Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Vol VII No. 737 - Anti-Pirate Eyes Watching Harvard University And DemoCraps

I love it when a Harvard Law Professor speaks.

Carolyn Ritchie Trump needs to be put on a 72 hour psychiatric hold for being a danger to himself and others. But wait, this only applies to poor people, unfortunately for us.


Amelia Gora Harvard is the "think tank" of usurping people, nations.....such as the Hawaiian Kingdom...Harvard had suggested that A.S. Hartwell, former American Civil War general be given a Judge one of the latest...Hartwell and Company were conspirators, documented and his own descendants are the JUDD's ……… so, Harvard is at it again.... who are the real treasonous ones? remember there are calculated moves in order to have deliberate social change...….and they know how....and those interested in such things should read up because these are all plans made to disinform the public while tearing at the fabric of this case Donald Trump...… my suggestion to Trump's people is to track down the Harvard University background, its documented affects on society, nations, etc. for all you kanaka maoli who don't believe...explain how Harvard's choice gains the judge position, gets appointed by extra- chromosome suspected Kamehameha V - Lot who was surrounded by Aliens...moves into the John Dominis household, marries fellow conspirators sister - of William O. Smith, his descendants are the treasonous JUDD's whose descendants includes William Aila, and Hartwell changes the Crown Lands heirs to his own liking, then he becomes the third wealthiest person in the Hawaiian Kingdom (next to the Kamehameha's, and Charles Reed Bishop)……..don't be Alii bashers if you yourself have not done the research! Point is Harvard University is documented as Problematic ….period!

Amelia Gora also it appears a character assassination is part of the goals pursued by Harvard AND the democraps! the above comments, research was made by one of Kamehameha's descendants with Anti-Pirate eyes on Hawaii...

Ruthann Caudill Yesterday at 7:26 AM · I love it when a Harvard Law Professor speaks. ...

Amelia Gora note: original post removed but the facts of Harvard University remains...other problematic universities includes Yale, Chicago, Pacific University (run by the Judd's), and the University of Hawaii ……..for everyone's information...….. time passes, and the truth reveals itself

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