Friday, November 30, 2018

Genocide Activities List for Mihailo Kostich, a Hater...Kanaka Maoli Alert too!

Genocide Activities List for Mihailo Kostich person on Facebook

Amelia Gora Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 2:06 AM

To: Office of the Chief of Police  et.als.

Please add Mihailo Kostich who I have documented as a Genocide Activist as of today 11/30/2018 for his threatening post.....
I have already contacted Facebook 
I was assigned a Police Record Number in 1998 and have an ongoing list documented.
Thank you,
Amelia Gora, a Royal person, a Kamehameha descendant from four (4) of his children, an heir from eight (8) of his stepchildren/hanai/ adopted children


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President Donald Trump stressed the importance of being proud of the history of the United States during his Naval Academy commencement address Friday.

Healii Kauhane

Healii Kauhane It was already "Tame"...

All your ancestors managed, and you continue, to do is mess it up... it was fine before you, it'll be fine after you.


· Reply · 10h
Terrence Freeman

Terrence Freeman Such a HEAP of lies.


· Reply · 9h
T.w. Rassmeussen

T.w. Rassmeussen When will enough be enough?


· Reply · 6h
Glenn Likong

Glenn Likong Tamed? The Indigenous 1st nation’s people of the World didn’t ask you to bring them anything! Truth be..... Your ancestors used it for an excuse to conquer, steal, and assimilate the Indig people of the World.....So now you still marginalize the need…See More


· Reply · 6h
Amelia Gora

Amelia Gora let us not forget that the 13 colonies were penal colonies.....the castouts of the English society..... the apples doesn't fall very far from the tree does it?...…...rotten = spreads rotten, etc. etc.

· Reply · 2h · Edited
Mihailo Kostich

Mihailo Kostich Amelia Gora Only Georgia, and later, Australia, were penal colonies.


· Reply · 1h
Amelia Gora

Amelia Gora Wrong...researchers evidence...aged book purchased with evidence.... 13 penal colonies....;) the closest to that shown here:
Amelia Gora

Amelia Gora

Amelia Gora Note in the article about John Hancock: "the enslaved colonies of the pilgrim fathers" … Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, John Kennedy and now Donald Trump moving with rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.....all of these Presidents had/has a lot of haters....
Amelia Gora

Amelia Gora penal colonies of the U.S. numbered 13.... those who relocated to the U.S. were slaves from England....they were emancipated and enslaved the native people and purchased slaves from Africa, etc.....even some of the Hawaiians were removed from Hawaii and sent to the U.S. as slaves....the Kalama families are a testimony to that...….etc.

Mihailo Kostich Genocide Activities List …Honolulu Police Department …..for the records.....haters listed....Facebook alert! HPD/Honolulu Police Department, etc. alert!  All kanaka maoli alert! Hater here...Human Rights Watch etc.kanaka maoli alert....Human Rights Watch... watch this character, report to the Honolulu Police...etc....hater on board, hater on board.... I've posted the entire conversation at

Amelia Gora


Morning herald. (New York [N.Y.]) 1837-1840, December 30, 1839, Image 2

Image provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link:



Early settlers of New England were a blood-thirsty race....



Cherokee phoenix, and Indians' advocate. [volume] (New Echota [Ga.]) 1829-1834, April 09, 1831, Image 4

Image provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link:



The theft of Indian Lands...…..

Cherokee phoenix, and Indians' advocate. [volume] (New Echota [Ga.]) 1829-1834, April 09, 1831, Image 4

Image provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link:

Note:  the above articles it disproves why U.S. President Trump said in the article:

President Donald Trump stressed the importance of being proud of the history of the United States during his Naval Academy commencement address Friday.

It's obvious that the President is an undereducated man and fails to see the evils presented to the Indians over time...……..know the Truth....because the man has failed to do his homework.

so, the genocide activist is a hater and fails to face up to the truth in the matter of being "proud of the history of the United States"....along with U.S. President Trump.

U.S. President Trump maintains Rule of Law and the U.S. Constitution and that is good, perhaps with evidence, truth presented he may accept that Justice will prevail...…..


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