Thursday, February 15, 2018

Vol VI No. 690 - Part 1 e - Facebook posts

  1. "one YEAR ago in 'Iao celebrating July 31st I brought my big fat binder of Moses Kekuaiwa papers, research,
    e the typed 300 pages via bm
    of His two handwri...tten the bible, to me. pd 50c/page
    I want-ed to share all of His mana'o in the pages....started w wilmont." Note to Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii and All Interested in knowing about a Minister, a Corporate Supporter, Anti-kanaka at CoCo Palms etc..............

    Return Seeti's big fat binder with 300 pages, etc.....everyone must know that he has failed to respond to Seeti and Friends to return what belongs to doesn't belong to you.... kindly return it please............thank you................information for all to know....for the records.
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    Listen to the NEW mashup:!ytp Music video by…

  3. "one YEAR ago in 'Iao celebrating July 31st I brought my big fat binder of Moses Kekuaiwa papers, research,
    e the typed 300 pages via bm
    of His two handwritten the bible, to me. pd 50c/page
    I want-ed to share all of His mana'o in the pages....started w wilmont." Note to Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii and All Interested in knowing about a Minister, a Corporate Supporter, Anti-kanaka at CoCo Palms etc..............
    Return Seeti's big fat binder with 300 pages, etc.....everyone must know that he has failed to respond to Seeti and Friends to return what belongs to doesn't belong to you.... kindly return it please............thank you................information for all to know....for the records.
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    Listen to the NEW mashup:!ytp Music video by…

    Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii Aloha no Amelia. Mahalo for the reminder. I actually retrieved all the okana from Joyclyn yesterday at her workplace. I am delivering it to Kathy this morning. She will be heading upcountry to visit aunty Seeti today. The research you have done on Moses is incredible. The truth of his story really gave me a glimpse of the bias, challenges, prejudice and trials he had to confront and overcome during his lifetime. At times it made me angry. At times it made cry. And then there times that made me smile! This journal is a priceless treasure for the people of Hawaii to cherish forever! Wow! He belongs up there with all the unsung heroes we all rarely hear about in the History of Hawaii. E hoomau I ka pono.

  4. lol

    Zabia Dolle
    I have rented bottom of my house for 20 years with very few problems but now I have the tenant from hell! He swore at me for an hour, wished me dead, crazy talk. Police said nothing they can do.... very frightening! Help!

    Makana Kia Eviction????

  5. Patriots and Friends......not pass on widely...aloha.
    For Patriots Mostly and friends Not turncoats/sellouts of our people:

    Crown Lands, Government Lands, Alodio Lands Has Owners and It Is Not the Conspirators/Usurpers/Pirates C...

  6. For Patriots Mostly and friends Not turncoats/sellouts of our people:

    Crown Lands, Government Lands, Alodio Lands Has Owners and It Is Not the Conspirators/Usurpers/Pirates C...

  7. lookin like a devil?

    It might not be making national headlines and Julie Bishop may not even be aware, but her comments from over 10 years ago are blowing up on social media.

    Greg Kahele Do you think her attitude is exclusive only to Australia? We have it here too. Just check the North S*h*ore of Oahu and you'll come across many displaying the same mentality.

  8. Royal persons are Not subject to the laws.....We have the Superior, Paramount titles and allow kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli to help malama/take care of our Royal Families interests....those currently on the premises are allowed or those persons
    Kauai Claims Discussion: am a former Fed employee....then found what the military has been up to...occupation based on premeditation, supporting role in pirate...s/parasites in paradise.........#1 Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates trustees #2 Liliuokalani Trust - fraud trust of 1909....etc. had I known what I know now...don't think I would have taken their tests to participate in the unwelcomed occupation... did work for the IRS to find out how the rich got away from paying taxes.....answer: they buy losing businesses and take the losses to use to offset their gains in the winning businesses...... difference of your experiences is that you had no choice in the matter because it was your families livelihood....and I had a choice in the matter and found the truth...........auwe/alas eyeopener.... and now, we can do something about it I did get the prima facie evidence for Deborah Kapule's properties.... the Royal Patent; Land Commission Award; and the Survey Notes ----for everyone's info: Deborah Kapule became the stepmother of all of Kaumualii's children, Kamehameha's children, and Kalaniopuu's chidren, the hanai/adopted children too............which means many can also place claims and show superior, paramount titles which the Aliens,, and their Sellout Hawaiians cannot because they are part of the Alien group under the umbrella of a corporation who can NEVER own Alodio/ Allodial titles.....such sellouts are also recorded for the records....
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    Hidden behind a deceptively light tune, this protest song tells of the ardent opposition of Native Hawaiians to the annexation……/mahalo-wilmont-ka…
    Seeti Got Her 300 pages book back...Mahalo from Seeti to Kamaunu/Wilmont Kahaialii ..........
    AOK ! please mahalo wilmont for me..... see Kekuni reading Moses' Jounal in bm Archive Kekuni wants, wanted, it published...digiti...
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    News Feed

    Justin P Asing commented on your post.
    Wicked Owana Salazar acting as if she one, a descendant of treasonous person Robert Wilcox....dam shame....
    fyi.........expect apologies folks....
    HRH Princess Owana Ka‘helelani Salazar has reestablished the Royal Order of the Crown of Hawai‘i in a protocol exchange with HRH Dom Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza and Head of the Royal Family of Portugal, and other members of royal families and nobility of Europe and Africa. This historic event is th...
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    Justin P Asing For crying out loud!
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    BPOR, CAPS, CIPS, CLHMS, SFR, Luxury Portfolio International HAWAII LIFE REAL ESTATE...
    Elise Lee, Realtor Associate Rs-61774
    Real Estate Service
    1013 people like this
    From discussion on OHA election:
    Ok here is the platform I really want to see somebody (or a few somebodies) run on:
    - Red Ribbons (restoration of the Kingdom and NO fed rec)
    - Aloha ‘Aina first (and no sell out)...
    - Voice of the People (when the lahui speaks, do what the lahui says! Duh!)
    - Teeth (no fancy brochures, consultants, investments or anything else until every single Kanaka has frickin teeth! Come on already!)
    - Kanawai Mamalahoe (stop messing with the people!)
    - quarters for meters at Legislature (ok I admit this is my own pet peeve, as I’m going broke feeding these dang things)
    - truth (correct history, stop spreading lies, etc)

    Surely we can find people to run on these basic things, right? Please?
    I know we already have people who framework is this stuff already.
    Should we be easy! Right?
    Ok so so far I think we have a couple good candidates — need more, for all positions!!
    Again, i’m not saying that the revolution is going to happen from the inside out. Huli happens through kūʻē. Period. But we do need people to get in there and buss um up internally, so that when we huli da big weed tree, da roots soft already, so as not to traumatize the surrounding ground too much. And to support protection of what is there, so that the kūʻē on the outside can ho’omau.
    We need people with enough integrity that they will not cave or become cogs of the colonial machine — which is a tall order, as this almost always happens, frankly.
    And not just OHA.
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    Jennifer Noelani Ahia Keeaumoku Kapu is running!! Hope more folks like him step up!!
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    Laulani Teale Yeah awesome!! Maui, right?
    I am not clear who else is running for what positions.
    I have heard possibly Hinaleimoana Wong, Kealii Makekau, Lori Halemano? And not sure who else? Or for which positions?
    ...See More
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    Tiare Lawrence Let’s start with passing sb1303 to reform
    OHA! It passed first committee now needs a hearing
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    A friend is typing a comment...
    Mark Miller to Kauai Group!
    1 hr
    On another Facebook community discussing the Coco Palms, Chad Waters mentioned that he would like to try and continue the discussion he began on this group a while back as open dialogue. It was asked, and I agreed, for basic rules of civility. name calling.
    I do not represent the Wailua kiaʻi or protectors and do not speak for them. I am a supporter but my main focus, and how I became interested in the general topic, was over a discussion on a Facebook friends timeline. Over time I began to research and write on various subjects including the Coco Palms.
    As a kānaka ʻōiwi (maoli), I am a 2nd cousin 11 x removed of Kaumualiʻi through the DeFries Genealogy.(Ahlo, Walker & Johnson 2000)
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    Mark Miller One of the questions I wanted to ask first was in regard to the possibility of further burial sites being found. To what extent will the ground be disturbed and what impact is seen with landscaping, updating of plumbing and electrical etc..

    One of the
    ...See More
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    Mark Miller Chad Waters, OK I see from other posts that the archeological survey may demonstrate a concern you may not be prepared to answer in detail but I hope it can be touched on in some manner. it also relates to my question from the other group about parking. I was curious if the original parking footprint is remaining or expanding?
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    Mark Miller OK....I'll let this sit for a bit. If there is no interest by others, I'll go ahead and post my concerns and it doesn't have to have any immediate response.

    Also, I had to block Ruthan and James so they can't even see this thread. That's so the community here knows that much.
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    Seth Macomber Just curious, what is the purpose of this discussion? And are we stating our genealogy for added credibility?

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    Mark Miller My purpose is to try and discuss some of my concerns with the developer but that is a good question. I believe there may be too much suspicion on both sides at this point however.
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    Seth Macomber Mark Miller I see. Sounds good. I hope you are able to find the peace you’re searching for. Aloha
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    Mark Miller Seth Macomber I notified two people in order that the protectors would be aware of this discussion in advance. I will try and at least take this opportunity to explain some recent events.
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    Napua Ha'aheo My question that I never got an answer to is: who were the multiple credible sources who suggested to contact Atooi?Manage
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    Seth Macomber It’s probably irrelevant at this point, other than to initiate a witch hunt.
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    Napua Ha'aheo Seth Macomber quite a few people want to know actually
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    Mark Miller Could be anything from Wikipedia to a friend of a friend who knows someone sort of thing.
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    Napua Ha'aheo Mark Miller yes that's why I posted to ask Chad Waters
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    Seth Macomber Napua Ha'aheo Yeah, but it would be a waste of time. It's 1 of 2 groups of people; either the people who are pro-Coco Palms, or anti-Coco Palms. If it's the pro-Coco Palms people, than it's safe to say it was expected. If it's anti-Coco Palms (protecto...See More
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    Napua Ha'aheo Seth Macomber we can let Chad answer
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    Mark Miller I believe it is a legitimate question but fear it may also be a dividing line that could further separate kanaka. That is my only fear.
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    Laulani Teale I have a question too. What is the role of the “cultural working group”, and how were they selected? Are there specific qualifications for these individuals?
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    Miki Miller Pages 20-22 of this October 2014 Planning Commission Application from Coco Palms Hui LLC attorney, Michael Belles, shows the information that the developers provided regarding theses ancestral burial grounds —
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    Napua Ha'aheo That's a big file!
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    Miki Miller It’s important to know exactly where bones were found, and the locations where these sacred remains were reburied.
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    Miki Miller It’s important to know exactly where bones were found, and the locations for where these sacred remains were reburied.
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    Mark Miller Gonna try something a tad different.

    Chad Waters, let me introduce you to my spouses family.

    Here they are at the classic Polynesian themed restaurant they owned in Sacramento called the "Zombie Hut". The Woman in the back in green is Beatrice Hill (her husband was Ed Hill) one of the original owners. The woman kneeling is her daughter and the young children are Bea's great grandchildren.

    The Zombie Hut was opened in 1945 and closed in 1990. This was a very similar establishment with celebrities coming and going and a long history people who loved it so much they wanted it revived. It was in 2002 in Brooklyn New York in a small tiki bar still open but nothing like the original.
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    Mark Miller Ed and Bea Hill hired architect Leonard Starks in 1954 to assist in the remodel of the interior décor.Manage
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    Mark Miller Main dining roomManage
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    Mark Miller Here is my spouses father Terry Simonsen who was a chef at the Zombie Hut with his step father and his sister in law who, to this day, will not allow anyone to take her picture. LOL!Manage

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