Thursday, March 8, 2018

Vol VI No. 693 Part 1c

  1. The VA killed thousands of vets and fueled the national opioid addiction crisis by recklessly throwing pills at a problem.
    The suit alleges that the agricultural giant knew about the dangers posed by PCBs in the 1930s, yet it manufactured them for nearly half a century.|By NBC News
  3. "The City of Flint has experienced a Manmade disaster," the mayor wrote in a declaratory statement on Monday.
  4. Applicable to the Hawaiian Kingdom folks! fyi you go Greta!
    Fox News host Greta Van Susteren gave President Barack Obama a "refresher" on the U.S. Constitutional during her program Wednesday night. "Let's all go 'Off…
  5. Important Post....and what's kool is that OHA et. als. are NOT part of this!!! HAH!!!
    Correction: Kingdom of Hawaii and Royal Families Legal Notice No. 2017-0304 7 Day Notice from…
  6. Everyone should be aware that ALL of the Trusts Claimed by Pirates are Documented Criminals which is why we all need to take part in bringing the true trusts forward...............adjudication will be in our courts because Donald Trump is moving very s-l-o-w-l-y on this...........and many other issues...............the prosecution followed up by arrests with the assistance of other nations is intended......remember too that Ige et. als. are on the Private Properties of our Royal Families and they too need to be removed...............aloha.
    Important Post....and what's kool is that OHA et. als. are NOT part of this!!! HAH!!!
    Correction: Kingdom of Hawaii and Royal Families Legal Notice No. 2017-0304 7 Day Notice from…
    Pikanini Pake The Kingdom of Hawaii was a creation of the Annexation Club. All of our Hawaiian documents were signed Hawaiian King ngdom of Hawaii makes it a corporation like the state of Ha(oops) Hawaii, United States of, the county of....ju(just) saying. They are plaing with my post...won't let me type the right words! Oh well!
    Amelia Gora He Mokupuni Pae Aina o Hawaii/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina/Hawaiian Kingdom/ Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaii/Sandwich Islands are more names used by Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli...........
  8. for lunch I had poi, ahi with ogo, Hawaiian style raw crab, and pani popo - the Samoan bread in coconut, honey milk............oh dat was soooo ono!
    Pani Popo is one of my FAVORITE dishes I had when living in Hawaii (even though technically it is a Samoan dish).…
  9. for lunch I had poi, ahi with ogo, Hawaiian style raw crab, and pani popo - the Samoan bread in coconut, honey milk............oh dat was soooo ono!
    Pani Popo is one of my FAVORITE dishes I had when living in Hawaii (even though technically it is a Samoan dish). Seriously…
    Amelia Gora we're having Portuguese bean soup for dinner and some panipopo for dessert.......haven't had it for months!
    Amelia Gora Did you know that maafala breadfruit tastes like Portuguese sweet bread with butter after baking at 400 degrees for 1 hour?..look forward to the seasonal gifts from the ulu trees each year...
    Calvin Hulihee Look so oono no going tell u what i went kau kau? Aloha to all us cuz!!! Kaukaualii lll aka hulaaloha!
  10. From: Maria Date: February 18, 2018 Subject: Stopping Mass Shootings Is this th...

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