Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Some of the Reasons Why Kanaka Maoli/Kanaka Hawaii Maoli Have to Stand Together, Which Is Why The Hawaiian Kingdom Judges Are Being Put Into Place, etc.

to Ruthie,  
hi Ruth,

The illegal activities has gone on for some time.............even before the wrongful dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani.

We maintain a neutral, non-violent nation and Hepa et. als.. turn to an opposing position, which is not OK........in other words, we will no longer support the claims of those until they document and demonstrate that they too are non-violent, neutral as well......

Kamehemeha III - Kauikeaouli documented neutrality and all of our Royals to Queen Liliuokalani, and her families, which includes our families.

The billings have been sent to U.S. President Trump, Governor Ige, et. als.

More to come, and I'll make sure your name is added to the list of those interested.

The entity behind of all the criminal activities are the partners-in-crime relating to the Charles Reed Bishop Trust, the Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates, the Queen Liliuokalani Trust, the Queen's Hospital etc.

You see, Charles Reed Bishop was entitled to only a life interest, and since found that he indeed had a part in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani, he was a treasonous person and entitled to nothing.  His beneficiary or one of was former U.S. President Obama, et. als.  In other words, Obama is perpetuating a Fraud, etc.

KSBE/Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Trustees claimed that Bernice was the "last of the Kamehameha's" which is not true.  The Trustees call themselves the heirs, which is Identity Theft.  The KSBE supports the lands conveyed to the U.S. and State of Hawaii as if that is legal.  ....They are Not alodio land owners and can never be, and with their partnership in crime, having to do with dethroning our Queen, they are pirates as documented in Article XIV of the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America.

Note that the United States of America became two (2) nations documented in the PEACOCK vs. REPUBLIC OF HAWAII case of 1899.  In other words, Kamehameha III treaty applies to the United States of America and not the two nations which basically usurped their people.  The people were usurped according to Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes and Alana Fleischmann........the Leader of Russia, and World Bank Whistleblower, and JP Morgan Banker whistleblower.

  1. Some of the Posts that All Kanaka Maoli ... - The Royal Hawk

    May 05, 2017 · Some of the Posts that All Kanaka Maoli ... Alana Fleischmann's article .... I,Amelia Gora, ... Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, and Alana Fleischmann, ...
  2. IOLANI - The Royal Hawk: Vol VI No. 666 Part 1b - reposts

    Aug 30, 2017 · JP Morgan and the World Bank (see Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, and Alana Fleischmann, ... Vladimir Putin, Alana Fleischmann's article .... I,Amelia Gora, ...
  3. Diary: One World Order Background or The Dark Forces ...

    One World Order Background or The Dark Forces Secrets. ... Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, Alayne Fleischmann, and Amelia Gora - Advertisement - Compiled by Amelia Gora ...
  4. Legal Notice About True Owners of Pearl Harbor, etc. and ...

    Nov 29, 2016 · Legal Notice About True Owners of Pearl Harbor, ... Amelia Gora did find the article showing that U.S ... along with Karen Hudes, and Alana Fleischmann are ...
  5. Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : November 2016

    ... Amelia Gora did find the article showing that U.S ... along with Karen Hudes, and Alana Fleischmann are ... Note how the names in this article shows the ...
  6. News from the Hawaiian Kingdom: Brief Pirate History In ...

    Nov 10, 2015 · by Amelia Gora (2015) ... England, and the bankers - includes JP Morgan and the World Bank (see Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, and Alana Fleischmann, ...
  7. Exposing U.S. President Obama via article from Hawaii ...

    Jan 09, 2015 · ... Kauikeaouli’s Heirs exists, and I, Amelia Gora, ... Noam Chompsky, Alayne Fleischmann, William ... According to Karen Hudes, Vladimir Putin, ...
  8. Legal Notice - Reminders and Opposition to the U.S. set up ...

    Nov 12, 2015 · ... on the occupation of our neutral nation from Amelia Gora, ... Putin, Neutral Nations ... Bank (see Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, and Alana Fleischmann, ...
  9. Legal Notice Sent to U.S. President Obama et. als. on ...

    Jan 09, 2015 · ... 1849/1850 from Amelia Gora, ... Compiled by Amelia Gora (2014) http://theiolani.blogspot ... Vladimir Putin, Karen Hudes, Alayne Fleischmann, and ...
  10. Evidence: American Version Hawaiian sovereignty movement ...

    May 10, 2015 · The United States had previously recognized the Kingdom of Hawaii’s independence. But on January 17, 1893, U.S. troops took part in a conspiracy led by a ...

On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 4:45 AM, Ruthie Caudill <ruthiejim13@gmail.com> wrote:
Aloha Amelia Gora,

I read your Blog and found it very interesting.

Could you please forward me the people whom you sent the Pay Rent and Leases?

 "Coco Palms corporation will have to pay rents and leases to our Royal Families who owns the Paramount titles."


“Legal Notice dated March 19, 2018

Greetings to all concerned,

There are six (6) issues in all of this:

(1)  Personal Properties of our Royal Families who have paramount titles are being entered upon by those who do not have Alodio/Alodial titles.

(2)  Hepa by claiming to perform some Civil War violence is not acceptable and our Royal Families will not support such actions.

(3)  Hepa et. als. will have to show their ties to the Kamehameha's, or the Royal Families before obtaining support from us and maintain non-violence because since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli we have maintained a neutral, non-violent status.....even Queen Liliuokalani has maintained that status.

(4) Protective Orders is hereby rescinded immediately for all those claiming to move towards a "Civil War".

(5)  Our prima facie evidence of ownership will be submitted for the records, and Coco Palms corporation will have to pay rents and leases to our Royal Families who owns the Paramount titles.

(6)  The court of original jurisdiction, the Kingdom of Hawaii courts will be adjudicating the case soon based on trespassing of non-owners, Coco Palms who do Not have Alodio titles because their status is "Aliens" and "Aliens" can not own Alodio lands, etc.

Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii”

I agree with making Special Warranty Deed Corporations Pay Rent.  If they had Title, they would have ownership.

May I ask you, please, to clarify your items:

“(2)  Hepa by claiming to perform some Civil War violence is not acceptable and our Royal Families will not support such actions.

(3)  Hepa et. als. will have to show their ties to the Kamehameha's, or the Royal Families before obtaining support from us and maintain non-violence because since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli we have maintained a neutral, non-violent status.....even Queen Liliuokalani has maintained that status.

(4) Protective Orders is hereby rescinded immediately for all those claiming to move towards a "Civil War".[“]

I am wondering if you have checked on Counties and the State, who might have taken Kanaka land through Quiet Title or other Seizures?

Is it a possibility, that the Special Warranty Deeds come through the County or State? 

Is it a possibility that the Judges who are allowing Quiet Title and other forms of illegal land taking, allow the illegal taking of Kanaka Land, due to other collusion in the Government?

Do you feel that the State of Hawaii Offices set up to protect the Kanaka have done enough or anything at all to protect the Kanaka?

I have only been aware of the taking of Kanaka land for a few weeks and am shocked at what I have found.



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