Monday, February 5, 2018

Whistleblower Bobby Harmon (Part 2 of 2)

fyi.............another perspective: 

From Annexation To Occupation - A Visit With Tom Coffman 

June 28, 2012 at 03:29:36

Lanai Island Has Owners: Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs Exist

By Amelia Gora (about the author)     Permalink
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Permanent Friendship Treaties were made with the U.S. President Zachary Taylor and Kamehameha III/Sovereign his descendants/heirs. Because Kamehameha's descendants/heirs exist, unresolved issues remain....such as the evidence that U.S. did aid and helped to premeditate the criminal dethronement of our Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, etc. The land owners exist, and maintain our neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, a status that Queen Liliuokalani maintained. aloha.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 2012"> LegalNotice



[Kanaka Maoli flag]

                                                Re:  Personal Opposition and Ko Hawaii Pae Aina Record No. 2012 -0021 Opposition to Sale of Lanai Island, etc. Cease and  Desist  
My name is Amelia Gora, and I am one of the Sovereigns/ Kamehameha's descendants/heirs in multiples of lines...........daughter of Kamehameha known as Kanekapolei; sons of Kamehameha known as Kaoleioku, Kalanihelemaiiluna, and Kanakaole/Keliikanakaole.
The highlighted ancestors were siblings of Kamehameha II - Liholiho; Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli, et. als.
Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli created the Mahele, conveying his properties, properties of the Sovereign Kamehameha to himself under the title of Crown Lands (wrongfully dubbed the "Ceded Lands" by those who premeditated and conspired against Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, etc.); set aside the Government Lands which is not the State of Hawaii; and the Chiefs, Konohiki, with rights of native tenants.
Royal persons are not subject to the laws and the amounts charged by the State of Hawaii Attorney General and the Court for the Crown Lands Lien(s) is temporarily minused from the rents and leases charges because the State of Hawaii Attorney General is sitting on our families private properties, the lands of Abner Paki who had brother Kalaniulumoku.  They were Kamehameha /Sovereigns descendants.
The Kalanimoku building is sitting on our families properties being the lands of Kalaniulumoku.  Abner Paki claimed to be his heir, and Kalaniulumoku had a daughter named Kalola who was the next of kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Although the building was named Kalanimoku, he was also part of our family, he being the brother of Keoua - father-in-law of Kalola.  Kalanimoku's last wife was our great great great grandmother and great great grandmother because her hanai was our great grandfather.  Her name was Akahi/Chiefess Akahi.
Kalanimoku's heirs were his niece/hanai-adopted daughter name Kekauonohi/Miriam Kekauonohi (see Lanai land list) married to Kamehameha II/Liholiho (died in England -1824) and married Levi Haalelea (see Lanai land list).
Our families Oral History included the saying "When You're White, You're Right" and "When You're Brown You're Down"........and, we are part white as well due to our ancestors being John Young, and Isaac Davis who were counselors of the Sovereign Kamehameha who was recognized for being part of the Pacific Empire with Aetearoa/New Zealand and the Samoan Islands.  The Sovereign Kamehameha was also on record as starting the Monarchy Government, a Government recognized in the Laws of Nations.
Copy(ies) sent to President Obama, Mrs. Hillary Clinton- Secretary of State, Honolulu Police Department, Prosecuter's -as instructed by the Supreme Court Justice years ago - Governor Abercrombie et. als. because the  Permanent Friendship Treaty is maintained by the Sovereigns families, his descendants/heirs and successors.
Treaties supersede State of Hawaii Laws, an entity created by treasonous persons who usurped a Queen in 1893 and criminally assumed lands, assets, resources of a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation, non warring nation.  Support by the U.S., England and the bankers (JP Morgan bankers, Bank of England, etc.).  Conspiracy(ies) have been researched, uncovered/discovered over time.  
U.S. President Clinton is on record for admission of the crimes through Public Law 103-150 signed in 1993 or 100 years after the wrongful, criminally assumed the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii a neutral internationally recognized nation.
Note to everyone, our families are also the heirs of Kamehameha II - Liholiho, Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli, Kamehameha IV - Alexander Liholiho,  Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha,  King Lunalilo, King Kalakaua, and Queen Liliuokalani, with documented evidence/proof.
For the record, our families reformed the House of Nobles because some of us are descendants/heirs of Kahekili, Mataio Kekuanaoa through his oldest son Paalua, and his stepchildren through his last wife Kalima.  Kekuanaoa was also the father or claimed father of Ruth Keelikolani (see Lanai land list), father of Moses Kaikioewa, Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V, Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV, Victoria Kamamalu (see Lanai Land list); stepfather of Alenoho (my /my families ancestor), Kapehe (my/my families ancestor), et. als.
I/our families are also part of the true trustees of Queen Liliuokalani's Trust, land title holders of lands criminally claimed by the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, et. als. who has deviously transferred our/Alii properties to Castle and Cooke who are conveying or claim to convey lands that they do not own.
Queen Liliuokalani was an heir of King David Kalakaua  (see Lanai Land list).  King Kalakaua did have two (2) of his own children and one of them legally adopted my grandmother.  Grandmother, one of Kamehameha's descendants was also adopted by her own grandmother, a Kamehameha descendant.  Our Grandmother was also the hanai/adopted sister of Queen Kapiolani/Kapiolani who was married to King David Kalakaua (see Lanai Land list).  
I have the bloodlines of  Kamehameha/the Sovereign and his Sovereign descendants/heirs:  Kamehameha II, Kamehameha III, Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, King Lunalilo, Victoria Kamamalu (see Lanai Land list), her father being Mataio Kekuanaoa.  Victoria Kamamalu's stepmother was Kalima.   
Bernice Pauahi Bishop (see Lanai Land list) who married conspirator, treasonous banker, lawyer, plantation owner Charles Reed Bishop who promoted lies, deceit, etc. promoted, perpetuated with the criminal treasonous Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates that Bernice Pauahi Bishop  was the last of the Kamehameha's.  Bernice Pauahi Bishop WAS NOT the last of the Kamehameha's, and was a hanai/adopted daughter of Mataio Kekuanaoa with his wife Kinau.
The next of kin to Bernice Pauahi Bishop was her cousin Kalola, my/our families ancestor.  Kalola was a Kamehameha descendant/heir.
I maintain that Kamehameha's descendants/heirs exist maintaining that the Permanent Treaties with the U.S. and other nations supersede State of Hawaii claims and maintain that the State of Hawaii are not the owners of the Crown Lands wrongfully claimed as the "Ceded Lands" nor are they the owners of the Government Lands because the ano alodio/alodio system was set in place by Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli who headed the Hawaiian Government with his House of Nobles assisting him as the Permanent parts of the three part government.
The State of Hawaii has no jurisdiction over matters of the Hawaiian Government, a Monarchy/Constitutional Monarchy government.  The State of Hawaii represents/evolved from the treasonous branch of the Hawaiian Government called the House of Representatives, a temporary voted in part which had/has only 1/3 authority say-so in a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.  Conspiracy(ies), Piracy(ies), Racketeering, theft, criminal conversions, genocide, etc. is recorded for this branch of government which was supported by the U.S., England, JP Morgan bankers/Bank of England, etc.
The State of Hawaii evolved from the Territory of Hawaii, which evolved from the Republic of Hawaii, which evolved from the Provisional Government, which evolved from the House of Representatives gone wrong, etc.
This also serves as a Cease and Desist instrument posted for the public and the World to see because the claims to the Island of Lanai by those perpetuating the crimes over time is opposed by others and myself, the true owners of most of the Islands of Lanai, Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Kahoolawe, Kauai, Niihau which is part of the 133 Islands in the Hawaiian archipelago also known as the Hawaiian Islands/Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/ Hawaii.
 Cease and Desist 
Claims to Lanai Island are and remain illegal by those who perpetuate the frauds and criminal conversions of Ano Alodio/Alodio lands based on a Monarchy Government, Constitutional Monarchy with Royal Families existing. 
Our Royal Families Private Properties, which includes the Crown Lands wrongfully dubbed "Ceded Lands", the Rights of Native Tenants to the Lands, and Government Lands/Hawaiian Government Lands has owners, and this is intended to inform the misinformed that these lands are not for sale, has been wrongfully assumed by conspirators against our families, including our wrongfully dethroned Queen Liliuokalani in 1893.
The Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates with Charles Reed Bishop, the Supreme Court Justices who made rules and claimed their rules to be laws in 1884+ were treasonous to the Sovereign, and the House of Nobles, the heirs, descendants, and successors evidenced by research.  
Frauds, treasonous activities, conspiracies, piracy(ies) have been found and can be seen in the misconduct, criminal activities of the third branch of the Hawaiian Government, namely the House of Representatives which was composed of a temporary, voted in subjects made up of kanaka maoli, foreigners who claimed allegiance to the Hawaiian Kingdom.
Those who conspired against the Queen in 1893 were from this branch of the Hawaiian Government who were supported by the U.S. President Harrison, Congress, the military, England, the J.P. Morgan bankers, Bank of England, et. als.  Note:  Evidence of the criminal activities, piracy(ies), treasonous activities has been posted over time, letters served to U.S. President Clinton, Bush, Obama and many others.
Evidence of criminal activities are documented in the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web which can be seen at and
The following links affects the wrongful, criminal claims to lands belonging our Royal Families, kanaka maoli from a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation that did no wrong and had assets, gold bullion, gold coins, resources, lands stolen, criminally converted by treasonous persons, conspirators who are are on record as having participated in a concerted conspiracy(ies) against our Queen, Royal Families, kanaka maoli, subjects, including foreign citizens in the Hawaiian archipelago:
Websites/Links for Hawaiian Nationals """..researchers:  Amelia Gora, Shane Lee, Kiliwehi Kekumano, Francis Keoua Gora, and unnamed others (2011)
Kamehameha III's First Laws found at the Mission Houses Archives, behind Kawaiahao Church: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZGIyMmNkNTMtZTczZ i0"
****************************** ***********
Premeditation to Assume Pearl Harbor Coaling Station/the Hawaiian Islands -- a Standing Order by Congress Eight (8) days BEFORE DETHRONING QUEEN LILIUOKALANI in 1893:
Page 1: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZmFmMWE3YjEtNTAwM y0"
Page 2: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2RlYzdiOWMtNWJkY S0"
****************************** ******
President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2JkZjMxMzEtMDIyN i0"
****************************** *****
Genealogies 1867 (first part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzBiZGJhMjMtY2FmZ C0"
Genealogies 1867 (second part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wZDBjMDAyNjktMWQ1M i0"
Genealogies 1867 (third and last part) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOTRlZmNhMDEtNGFkM S0"
Annexation Opposition by Queen Liliuokalani found by researcher Kiliwehi Kekumano: id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wOGJmZjg4MmQtNWRjM S0"
Annexation Opposition (page 2) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNWVlMTc0MjEtZWZiZ S0"
Annexation Opposition (page 3) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wY2RjYzZmNjQtMjUxY i0"
Annexation Opposition (page 4) id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wNmY2Mzk3ZTctZDEyM y0"
The Hawaiian Disgrace archive-free/pdf?res= F70A1FF7345D117"
Shameful Conspiracy id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wN2Y2YjAwOTItOTEwM C0"
Prince Kuhio Kalanianaole Treasonous Person introduced Statehood in 1920 id= 0B6Gs4av5Se1wMzY0NzE3ZDUtZGE5M i0"
Land Titles
" The Bureau of Conveyances record summary of Lana'i land transactions between 1845 and 1961 is available here:
On the footnotes of page 222, in Professor Van Dyke's book it reads:
'[I]n 1923, one corporation first purchased the 48,000 acres that had previously been removed from the Ceded Lands through an exchange of lands. . . The corporation then acquired ownership to most of the remaining lands on Lanai (totaling 98 percent of the island) through a series of quiet title and other legal proceedings including adverse possession, by 1928." Makua to Makai, supra note 5, at 37.'
....... A curious point of contention: After the illegal overthrow of January 1893 there was no lawful Registrar at the Bureau of Conveyances let alone a legal Government."  - Andrew,
The following properties has owners, including myself, Amelia Gora:
1) Private Properties, including the Crown Lands, Not "Ceded Lands"
2)  Rights of Native Tenants
3)  Government Lands/Hawaiian Government Lands
March 31, 1860 
Lot Kamehameha; to Board of Education 
Mortgage Deed 
For Ahupuaa of Kaohai 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 12, pages 414-415 
(See notes of release in Liber 21, page 323) 
June 19, 1861 
Levi Haalelea; to Charlotte Coady 
Mortgage Deed 
Covering Palawai, and various lands on other islands 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 14, pages 162-163 
February 23, 1863 
Levi Haalelea; to Walter M. Gibson 
Conveying the Ahupuaa of Palawai  
(Land Commission Award No. 11216, to Kekauonohi) 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 16, pages 264-265
February 23, 1863 
W.M. Gibson; to Levi Haalelea 
Mortgage Deed 
For the Ahupuaa of Palawai 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 16, pages 267-268
March 6, 1863 
P.Y. Kaeo and Kunuiakea 
Division Deed 
Agreement on division of lands on various islands; to be held by  
P.Y. Kaeo and Kunuiakea, heirs of J. Kaeo and G. Lahilahi Kaeo 
Conveying Title of Kealia Kapu, to P.Y. Kaeo 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 16, pages 281-283 
March 14, 1863 
J.W. Austin as Guardian of P.Y. Kaeo; to James F.B. Marshall 
Mortgage Deed 
For the Ahupuaa of Kealia Kapu (and other lands of P.Y. Kaeo) 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 16, pages 300-302
January 1, 1866 
Charles C. Harris, Trustee of Lot Kamehameha,  
to Walter M. Gibson 
Covering the Ahupuaa of Kaohai 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 21, pages 327-328 
March 27, 1866 
C.C. Harris Trustee of V. Kamamalu; to Walter M. Gibson 
Conveying the Ahupuaa of Kaa (Land Commission Award No. 7713, Ap. 29) 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 21, page 300
June 11, 1866 
W.M. Gibson; to C.C. Harris as Trustee of Estate of the late V.K. Kamamalu 
Mortgage Deed 
Mortgage on the Ahupuaa of Kaa 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 21, pages 322-323
November [12], 1874 
Ruth Keelikolani; to James Robinson 
Mortgage Deed 
Covering Kaohai, Lanai (and lands found on the Hawaiian Islands) 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 41, pages 115-116
August 23, 1876 
P.S. Kealakua and Hana Kealakua; to Walter M. Gibson 
Conveying One-half Interest in land of Royal Patent Grant No. 3029 at Kalulu 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 46, page 329
August 23, 1876 
Keliihue and Kapeliela; to W.M. Gibson 
Conveying one-half interest in land at Kalulu, being a portion of  
Royal Patent Grant No. 3029 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 46, pages 330-331
December 7, 1877 
P.S. Kealakua; to W.M. Gibson 
Conveying interest in land at Kalulu, under Royal Patent Grant No. 3029  
and Land Commission Award No. 6829 (to Maawe) at Kalulu 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 51, page 389
April 12, 1879 
Fanny Young Kekelaokalani; to Emma Kaleleonalani 
Conveying the Ahupuaa of Maunalei (along with other estate lands) 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 59 page 285-286
November 22, 1880 
R. Keelikolani; to C. Spreckels 
Mort. Deed 
Ahupuaa of Kaohai 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 66:439-443
September 9, 1882 
Ruth Keelikolani; to Samuel Parker 
Conveying the Ahupuaa of Kaohai, Lanai and lands on other islands 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 75, pages 265-267 
October 30, 1882 
Keanu & Kanui; to King Kalakaua 
Conveying Lands in Royal Patents 1929, 1930 & 1931, at Pawili 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 76 pages 418-419
February 16, 1883 
R. Keelikolani; to C.R. Bishop 
Mort. Deed 
Covering the Ahupuaa of Kaa 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 79 pages 253-257 
June 19, 1883 
Samuel Parker; to William G. Irwin 
Conveying Interest in Ahupuaa of Kaohai 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 83 pages 31-35 
November 1, 1883 
S. Parker and W.G. Irwin; to W.M. Gibson 
Ahupuaa of Kaohai 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 83 pages 224-225
April 1, 1886 
Estate of Emma Kaleleonalani; to W.M. Gibson 
Ahupuaa of Maunalei 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 98, pages 164-166 
April 7, 1886 
Walter M. Gibson; To C. Spreckels & Company 
Mortgage Deed 
Covering the Ahupuaa of Maunalei and other lands held by W.M. Gibson 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 101, pages 7-9
July 1, 1886 
S. Parker; to W.G. Irwin 
Bill of Sale 
Conveying the Ahupuaa of Kaohai and Kaa 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 101, pages 178-180
December 19, 1890 
Commissioners of Crown Lands; to F.H. Hayselden 
Lease No. 167 
25 Year Lease on the Ahupuaa of Kamoku and Paomai, Lanai 
Carried over from Leasehold Agreements dated Sept. 30, 1874 & Jan. 1, 1878. 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 128, pages 276-279 
January 24, 1891 
Fred. H. Hayselden; to Bishop & Co. 
Additional Security 
Covering the Crown Lands of Kamoku and Paomai 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 121, pages 329-330
February 18, 1892 
Administrators of the Estate of His Majesty Kalakaua; to Charles R. Bishop 
Conveying Lands of Royal Patents 1929, 1930 & 1931, at Pawili 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 136, pages 103-105
February 27, 1892 
Bishop to Hayselden 
Conveying Lands of Royal Patents 1929, 1930 & 1931, at Pawili 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 135, pages 212-213
November 1, 1899 
Kauhai; to S. Kahoohalahala 
Conveying undivided interest in Royal Patent Grant No. 3029  
of Nahuina and Keliihue at Kalulu (and Kamoku) 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 203, pages 33-34 
November 21, 1899 
Kekala; to S. Kahoohalahala 
Conveying undivided interest in Royal Patent Grant No. 3029  
of Nahuina and Keliihue at Kalulu (and Kamoku) 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 203, pages 34-35
"The rights of the natives as awarded by the 
Land Commission are reserved. "
3)  Hawaiian Government Lands
January 26, 1875 
Ahsee; to Walter M. Gibson, 
Assignment of Lease 
Conveying Government Lease on Ahupuaa of Kamoku 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 41, pages 195-196
July 5, 1875 
William L. Moehonua, Minister of Interior; to Walter M. Gibson 
Covering the Ahupuaa of Kamoku r
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 43, pages 255-258
January 1, 1878 
John O. Dominis, Agent, Crown Lands Estate;  
to Walter M. Gibson 
Lease (Terms of 20 years) 
Covering the Ahupuaa of Kamoku and Kalulu 
Bureau of Conveyances -- Liber 52, pages 475-478
Opposition Documented
As one of the land owners, I, Amelia Gora hereby maintain opposition to the State of Hawaii's, et. als. claims to ownership of lands belonging to our families, et. als.
I maintain that I am one of the title holders, and that Mr. Murdock of Castle and Cooke, et. als. who received his claim to lands by those who have no title to any lands in the Hawaiian Islands cannot convey lands that he does not title to.
Mr. Murdock can seek return on his funds through suits of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates Trustees, the title companies involved, the State of Hawaii, the City and Counties, etc.
All Islands in the Hawaiian Archipelago/archipelago is Not For Sale.
Rents and Leases are owed and due.
Please refer to the Permanent Treaty(ies) in place which can be viewed at the Archives on the Grounds of the Iolani Palace/the Palace or view at the following websites: or see below in references.
                                                                             Sincerely, Aloha,
                                                                             Amelia Gora, a Royal Person, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,
                                                                             House of Nobles, Representative of the Hawaiian Genealogical Society,
                                                                             a living human being
Genealogies References:  see 
Kamehameha II
Kamehameha III
Kamehameha IV
Kamehameha V
King Lunalilo
King Kalakaua
Queen Liliuokalani
This is the article printed BEFORE Mataio Kekuanaoa died in 1868 -  He was the father of Paalua (k) (my ancestor); Ruth Keelikolani (see Lanai Lands above); Moses Kaikioewa; David Kamehameha; Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V (see Lanai Lands above); Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV (hanai of Kamehameha III - Kauikeouli); Victoria Kamamalu (see Lanai Lands above); stepchildren:  Alenoho (my ancestor); Kapehe (my ancestor); Kapau/Pau; et. als.
  1. File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    Feb 27, 2012 -- I am also one of the Crown Lands Owners . . . . . . . .hundreds of ... I, Amelia Gora, am one of the title owners to the lands that you claim to ...


Other references:
The following are Public Posts/Web Posts Showing Kamehameha's Descendants/Heirs Exist:

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Crown Land Owners in Hawaii 
Crown Land Owners in Hawaii  [Kindle Edition] Amelia Gora (Author)

Digital List Price: $5.00 What's this?   Kindle Price: $5.00 includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet

Publication Date:  February 24, 2009
The Crown Lands make up nearly a million acres of lands which belonged to Kamehameha, his descendants and heirs.

Since the premediitation move by U.S. Congress who gave a standing order to assume our neutral, non violent, non warring nation by usurping Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani in 1893, the criminal pursuit to assume all lands in Hawaii has been ongoing by Pirates on the high seas, American businessmen, conspirators, treasonous persons whose descendants perpetuate the frauds, criminal acts of their ancestors today.

The Royal Families descendants exist much to the dismay of many. Evidence shows that Hawaii is truly the Criminal Mecca of the United States. The pirates calling their entity State of Hawaii is illegal and occupies foreign soil amidst the true Crown Land Owners descendants and heirs who have lived here since 350 A.D. 
Continued Opposition to ABERCROMBIE answer to letter received...
          Greetings, Ko Hawaii Pae Aina No. 2012-0014  Re: Signing of A"
Started by you
0 Apr 30  Crown Lands dubbed Ceded Lands are CONFISCATORY IN NATURE documente...
 In Defense of our Royal Families, and the true Hawaiian Government Lands, the Crown Lands and the Government Lands and Supporting All Kono"
Started by you
0 Mar 19  Response from U.S. President Barack a Kamehameha Desce...
Flag this message Response to Your Message Tuesday, February 21, 2012 12:25 PM From: "The White House" Add sender to Contacts To: hawaiianh"
Started by you
16 May 11
Reply by Amelia Gora  CEASE AND DESIST TO the State of Hawaii Abercrombie Who Has No Titl...
Fwd: Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom No. 2012-0006 Cease and Desist to the State of Hawaii, et.als. who are not the title owners of the"
Started by you
2 Jan 30
Reply by Amelia Gora  More Evidence of being a Multiple Kamehameha 1st Descendant Documen...
Well everyone........Heirs of the Crown Lands are Here..................... Have  certified another Probate showing more evidence of  our"
Started by you
Started by you
5 on Thursday
Reply by Amelia Gora  How does One go About Finding out about Crown Lands, Who currently ...
I know that there is alot of researching that has to be done. Who are the people here that are researching this or have already started the"
Started by Scott Keawemauhili Wong
5 Apr 27, 2010
Reply by Scott Keawemauhili Wong

Replies to This Discussion
Permalink Reply by Pomaikaiokalani on January 14, 2010 at 3:27pm
ALOHA Kaua, e Scott, Read every book on the Crown Lands. Always looking at the Kaona and you'll find your answers... Ke Ola Mau Ke Aupuni Moi O Hawaii, o Pomai
Permalink Reply by J. D'Alba on March 17, 2010 at 8:46am
Aloha Scott,

After consulting with experts and extensive research concerning the identification of the Ceded Lands, the legal mechanism to return these lands to their rightful owners, and who those individuals are who are rightly entitled to the lands, prelininary conclusions to these questions have been reached. Attorneys best qualified to accomplish this objective have been approached, they have reviewed the issues, and they have devised a strategy for success.

The strategy that has been devised has never been previously utilized in Hawaii, but has been used elsewhere with tremendous success. These legal experts are willing to persue this matter and discussions are ongoing to secure their representation. Prominent leaders from the Hawaiian community are involved. If the representation of this legal team is secured, this fact will be widely disseminated.

Malama pono,
Permalink Reply by Scott Keawemauhili Wong on March 17, 2010 at 10:31am
I saw on a film about hawaii Sovereignty that someone had an Index of kuleana and/or deeded lands from way back that had families names on it fro the 1800's. Where do you get a copy of that index. Is it the same as the Mahele book in the Archives???
Permalink Reply by Dawn K. Wasson on April 27, 2010 at 5:09pm
Aloha Scott just some info. re. the crown and government lands. Call Black Hoohuli at 668-1101 of Ho'ala Kanawai who have a document of all those lands. There are others I am aware that have others documents even OHA have a report done by Norma Wong. Mahalo Dawn K. Wasson   Email address removed  852-8778
Permalink Reply by Scott Keawemauhili Wong on April 27, 2010 at 6:50pm
Thanks Aunty! Attending the meeting at OHA taught me alot. Opened my eyes to more issues and gave me more information and what needs to be done for the future...
  1. Crown - Discussion Forum - Maoliworld
    Started by Amelia Gora. 0, 1 hour ago. Crown Lands dubbed Ceded Lands are CONFISCATORY IN NATURE documented by the Supreme Court ...
  2. IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: CeaseAndDesistNotice
    Apr 14, 2012 -- Crown Lands Owners, Kamehameha Descendant (Multiple genealogy lines) Information No. 2012-0001 from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, ...
  3. Owners - Discussion Forum - Maoliworld
    3 days ago -- From: Amelia Gora Subject: PUBLIC NOTICE OF A NEW ESTATE: ... /Heirs Exists and are and remain part of Crown Lands Owners.
  4. Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli/Aboriginal Hawaiian Truth

    May 6, 2012 -- Permalink Reply by Amelia Gora on September 7, 2010 at 4:24pm ...... Rents and leases are due to the Private owners of the Crown Lands, Alii ...
  5. Uncategorized - IOLANI -- The Royal Hawk

    I, Amelia Gora, have been assigned a Police File and have been sending ... Much research has been done, which shows that the Crown Lands Owners includes ...
  6. [PDF]  2010/07/07-Personal Opposition and Hawaiian Kingdom Records ...
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    Albertini; Angela Rosa; Amelia Gora; Cory Harden; Scott,:. ... Much research has been done, which shows that the Crown Lands Owners includes Kamehameha ...
  7. [PDF]  2009/11/08- Email from Amelia Gora to John Hayes, NRC IOLANI ...
    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    Failure to heed directions as posted by one of the Crown Land owners, a message sent from Amelia Gora - a. Royal person, and Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs ...
  8. Immagine: Crown Land Owners in Hawaii: Amelia Gora

    Immagine: Crown Land Owners in Hawaii: Amelia Gora by Amelia Gora.
  9. [PDF]  DEPU'T\" T0 THE CHAIRMAN  Sudden Rush
  Kazuo Takeda's photo.

Amended/Corrected article posted on the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk Vol IV No. 476  Wednesday Weekly - HAPPY NEW YEAR!  January 1, 2014 :

  • "History in a Nutshell from the Hawaiian Islands" compiled/researched by Amelia Gora (2013):

    Dwight de Armas: You are forgetting about
    .................................................... "Checks and Balances" !
    The three branches of government hold one another in "balance". The corruption in the executive branch holds the corruption in both the legislative and judicial branches in check !!
    ........................................... Three interpenetrating levels !!

    Amelia Gora: The research that I've covered is about History, Genealogies, and Law......In history, the Hawaiian Kingdom is made up of three (3) branches which was created by Kamehameha III based on his father Kamehameha... "Checks and Balances" applies to an American/Democratic Society government and Not a Monarchy or Constitutional Monarchy government..... The three (3) are made up of 2 permanent parts: (1) Sovereign and his descendants and heirs (2) House of Nobles and their descendants and heirs. The third (3) part is a voted in part----and this is the part that did dethrone the Queen after conspiring with the U.S., et. als. =---- when Queen Liliuokalani declared that the Provisional government was neither de jure nor de facto, it appears that she recognized that the PERMANENT parts were in position and the conspirators, treasonous persons were part of the last third (3) part of the Hawaiian Government - the voted in, the non permanent parts of the government who betrayed her, the nation and the people.........and they were actually pirates because we are on the high seas.......and history shows that they were supported by the U.S., England, and the other words, the pirates in operation are the "pretenders" that Kauikeouli/ Kamehameha III talked/wrote about....the history research shows documented Premeditation, which means all claims by the Americans are null and void.........the Genealogies shows criminal racketeering, identity thefts, etc.....which means the criminal activities/claims are null and void because the real owners are here - the Kamehameha's et. als. are here...the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, and other Trusts are racketeers and riding on the true bloodlines interests....they are Pirates who need to be prosecuted, etc.... the Laws /Legal research shows criminal maneuvers on the part of the Judges....who were the missionaries/ mercenaries of the U.S., and documented treasonous persons who did help themselves by claiming that the rules that they passed became LAW and that was in 1884-1885.....add the fact that many of the Judges were American Civil War Generals.....the cases ALL needs to be reviewed due to the criminal issues which can be made due to the Premeditations discovered, the identity thefts, defrauding, includes causing stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, premeditation, genocide, etc. of the true land owners, true title owners, genocide activities documented affection a neutral, non violent friendly nation through a concerted group of international piracy(ies) and Americans supported by a government who was and is bankrupt utilizing our neutral nations monies, assets, lands, minerals, etc. to plunder upon innocents, etc......The U.S., England, etc. is locked into friendship treaties and owes rents, leases because the Hawaiian Kingdom permanent parts of government exists and our people have evidence of genocide by Pirates, Parasites who needs to be under the American Embassy, vacate our families properties, or pay rents, leases etc. to the land owners/true title owners who were born into the Permanent parts of the Hawaiian Government  (contact address: Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs,  P.O. Box 861781  Wahiawa, Hawaii  96786).......yep, everyone needs to do their research because the truth can be found from intense research...........and btw Queen Liliuokalani tore up the Constitution which changed the Constitutional Monarchy government back to a Monarchy government once more...........better check out the claimed Constitution put together by a bunch of American attorneys who did document that it was a "puported" Constitution .....

    Liliuo Free - BigEveryTime (BET)
    Kamehameha's children were:  Kaoleioku, Kanekapolei 2, Keliiokahekili, Kinau, Kinau (w), Kamamalu (w), et. als.  (see letters to the President, etc. other postings by checking etc.)
    Kamehameha III's children were: Opunui, Kekipi, Mahoe, Keawe, Kahalaoa, Papa, and Nalimu.........his hanai children were: Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke

  • Did you know that Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III had seven children and hanai children as well? Did it dawn on anyone that OHA and Kanaiolowalu along with the State of Hawaii is totally illegal? Watch what's happening in the Kualoa case folks.....the criminal Morgans, descendants of the treasonous, conspirators, Pirates, Parasites Judds are claiming ownership to those lands......and ....did you know that DLNR director is a Judd descendant who claims ownership of Kualoa....his name? William Aila..... open up your eyes folks.........oh btw OHA and Kaniolowalu are doing CRIMINAL CONTRACTS which can be negated.........empower yourselves with knowledge folks...... the Kamehameha's are here and some of Kamehameha's descendants are the TRUE TRUSTEES of Queen Liliuokalani's Trust, etc...... and Not the Bank of Hawaii, etc. Maka Ala!
  • Reminding everyone that the stolen goods remain with the criminals, the Judd families/the Morgan families who are genocide activists along with Judge what remains missing from Queen Liliuokalani's desk.....Albert Francis Judd broke in, stole items of the Queen and the Judds 'gifted' the list to the Bishop Museum another Criminal Entity......Conspirators documented....

....was in court for the Kualoa, Oahu case on Thursday, December 30, 2013... and added more info that am one of Kamehameha's in four lines, one line of Kamehameha III, and am a descendant of Kamehameha III's hanai Hueu Davis, and Peke Davis and our families inherited sovereignty,....this testimony btw was made by Samuel Kamakau the author of the RULING CHIEFS which was found in a Probate.....and informed them that  I was uncomfortable about being in this court because our ancestors didn't enter the courts because 'we're Royal persons and not subject to the laws'  and lastly informed them that i have multiple immunities including being the Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs for the Hawaiian Kingdom and have been for a number of years and our families have immunities as well as others with us under international laws, and it's documented in the LANDAIS and the De Flanchet cases....talked about the criminal Judds who the Morgans descend from and they are basically war criminals for their criminal wrongs documented, conspiracy(ies)....added that this court is sitting on our ancestors land, his name was Kekuanaoa.....the Judge and the Judd/ Morgan attorneys said nothing and i exited saying 'thank you'  ....she still allowed the Morgan's to have their adverse possession amidst  oppositions by many...and btw William Aila is one of the Judd's...............issues continue.

The Judge denied the Amicus Curiae info from Routh Bolomet which removed all the laws that she entered but all kanaka maoli can use the laws which can be viewed at the password is HAKIPUU

Oppositions to Annexation:

The following Links shows Queen Liliuokalani's Opposition Letter which was found at the National Archives by Ms. Kekumano:
page 1
page 3
page 4

Kue: The Hui Aloha Aina Anti-Annexation Petitions, 1897-1898

Petition Cover page
Note: the petitions consist of hand-written signatures therefore it is NOT possible to convert them into text documents.
Petition Images
  » begin browsing at first page
  • Hawaii, Women [Kona Hema, Kona 'Akau, Kohala, Waimea, Hamakua, Hilo, Puna, Ka'u]
  • Hawaii, Men [Kona, Hema, Kona, 'Akau, Kohala, Waimea, Hamakua, Hilo, Puna, Ka'u]
  • Maui, Women [Lahaina, Wailuku, Waihe'e, Waiehu, Waikapu, Honua'ula, Makawao, Hana, Honokohau]
  • Maui, Men [Lahaina, Wailuku, Waihe'e, Waiehu, Waikapu, Honua'ula, Makawao, Hana, Honokohau]
  • Molokai, Women [Kona, Halawa]
  • Molokai, Men [Pelekunu, Wailau, Kona, Halawa, Kalawao & Kalupapa]
  • Oahu, Women [Honolulu, Manoa, 'Ewa, Wai'anae, Waialua, Ko'olauloa, Ko'olaupoko]
  • Oahu, Men [Honolulu, Manoa, 'Ewa, Wai'anae, Waialua, Ko'olauloa, Ko'olaupoko]
  • Kauai, Women [Lihu'e, Koloa, Hanapepe, Waimea, Ko'olau, Hanalei, Kawaihau]
  • Kauai, Men [Lihu'e, Hanapepe, Waimea, Hanalei, Kawaihau]
  • Lists
  • Report of L.A. Thurston
  • Tables
The organization of the petitions is based on the publication: Kue: The Hui Aloha Aina Anti-Annexation Petitions, 1897-1898, compiled by Nalani Minton and Noenoe K.Silva. (UHM Library KZ245.H3 M56 1998).
The copy of the petitions used for this project was provided courtesy of the Bishop Museum Archives.
  call, write, fax or e-mail to:
  Hawaiian Collection
  University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
  2550 McCarthy Mall
  Honolulu, HI 96822
  Phone: (808) 956-8264
  Fax: (808) 956-5968
Some of my documents are at:

Fraud, Conspiracy(ies), Treason, etc. Active in Present Days and the Past or EXPOSING CORRUPTION, CONSPIRACY, ETC. TODAY


Bobby Harmon's Whistleblower Website: HERE COMES THE JUDGE(S)! The CORRUPT JUDGES that is....

Including Police Report - Genocide Activities/Activists List for Judge Castagnetti, et. als.

Celebrate - Rare Earth
facebook:  (pertaining to the Missionaries/Mercenaries, et. als.)

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