Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Vol VII No. 737 - A Bankrupt Nation Moves to Pirate, Pillage its own Citizenry

Stolen from a friend: I am concerned.
Please allow me to frame the issues involved with "the wall" in its actual terms. Despite what the media is saying, this is not about Democrat vs. Republican. In short, the executive branch of our government is threatening to declare a national emergency since the legislative branch will not authorize the seizure of private American property for a federal works project nor will fund it. The executive branch has already shut down the federal government. It is currently threatening to extend this government shut down for however long it takes for the legislative branch to cave.
Let us break this down.
First of all, the framework of our government is based on checks and balances. Power is divided into three branches: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial. The Legislative branch controls the purse strings of government and creates laws. The Executive branch carries out those laws. The Judicial branch tells us whether the laws are constitutional or not. Each branch was designed to be able to balance the other branches.
Why? As shown by our original rebellion, Americans didn't want a King or a Dictator when we were setting up our government. We were not particularly thrilled with a House of Lords telling us what we could or could not do either.
In this case, the executive branch wants to:
(1) take governmental cash,
(2) create its own law,
(3) take away private property from American citizens
(4) create its own federal works project.
At least three of these functions fall within the power/ responsibility of the legislative branch. So, what is the problem? This is one of the most naked power grabs by the executive branch over the others in recent history. Once that power is exercised, it is going to be difficult or impossible to regain any balance again. The executive branch was never meant to have that much power (see our country's previous concerns about Kings and Dictators). Is this constitutional? Very doubtful. Should all Americans be concerned? That is a question for you to answer yourself.
Second, a "National Emergency" is generally declared under these general conditions:
(1) Natural disasters including hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes to name a few.
(2) Public health emergencies such as significant outbreaks of infectious diseases.
(3) Military attacks.
(4) Civil insurrection.
(5) Any unusual and extraordinary threat, which has its source in whole or substantial part outside the United States, to the national security, foreign policy, or economy.
Now the first 4 aren't applicable. The last category was meant to be short-term only. It was designed to be reviewed by the legislative branch every year after it’s enacted (because again; the check and balance is fundamental to how we operate).
So, what is the problem here? If national emergencies can be declared by the executive branch for non-emergency purposes which vest power in one branch of the government why would that branch ever let go of that power again?
Third, the seizure of private property (known as “eminent domain”, a body of law which says the government cannot just take your home without due process). You are joking, right? No. The US/Mexican border is 1,933 miles long. It runs through 4 states (California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas). Only 33% of that land is actually owned or managed by the Federal Government. A sizable percentage of that land is owned by the Indian nations. It is land preserved for those tribes by treaty and land given under treaty is not land owned by the United States. These tribes already have a lot of reasons to be angry at the Federal Government. This would be pouring additional gas on an open flame.
The other 64% of that land is privately owned.
How much land would have to be taken? The amount of land that the Federal Government would have to take would likely run 1,237 miles long to 12,371 miles deep (assuming a 1 to 10-mile DMZ from the border into the United States). Even if we could only take 100 to 500 ft of land in densely populated areas, that is a lot of private property that is going to be seized by the Federal government.
The land necessary for this project would also run through some highly populated areas in the US such as San Diego, Calexico, Nogales, El Paso, and Laredo. There will be a lot of Americans who are going to have their homes and businesses taken by the federal government. Which will also mean a lot of lawsuits.
In terms of the federal works project, these types of works include hospitals, bridges, highways, walls and dams. These projects may be funded by local, state, or federal appropriations. If they are federal, they are funded by the legislative branch of our government (the same branch that our executive branch is currently trying to take power from). Is the seizure of power constitutional? Not likely given the separation of powers discussed above.
Finally, these considerations do not take into account the sheer cost, human and monetary, that will be involved. The Department of Homeland Security estimates the current cost at $21 billion for construction alone (not counting costs of maintenance or costs associated with increased military/federal patrolling).
Ask yourself a simple question. When was the last time that you saw a governmental project brought in under time and under budget? Does anyone remember the “big dig” in Boston, Mass? The actual costs are likely to be much higher. This estimated cost also does not include compensating folks for taking their land or the associated impact upon their businesses.
The Federal budget deficit grew to $779 billion dollars in 2018 according to the Treasury Department. How are we, as a country, going to fund this project? How are we, as a country, going to deal with the additional debt? Unlike private businesses, our country cannot declare bankruptcy.
This is not about Democrat vs. Republican. It is not about who has the best zingers measured in 10 second sound bites. It is about our country. The core of this issue deals with the profound and immense changes the outcome will have on the structure of our nation. This is the way that we, as a country, should be framing these issues. Please think about it.

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Dianne Hoapili Excellent review in a capsule. A keeper for whale watching what’s next in this issue and who leads the American Nation out of its predicament and dilemma. Who has the gold cause that’s what it will take to solve their woes. Paper currency no longer has the bite. Awe! ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ



Noelani Josselin If there were no walls, no rules, commandments or laws, no moral standards then everyone and then some will get through those "PEARLY GATES " that everyone wants to get through!.... Right! as we were told, "Jesus died for our sins" ! borders? Or Not! Hawaii already one melting pot!



Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero If the public expects someone else to defend them.... a wall is part of the solution. If not, mandatory military service for ALL MALES AND FEMALES 18 TO 21 YEARS OLD. then we wont need a wall.... we'll be competent instead of afraid and vulnerable.



Ruthann Caudill Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero wow! I’m not sure I understand what you are saying.
We are not in any danger from these people coming across the border, as President Trump has claimed.

There are no terrorists.

Drugs are much more likely to come from other sources.

There is genocide with the Wall because of “Tribes” being separated.

I am against the wall due to the genocide.



Dianne Hoapili Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero plus already got 200 tunnels not able to monitor and watch 24/7. Adding the wall is a burden and debt. OMG just thought of something else. What does it look like on America’s side? Imprison America insSee More



Ruthann Caudill Dianne Hoapili desecration has happened.



Ruthann Caudill Dianne Hoapili 24,000 people are separated on the made up Mexican border from their families on a “Reservation.”



Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero You are far removed from the depths of reality. There really are very bad people... amongst really good people. If vetting is too slow for the world.... let others help. A wall is help.



Ruthann Caudill Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero there are always a mixture of bad and good.

Trump’s numbers are false.



Ruthann Caudill Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero there are tunnels already under the borders. The people can go around in boats.



Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero And as for boundaries... its time to redefine our character!



Noelani Josselin So many coastlines, no need to access by land



Ruthann Caudill Noelani Josselin many overstay their VISA’s.
The terrorist come in through Canada, not Mexico.



Noelani Josselin Ruthann Caudill yep! Canada grew a border hedge to keep americans out!



Ruthann Caudill Roughly a dozen non-US citizens on the terror watchlist were encountered by federal officials at the US southern border from October 2017 to October 2018, according to an administration official familiar with data from Customs and Border Protection.



Amelia Gora Mahealani Asing-Kahau has a take on the government which everyone should know: Dun and Bradstreet numbers are assigned to departments, judges, etc. see the film - importantly, the U.S. is bankrupt now ...see the reference:




Stolen from a friend: I am concerned.
Please allow me to frame the issues involved with "the wall" in its actual terms. Despite what the media is saying, this is not about Democrat vs. Republican. In short, the executive branch of our government is threatening to declare a national emergency since the legislative branch will not authorize the seizure of private American property for a federal works project nor will fund it. The executive branch has already shut down the federal government. It is currently threatening to extend this government shut down for however long it takes for the legislative branch to cave.
Let us break this down.
First of all, the framework of our government is based on checks and balances. Power is divided into three branches: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial. The Legislative branch controls the purse strings of government and creates laws. The Executive branch carries out those laws. The Judicial branch tells us whether the laws are constitutional or not. Each branch was designed to be able to balance the other branches.
Why? As shown by our original rebellion, Americans didn't want a King or a Dictator when we were setting up our government. We were not particularly thrilled with a House of Lords telling us what we could or could not do either.
In this case, the executive branch wants to:
(1) take governmental cash,
(2) create its own law,
(3) take away private property from American citizens
(4) create its own federal works project.
At least three of these functions fall within the power/ responsibility of the legislative branch. So, what is the problem? This is one of the most naked power grabs by the executive branch over the others in recent history. Once that power is exercised, it is going to be difficult or impossible to regain any balance again. The executive branch was never meant to have that much power (see our country's previous concerns about Kings and Dictators). Is this constitutional? Very doubtful. Should all Americans be concerned? That is a question for you to answer yourself.
Second, a "National Emergency" is generally declared under these general conditions:
(1) Natural disasters including hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes to name a few.
(2) Public health emergencies such as significant outbreaks of infectious diseases.
(3) Military attacks.
(4) Civil insurrection.
(5) Any unusual and extraordinary threat, which has its source in whole or substantial part outside the United States, to the national security, foreign policy, or economy.
Now the first 4 aren't applicable. The last category was meant to be short-term only. It was designed to be reviewed by the legislative branch every year after it’s enacted (because again; the check and balance is fundamental to how we operate).
So, what is the problem here? If national emergencies can be declared by the executive branch for non-emergency purposes which vest power in one branch of the government why would that branch ever let go of that power again?
Third, the seizure of private property (known as “eminent domain”, a body of law which says the government cannot just take your home without due process). You are joking, right? No. The US/Mexican border is 1,933 miles long. It runs through 4 states (California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas). Only 33% of that land is actually owned or managed by the Federal Government. A sizable percentage of that land is owned by the Indian nations. It is land preserved for those tribes by treaty and land given under treaty is not land owned by the United States. These tribes already have a lot of reasons to be angry at the Federal Government. This would be pouring additional gas on an open flame.
The other 64% of that land is privately owned.
How much land would have to be taken? The amount of land that the Federal Government would have to take would likely run 1,237 miles long to 12,371 miles deep (assuming a 1 to 10-mile DMZ from the border into the United States). Even if we could only take 100 to 500 ft of land in densely populated areas, that is a lot of private property that is going to be seized by the Federal government.
The land necessary for this project would also run through some highly populated areas in the US such as San Diego, Calexico, Nogales, El Paso, and Laredo. There will be a lot of Americans who are going to have their homes and businesses taken by the federal government. Which will also mean a lot of lawsuits.
In terms of the federal works project, these types of works include hospitals, bridges, highways, walls and dams. These projects may be funded by local, state, or federal appropriations. If they are federal, they are funded by the legislative branch of our government (the same branch that our executive branch is currently trying to take power from). Is the seizure of power constitutional? Not likely given the separation of powers discussed above.
Finally, these considerations do not take into account the sheer cost, human and monetary, that will be involved. The Department of Homeland Security estimates the current cost at $21 billion for construction alone (not counting costs of maintenance or costs associated with increased military/federal patrolling).
Ask yourself a simple question. When was the last time that you saw a governmental project brought in under time and under budget? Does anyone remember the “big dig” in Boston, Mass? The actual costs are likely to be much higher. This estimated cost also does not include compensating folks for taking their land or the associated impact upon their businesses.
The Federal budget deficit grew to $779 billion dollars in 2018 according to the Treasury Department. How are we, as a country, going to fund this project? How are we, as a country, going to deal with the additional debt? Unlike private businesses, our country cannot declare bankruptcy.
This is not about Democrat vs. Republican. It is not about who has the best zingers measured in 10 second sound bites. It is about our country. The core of this issue deals with the profound and immense changes the outcome will have on the structure of our nation. This is the way that we, as a country, should be framing these issues. Please think about it.
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Dianne Hoapili Excellent review in a capsule. A keeper for whale watching what’s next in this issue and who leads the American Nation out of its predicament and dilemma. Who has the gold cause that’s what it will take to solve their woes. Paper currency no longer has the bite. Awe! ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŒบ
Noelani Josselin If there were no walls, no rules, commandments or laws, no moral standards then everyone and then some will get through those "PEARLY GATES " that everyone wants to get through!.... Right! as we were told, "Jesus died for our sins" ! borders? Or Not! Hawaii already one melting pot!
Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero If the public expects someone else to defend them.... a wall is part of the solution. If not, mandatory military service for ALL MALES AND FEMALES 18 TO 21 YEARS OLD. then we wont need a wall.... we'll be competent instead of afraid and vulnerable.
Ruthann Caudill Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero wow! I’m not sure I understand what you are saying.
We are not in any danger from these people coming across the border, as President Trump has claimed.

There are no terrorists.

Drugs are much more likely to come from other sources.

There is genocide with the Wall because of “Tribes” being separated.

I am against the wall due to the genocide.
Dianne Hoapili Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero plus already got 200 tunnels not able to monitor and watch 24/7. Adding the wall is a burden and debt. OMG just thought of something else. What does it look like on America’s side? Imprison America insSee More
Ruthann Caudill Dianne Hoapili desecration has happened.
Ruthann Caudill Dianne Hoapili 24,000 people are separated on the made up Mexican border from their families on a “Reservation.”
Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero You are far removed from the depths of reality. There really are very bad people... amongst really good people. If vetting is too slow for the world.... let others help. A wall is help.
Ruthann Caudill Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero there are always a mixture of bad and good.

Trump’s numbers are false.
Ruthann Caudill Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero there are tunnels already under the borders. The people can go around in boats.
Robert Kapuniaieluaeahokuokekai Requilman Quartero And as for boundaries... its time to redefine our character!
Noelani Josselin So many coastlines, no need to access by land
Ruthann Caudill Noelani Josselin many overstay their VISA’s.
The terrorist come in through Canada, not Mexico.
Noelani Josselin Ruthann Caudill yep! Canada grew a border hedge to keep americans out!
Ruthann Caudill Roughly a dozen non-US citizens on the terror watchlist were encountered by federal officials at the US southern border from October 2017 to October 2018, according to an administration official familiar with data from Customs and Border Protection.
Amelia Gora Mahealani Asing-Kahau has a take on the government which everyone should know: Dun and Bradstreet numbers are assigned to departments, judges, etc. see the film - importantly, the U.S. is bankrupt now ...see the reference:
Ruthann Caudill Amelia Gora Thanks Amelia, I will check this out.
Amelia Gora Posted this because it appears that transfers of lands, etc. are being made to DOD - Department of Defense, HUD - Housing and Urban Development through a complex activity beginning in Texas - Brown & Associates, the World Alliance Financial Corporation, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. out of Flint, Michigan (currently Michigan State University Prof and his graduate students are tracking Billions, Trillions of dollars which is not being exposed to the public), then the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, its successors and assigns, forever without recourse is listed as: 451 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20410...…….so, it appears a racketeering move behind the scenes are being made to confiscate private properties of our Royal Families, which appears to be the onward moves which will eventually affect private American citizens as well...…...the difference of the transactions that I stumbled on is that our private properties of Royal Families which has alodio titles.... but, innocent Americans will suffer unless many counter the illegal, criminal issues now out in the open...… treason is behind it all, the American people will need to charge their lawmakers who have been operating under the 1871 secret bankers constitution as shown by Karen Hudes - World Bank whistleblower, Alana Fleischmann-JP Morgan bankers whistleblower, and even Vladmir Putin who said that the Americans were usurped see:

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