Friday, November 30, 2018

Vol VII No. 731 Part 3 - Hawaiian issues, and the 13 colonies of the U.S. were penal colonies

We have been so sick with flu this week. Days and days of misery, and stifling quarantine. Ugh. Just getting a little better now, but still super weak.
But things are looking up (“from da bottom” as Uncle Tommy Maunupau used to say). Being real sick def does have a serious reset benefit, and several other good things.
And I’m still glad I didnʻt do the shot.


Josephine Keliipio The shot would have given you no benefits, so am glad for you too.


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Laulani Teale The one time I encountered someone unexpectedly, even though it was at far range, I did not have a mask on me so I quickly tied a bandana over my face and rubber gloves on my hands. I am glad she did not have a gun, because by the look of terror on her face she might have shot me. It did not occur to me that a white woman in California would think I was gonna hold her up, as opposed to germ protection.


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Bray Kalani Kapiko Beautiful Amen 🙏 Sista


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Ben Manuel Rest up sis. I know you've been pedal to the metal since you've been up there. Hope you feel better soon!


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(S) Nothing to see here. Just a U.S. president calling for his political opponents to be jailed for treason without evidence.

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Trump is ramping up attacks on his political opponents as Mueller's investigation reaches a critical point.

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Judson Witham commented on this.


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Karen L McLaughlin Get rid of all of them. Except Bernie lol


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Judson Witham Bernie is a Worthless Fake. In reality Sanders is a wet noodle and has no intention to Liberate America from the Federal Reserve Junta. Fiat Crap Scrip ..... Shinplaster Reserve Notes are FULL BLOWN COMMUNISM


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Karen L McLaughlin Judson Witham I disagree about Bernie! I think he’s sincere. Like Ralph Nader.


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Martin Guy Karen L McLaughlin Yes he is sincere about moving our Republic to Communism but will settle for a full-fledged Socialist STATE or anything in between!!! WAKE UP AMERICA?????


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Victor Lawson Martin Guy well said, so very true. He is a full fledged communist. Can't believe any sane American would support him.


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Victor Lawson So you approve of America becoming a communist country??? Came across these descriptions of what a "progressive" is in current political terms. They sound like communist propaganda agenda to me, a good reason to call them "progressive communists". On the news this morning, progressives are going to push for a "progressive candidate" to be the nominee to run against Trump in 2020. So just saying people, is this what we want for America?? How many people against this garbage gonna sit on their thumbs between now and November 2020???

So who is a progressive? You might be one if

• You think health care is a basic human right, and that single-payer national health insurance is a worthwhile reform on our way toward creating a non-profit national health care service.

• You think that human rights ought always to trump property rights.

• You think U.S. military spending is an obscene waste of resources, and that the only freedom this spending protects is the freedom of economic elites to exploit working people all around the planet.

• You think U.S. troops should be brought home not only from Afghanistan and Iraq, but from all 130 countries in which the U.S. has military bases.

• You think political leaders who engage in "preemptive war" and invasions should be brought to trial for crimes against humanity and judged against the standards of international law established at Nuremberg after World War Two.

• You think public education should be free, not just from kindergarten through high school, but as far as a person is willing and able to go.

• You think that electoral reform should include instant run-off voting, publicly-financed elections, easy ballot access for all parties, and proportional representation.

• You think that electoral democracy is not enough, and that democracy must also be participatory and extend to workplaces.

• You think that strengthening the rights of all workers to unionize and bargain collectively is a useful step toward full economic democracy.

• You think that as a society we have a collective obligation to provide everyone who is willing and able to work with a job that pays a living wage and offers dignity.

• You think that a class system which forces some people to do dirty, dangerous, boring work all the time, while others get to do clean, safe, interesting work all the time, can never deliver social justice.

• You think that regulating big corporations isn't enough, and that such corporations, if they are allowed to exist at all, must either serve the common good or be put into public receivership.

• You think that the legal doctrine granting corporations the same constitutional rights as natural persons is absurd and must be overturned.

• You think it's wrong to allow individuals to accumulate wealth without limits, and that the highest incomes should be capped well before they begin to threaten community and democracy.

• You think that wealth, not just income, should be taxed.

• You think it's crazy to use the Old Testament as a policy guide for the 21st century.

• You believe in celebrating diversity, while also recognizing that having women and people of color proportionately represented among the class of oppressors is not the goal we should be aiming for.

• You think that the state has no right to kill, and that putting people to death to show that killing is wrong will always be a self-defeating policy.

• You think that anyone who desires the reins of power that come with high political office should, by reason of that desire, be seen as unfit for the job.

• You think that instead of more leaders, we need fewer followers.

• You think that national borders, while sometimes establishing territories of safety, more often establish territories of exploitation, much like gang turf.

• You are open to considering how the privileges you enjoy because of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and/or physical ability might come at the expense of others.

• You believe that voting every few years is a weak form of political participation, and that achieving social justice requires concerted effort before, during, and after elections.

• You think that, ideally, no one would have more wealth more than they need until everyone has at least as much as they need to live a safe, happy, decent life.

• You recognize that an economic system which requires continuous expansion, destroys the environment, relies on rapidly-depleting fossil fuels, exacerbates inequality, and leads to war after war is unsustainable and must be replaced. Score a bonus point if you understand that sticking to the existing system is what's unrealistic.


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Trisha Holmeide Judson Witham How could anyone think Bernie Sanders ever do anything to save this nation when his entire platform is built on false premises and lies--he is a snake-oil salesman promoting poison as a cure for what ails us when he knows perfectly well it is the globalist elites promoting Socialism which equates to serfdom (in the name of being fair) when all they really want is our further enslavement and will use any lie and deceit to achieve it. The young people are so "dumbed down" in American schools and colleges they don't even begin to understand they are voting for the end of their own freedom and liberty in exchange for empty promises .


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Trisha Holmeide Victor Lawson What they forgot to list was that "IF" the people don't want what they are selling progressives and their leadership are willing and capable...and if we give them power, they will be able to simply eliminate anyone who stands against their agenda. Socialism is no different than snake-oil except the sellers are wiling to use coercion, persecution and deadly violence to force their will on those who don't want what they are selling. They never come to power as a consensus of the people after legitimate, truthful, logical debate, but by revolution and blood...because thinking people will never willingly become slaves of the state and allow a handful of the elite determine their worth and capacity.


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Jeffrey Wilson Half is NOT enough, take them all with you...


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Trisha Holmeide That would save the taxpayers a lot of grief and money, wouldn't it?


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Nora Cotter all, yick yack, not worth shi_. On and On and On that yick yack goes. Almost worthless. "Oh" how inspirational. Not really.... but when the people that have worked, in built their own houses actually get RESPECT and APPRECIATED for what they do & did then, right on. Until then, it's all = yick yack.


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Nora Cotter ...."all" bull Shit of Army Crap = their self entitlement along with preachers.


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Nora Cotter Life is not about Hillary. Life is about making it right for each and every People/Person. So much spent on Clintons that nothing is focused on what is right with our immediate US Congress. Freaking tired of going backward. Driving backward is like smashing into everything. It most certainly is not driving forward.


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Nora Cotter Now, and in future.Our"congress" is supposed to be for OUR People, and, yet, (I am forcefully worried boots can be made high enough for more than virtual safety.) during Christmas when they "hope"our PEOPLE are not paying attention "our" so-called Congress, has a shit fuc___ record of passing bills not good for Our People. Am "all ARMY" armies (witched worshipers)out, (Catholic priest fuc_s) and the af bullshit has to go to come to an end and be nothing more than force self-knuckled embroidery as they g``` Gosh, gee golly, did that sound as fuc_ up as our one-party system is? Ya, it is supposed to. To only protect and support those self-appointed elites. (NOT worthy.) ...On and on worthless words go only to continue with what we know to be much more of who and what we are. All that lack of right and quality coordination is rooted in self. NOT rooted in sharing.


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Nora Cotter Go chew ole bones.


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Nora Cotter Did not post that. Some characters have hacked my account.


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Ann Smith Pellegrino Judson Witham: And the Clintons and most of the rest of them (BOTH parties) must be trembling a bit now that Jeffrey Epstein, Pedophile Island, and Lolita Express are "back in the news."


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Judson Witham Lets see IF I am still blocked


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Puanani Rogers was celebrating this special day.
Celebrating today at Kauai Community College with my Ku`e petition table and display of our courageous na Tupuna's signatures that signed in 1898! I love my country o Hawai`i nei! I am not an American! I am a sovereign and independent subject of the Kingdom of Hawai`i!!


Heather Ryan Awesome! Take pictures! Way to go! Bless you for your awesome service to your nation🙌🏽🙏🏾


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Shann Anolani Hashimoto Aloha Kakahiaka e Anake Puanani Rogers, have a safe & wonderful day!


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Déborah B. Santana Aloha e Nani from Puerto Rico - Ku’e!


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Noeleen Caldeira I would love to see a ki'i of you and na tupuna o Ku'e Petitions. Mahalo for all you do my dear friend. EAducate and REinstate.


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Laulani Teale Awright Auntie Puanani Rogers!! Geev um!!
Love u!!! ❤️


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Kapohuolahaina Moniz Pa Beautiful you wtg♥️ Ke Akua Pu


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Lynda Saffery EO!!!!♥️I no more emoji of Hae Hawai’i, but if there were, I’d be flashing it😎


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Piikea Keawekane-Stafford Hau’oli Lā Kū’oko’a Aunty!! Eō!! #wearenotamerican


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The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 08, 1837, Image 1

Image provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA

Persistent link:

Note:  story of John Hancock who signed the Declaration of Independence...…



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President Donald Trump stressed the importance of being proud of the history of the United States during his Naval Academy commencement address Friday.


Healii Kauhane It was already "Tame"...

All your ancestors managed, and you continue, to do is mess it up... it was fine before you, it'll be fine after you.



Terrence Freeman Such a HEAP of lies.



T.w. Rassmeussen When will enough be enough?



Glenn Likong Tamed? The Indigenous 1st nation’s people of the World didn’t ask you to bring them anything! Truth be..... Your ancestors used it for an excuse to conquer, steal, and assimilate the Indig people of the World.....So now you still marginalize the needSee More



Amelia Gora let us not forget that the 13 colonies were penal colonies.....the castouts of the English society..... the apples doesn't fall very far from the tree does it?...…...rotten = spreads rotten, etc. etc.


Mihailo Kostich Amelia Gora Only Georgia, and later, Australia, were penal colonies.



Amelia Gora Wrong...researchers evidence...aged book purchased with evidence.... 13 penal colonies....;) the closest to that shown here:

Amelia Gora Note in the article about John Hancock: "the enslaved colonies of the pilgrim fathers" … Abraham Lincoln, Grover Cleveland, John Kennedy and now Donald Trump moving with rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.....all of these Presidents had/has a lot of haters....

Amelia Gora penal colonies of the U.S. numbered 13.... those who relocated to the U.S. were slaves from England....they were emancipated and enslaved the native people and purchased slaves from Africa, etc.....even some of the Hawaiians were removed from Hawaii and sent to the U.S. as slaves....the Kalama families are a testimony to that...….etc.

Mihailo Kostich Genocide Activities List …Honolulu Police Department …..for the records.....haters listed....Facebook alert! HPD/Honolulu Police Department, etc. alert!  All kanaka maoli alert! Hater here...Human Rights Watch etc. kanaka maoli alert....Human Rights Watch... watch this character, report to the Honolulu Police...etc....hater on board, hater on board.... I've posted the entire conversation at

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