Neil Ambercrombie of Hawaii, was instructed to resign from his successful post as Hawaii's House Representative before his term was completed.  He was guaranteed Hawaii's governorship by Hawaii Democratic leader, Senator Inouye, to push though a Bill similar to the Akaka Bill which had failed in the U.S. Senate, which they knew would never pass in Congress with all that was over-shadowing it in government's more important concerns.  

Before Hawaii's people could respond, Act 195, quite identical to the Akaka Bill, was passed in the State Capitol.  The United States needed to conceal the international war crimes against the Hawaiian Kingdom and its subjects once and for all and ramrod a global or universal settlement in sealing the fate of the Hawaiian Kingdom of all U.S. fraud and crimes against it.  By denationalizing and forced-Americanization of the Hawaiian Kingdom's subjects, the U.S. felt it was successful in hiding its crimes through a time period and with a new generation residing in Hawaii.  This we found as a war crime likened to Hitler's Germanization of Europe as determined in the Nuremburg trials which thorugh this Nuremburg Pact, it became a war crime under the law of occupation.    

The State of Hawaii then directed its OHA agency, to begin a roll registration of eligible Native Hawaiians to commence with its agenda to create a recognized U.S. domestic, indigenous, Hawaiian tribe; to form its DOI-approved  governing entity and constitution and by-laws.  In exchange for this privilege, the Hawaiian tribe would surrender all the Hawaiian Kingdom lands, assets, resources, and monies to the State of Hawaii and the U.S. to control and preserve the already existing benefits Hawaiians already are receiving.  This would all be under the plenary authority of the U.S. Congress with its Manifest Destiny doctrines applied.    

Thus, this would eliminate Hawaiian Kingdom subjects of non-Kanaka Maoli blood; Native Hawaiians that fall below the blood quantum requirements, Hawaiians that did not subscribe to the initial roll, and eventually disassociate Hawaiians not residing within the State of Hawaii.  Many restrictions will be applied to this Hawaiian tribe that do not affect the Native American tribes on the U.S. Continent.  The Hawaiian tribe will be the largest tribe of the United States than concerns the Native Americans if it will cut into its monetary benefits.

This will release the United States of all criminal claims against it by the Hawaiian Kingdom and its subjects.  The Hawaiian Kingdom's internationally recognized neutrality status wil be permanently dissolved and fall under the war-mongering nation of the United States and open to attack by the enemies of the United States.  The takeover of the Hawaiian Kingdom will be complte and vunerable as stated many times by U.S. Americans that Hawaii is expendable whether through war, all forms of experimentation, or toxic dumping or use of their sacred sites.  Hawaii will be known as just another state of the United States and Native Hawaiians will be just a travelogue for vacationers.
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Robert Freitas Jr. Mahalo Tane Inciong and I totally agree. All I am able to say at this time is that things are already happening internationally that will bring all of this HEWA to a screeching halt with people being charged with War Crimes, Felonies and even Treason. No matter what these idiots say or do you can never make what is illegal to suddenly become legal especially when it is being done by and through the process of the illegal occupier. Trust me ENFORCEMENT of International Law, the Laws of Occupation and the Geneva Conventions is coming even sooner then you think and a lot of people are going to be hurt by their own doing. Seriously you knew that what you were doing was wrong and still you made the decision to do it any way so you have no one to blame, but......YOURSELVES. Think I'm joking? I never joke when it comes to the Hawaii Kingdom, my Queen, my Kupuna, my Makua and my Ohana. Trust me the jokes on.......YOU!!!
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Elima Ka'ahumanu Amen to both of you!
Until the last Aloha Aina..
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