Thursday, March 8, 2018

Vol VI No. 693 Part 1e

Healani Sonoda-Pale to 'A'ole DOI
Here is a draft of points we need to make when we confront the unelected delegates in the community regarding the Gated 88 Constitution. FOCUS on the the proc...ess.
THE GATED 88 Constitution
➢ The Naʻi Aupuni “Aha 2016” was funded solely by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), a “State of Hawaiʻi” agency and convened from February 1-26, 2016 to write a Constitution or governing document for a “Hawaiian Nation”.
➢ The ʻAha 2016 process was exclusive, only Hawaiians who signed up on the State Kanaʻiolowalu Roll were able to participate in the Naʻi Aupuni ʻAha 2016.
➢ By signing up to the Kanaʻiolowalu Roll Hawaiians had to agree to a process for Hawaiian nationhood that was created by the State through Act 195.
➢ The Kanaʻiolowalu Roll transferred over 80,000 names from three different Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) lists without the free, prior and informed consent of those on the lists.
➢ Kanaʻiolowalu or the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission handed over approximately 95,0000 names of Hawaiians on their “certified” list hundreds of whom were deceased.
➢ The Naʻi Aupuni ʻAha 2016 seated151 unelected delegates from the Kanaiolowalu Roll who do not represent the voice of the people.
➢ The Naʻi Aupuni ʻAha was held on private property behind a lock gate with heavy security in order lock the Hawaiian community out..
➢ The Naʻi Aupuni ʻAha 2016 did not allow non participant observers and did not take any input from the community.
➢ 7 Hawaiians were arrested after trying to enter the Naʻi Aupuni ʻAha 2016 on February 22, 2016 in order to read a declaration rejecting this State process.
➢ The Constitution that came out of the Naʻi Aupuni ʻAha 2016 also known as the Gated 88 Constitution was written in 20 days - it was rushed.
➢ The Naʻi Aupuni ʻAha 2016 is a State created and funded process that violates Hawaiians right to Self-Determination as defined by the United Nations.
➢ Self-determination is no a right of government or state or federal agencies. It is the collective right of “Peoples” including Hawaiians.
➢ The Naʻi Aupuni ʻAha 2016 constitution did not have broad community input.
➢ The unelected delegates are taking this document out into the community to have the Hawaiian people rubber stamp this Constitution
➢ The Gated 88 Constitution will create a government that is the sole representative sovereign government of the Hawaiian community to settle once and for all 1.8 million acres of National Lands on our behalf.
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Foster Ampong added 8 new photos — with Ka'iu Lambert and 78 others.
March 6, 2016 - Nai Aikane Cultural Center - Lahaina, Maui.
Around 25-30 people gathered to hear from a few of the Maui participants that attended the AHA 2016 ...aka "Nai Aupuni AHA" at the Royal Hawaiian Golf Course on O'ahu last month (February 2016).
Three (3) of the eight (8) Maui Participants that voted on this so-called "constitution" were present. Carol Kamekona (No Voted), Keoki Souza (No Vote), and Sarah Nakihei (Yes Vote).
FIRST: Mahalo nui loa olu'olu to Keeaumoku Kapu for opening and welcoming the public to Nai Aikane for this discussion. MAHALO NUI LOA Carol, Keoki, and Keeaumoku for leading the discussion with ha'aha'a and respect to all those in attendance. DESPITE some RUDE INTERUPTIONS and my MOKE lighting up.
Carol and Keoki shared their experience and rationale as to why they decided to attend. Though many in attendance disagreed with the legitimacy of the AHA wale no, e.g. the appearance the "Participants" spoke for and REPRESENTED the Maui folks, etc. BOTH Carol and Keoki made NO EXCUSES.
For now, I will simply share some photos below and two things that stuck out...or more accurately that STUCK DEEP IN MY BACK.
One: It became evident some participants at that AHA were of the thinking that they know what's best for others and took-it-upon themselves to vote "Yes" for that so-call "constitution" on other peoples behalf.
What really stuck out (or in da back) was the blaring and glaring tone of arrogance and BORDERLINE contempt from each RUDE INTERRUPTION towards those expressing their thoughts and feelings. This occurred REPEATEDLY with several speakers after my attempt to FIRST establish CONTEXT for the discussion.
Two: The FACT that when a question from one of the attendees asked if the participants received money for ATTENDIING this AHA on O'ahu, the response was "Yes." O'ahu Participants received $1,000.00 for expenses; Outer Island Participants received $4,000.00; and those traveled from outside of the U.S, like Bronson Kaahui (South East Asia) received $5,000.00.
In other words, ALL these PARTICIANTS GOT PAID to MAHA'OI.
I had to leave the room for a little while. I walked over to Mokuhunia and pule to ohana for kokua.
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Amelia Gora

Ted Tedson Royal Raymond Rife is a name you might want to look at as far as healing and frequency. Much like Tesla, he was one of the true visionaries whose discoveries should have changed the world but were suppressed.
I urge everyone to read up on becomes obvious that diseases like cancer were cured long ago
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Lovejoy Jonathan I can highly suggest the "Pyramid Code" as a good reference point for ancient people groups knowing more than we could possibly understand. The ancient Egyptians used not only vibrational frequency healing but also had a developed understanding of the ...See More
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‘As though to confirm the hunch many of us had that our ‘junk’ DNA was anything but disposable,…

Welcome to the Catbird's Nest located in the very top of the tallest tree in the forest!

liberty defender.......
Gun Rights Across America - North West
Can we get a like and a share for a valiant defender of liberty?

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