Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Vol VII No. 705 Part 3

Hospitals must disclose physician satisfaction rates


KevinMD Plus via 

May 24 (3 days ago)
to me

Here are the stories you missed on KevinMD.  Thank you for your continuing readership.


How to prove the value of business continuity. Today the total cost of a single, unplanned outage for health care organizations is $918,000. This eBrief gathers industry insights to help you answer the tough business continuity questions. Get the guide.

The medical profession is part of the cultural shift happening throughout our society toward greater transparency -- and this is benefiting physicians, as well as patients. Training is very important.

Challenged with 15 minutes to share patient information and answer questions? Hear how one doctor spent five minutes crafting and sending a message to thousands that started important, educated conversations about HPV vaccines before patients entered the practice.
Survey: 2018 priorities for hospital CIOs. 62% of CIOs said they are focusing on physician secure texting adoption and buy-in. See the results.
Patient misidentification can lead to medical errors, patient harm, and costly inefficiencies for providers. Get the facts on patient misidentification, and learn how to avoid it from organizations that use biometrics to do so.

KevinMD Plus: May 24, 2018

It’s time for hospitals to publicly disclose physician satisfaction, burnout, and suicide rates

We are in the midst of an epidemic of physician burnout, depression and suicide. Although the causes are debatable, there can be little doubt that increasing demands for financial performance and patient satisfaction, decreasing autonomy, and physicians’ individual liability for systemic risk management decisions in a majority of practice settings are significant contributors to these […]
How mindfulness helped this physician’s primary care journey

“Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally.” That’s how Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, describes mindfulness. In the book Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, another thought leader in mindfulness, Shunryu Suzuki, says that, “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” In my experience, […]
Why all physicians need mentors

Having a mentor leads to a more successful and satisfying career for doctors. So how does one go about finding a mentor mid-training or after training? Many medical schools and residency programs have mentorship requirements for trainees. But those mentorship needs may change if a student or resident (like myself!) changes their mind about what […]
Medical residents and academic due process: Know your rights

I recently received a call from a physician resident in the Northeast U.S. who had been notified that she would be terminated from her residency program for a “weak knowledge base.” There would be no contract offered to her for the coming academic year. She reports that her scores are no worse than several of […]
Everyone needs someone to be a safe harbor

I met David on the internet. It was to become on of the closest, most intense relationships of my life.  For you see, a few months before he crossed my path his daughter finished the same protocol for the same type of brain tumor that my daughter just had started.  They had successfully traversed the waters that […]

Conference planners! Find vetted, handpicked physician speakers that shine on stage. Physician Speaking by KevinMD: Your audience deserves the best.

How Barbara Bush’s legacy can help us rediscover the benefits of palliative care and hospice

The recent passing of former first lady Barbara Bush, an American icon, also brought a commonly debated discussion to light, palliative, and end of life care. Many articles were published regarding her last days, mentioning she was “foregoing further medical care” or “no longer pursuing medical treatment.” These types of statements are not only inaccurate, […]
This physician brought his right brain back from the brink of death

I checked my right brain at the door when I started medical school in 1995.  Writing, performing music, and acting didn’t make it in.  How could they?  I had very little free time and why would I want to cling to touchy-feely distractions?  I was prepared to sacrifice personal interests and passions to clear my […]
Dr. Ronny Jackson: A victim of political accusations, or physician burnout?

It is no secret that President Trump’s former nominee to run the Veterans Administration, Navy Rear Admiral Ronny L. Jackson, has withdrawn his nomination amidst allegations related to his behavior: that he drank on the job, was a bully in the office and improperly gave out prescription medication.  He has vehemently denied the allegations and […]
How I became the debt free terminator by age 31

An excerpt from The Young Physician’s Guide to Money and Life: The Financial Blueprint for the Medical Trainee. Do you have student loans? Won’t you love to destroy them and be debt-free? What would you do with the cash flow you free up once your student loans are paid off? I (Amanda) invite you to join […]
An aging physician muses on end-of-life care

As a retired physician who has written a book about end-of-life issues for elderly patients, I have placed myself in an awkward position. According to most guidelines, at age 67, I am elderly. How will I approach the end of my life? Not only do my personal medical concerns career around in the echo chamber […]
The unscientific lure of antibiotics

Although my father did not discover penicillin, he helped do the research showing its effectiveness in curing infective endocarditis. As an internist, he then became enamored with the role antibiotics could play in treating infections. Growing up, my siblings and I can attest to his unbridled enthusiasm, as every time we contracted a cold, we […]
S Hippocratic Oath for technology

Modern technology needs to do better. This is the message delivered by every CEO after every Silicon Valley scandal in recent memory. This time, they should really do it. Medicine can show them how. Let’s have the professionals building our future abide by industry-wide standards, just as doctors do. As both a startup founder and […]
The best medical specialty you’ve never heard of

The most common response when I introduce myself as a preventive medicine resident is an interjection, “You mean family medicine?” I have come to realize that the majority of the healthcare field has never heard of preventive medicine as a unique medical specialty. It’s a shame, because preventive medicine is truly the best medical specialty […]
Why the battle against being called a provider is probably lost

I recently needed to transfer my patient to a larger medical center for some urgent care. As I sat there in my relatively small hospital working out where they would be best served, a famous academic medical center that was not too far away, came to mind. I placed a call to the facility’s bed […]
To change the culture, start with clinical education

The hardest thing about medical school isn’t learning medicine. It isn’t the hours. It isn’t the tests. It’s that you sign away control over years of your adult life. When I started my clerkship year in January, I felt like I was stepping onto a conveyor belt and would not be allowed off for twelve […]
5 things that confuse me about health care today

Say we met ten years ago. And you asked me: Would health care delivery be more complicated in the future? I would’ve said, “No, it would be simpler!” Pointing you to technology trends, I would’ve told you that health care transactions will indeed become more automated, much simpler. Repeatable administrative tasks would be tech-enabled and […]

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Thursday, May 24, 2018
Never miss a beat.
By Landess Cole

Civil Beat Poll: Tulsi Gabbard Is Hawaii’s Most Popular Politician By Chad Blair

Civil Beat Poll: Tulsi Gabbard Is Hawaii’s Most Popular Politician
Despite run-ins with controversy in recent years, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard still holds the hearts of many Hawaii residents, according to our new poll results.
Among the voters we polled, 61 percent said they have a positive opinion of the congresswoman. That’s higher than Hawaii’s other members of Congress.
We also polled Hawaii voters on their opinions of President Trump, ex-President Obama, Mayor Caldwell and more. (Spoiler alert: Barry polled a tad higher than Trump or Caldwell.)
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Chat with our reporters LIVE this Friday, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Join Civil Beat political editor Chad Blair and reporter Nathan Eagle for a live discussion on our recent poll results. We’ll be accepting — and moderating — comments in a new live chat format you can find on our home page on Friday.

'ultimately it comes down to the utility to make this work'

Is HECO ‘Dragging Anchor’ On Push To Renewable Energy? By Stewart Yerton

Is HECO ‘Dragging Anchor’ On Push To Renewable Energy?
Some critics complain the utility isn’t moving fast enough to wean the state off fossil fuels, but HECO says it’s met every deadline.
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Candidates For Congress Sound A Lot Alike In Dissing Trump By Chad Blair

Chad Blair: Candidates For Congress Sound A Lot Alike In Dissing Trump
The five leading candidates for Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District were all in the same room yesterday, making the case for themselves to replace Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa.
In this column, read politics and opinion editor Chad Blair’s takeaways from the event, including why nobody particularly stood out to him.
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Hawaii’s Lure For Ex-Residents Isn't As Strong As You Think By Neal Milner

Neal Milner: Hawaii’s Lure For Ex-Residents Is Not As Strong As You Think
Hawaii’s isolated position in the middle of the Pacific can hurt us in unexpected ways, columnist Neal Milner writes.
For one, we overestimate Hawaii’s draw for former locals due to an “ethnocentric feeling that this place is unique in ways it’s not,” he writes.
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🌀 🌀 🌀

Central Pacific Could See Up To 6 Hurricanes This Season By The Associated Press

Forecasters Predict Central Pacific Could See Up To 6 Hurricanes This Season
According to weather forecasters, the Central Pacific will likely see storm activity that’s normal or a bit busier than normal this year.
“No matter what, everybody needs to be prepared,” said NOAA’s Robert Ballard.
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Erupting Volcano Produces Blue Flames From Methane By The Associated Press

Erupting Volcano Produces Blue Flames From Methane
Kilauea produces methane when hot lava buries and burns plants and trees.
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Decision Delayed On Kaniela Ing's Alleged Campaign Violations By Nathan Eagle

Decision Delayed On Hawaii Legislator’s Alleged Campaign Violations
Rep. Kaniela Ing, who is currently running for Congress, faces more than $15,000 in fines for 31 counts of campaign violations connected to prior campaigns.
The state Campaign Spending Commission agreed to hold off for at least a month on making a decision.
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In Other News...

Since we focus on in-depth reporting here at Civil Beat, we can’t cover everything that happens in the Aloha State. But I can point you in the right direction. Here’s what’s happening:
  • Read stories from some of the Puna residents who live in evacuation zones but have decided not to leave their homes. (Hawaii Tribune-Herald)
  • UH Geologist Ken Rubin annotated this photo of lava entering the ocean, explaining exactly what’s going on scientifically.
(The links found here may have limited access for those who don’t subscribe to the publication. Sorry for any inconvenience!)

Community Voice

My Tour Of The Red Hill Fuel Facility That Threatens Oahu’s Water By Colleen Soares

My Tour Of The Red Hill Fuel Facility That Threatens Oahu’s Water
“Twenty-two years is too long to wait while Hawaii’s groundwater is threatened with contamination by the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Facility,” Colleen Soares writes.
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