Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Vol VII No. 737 Part 4

Interesting links, information:
The following discussion "By Anna Von Reitz
We, Americans, are dealing with two (2) foreign governments on our shores--- one Territorial United States Government presided over by the British hegemony, and one Municipal United States Government presided over by the bunko artists of the "Republican" and "Democratic" Political Lobbies, in what pretends to be "a" "United States Congress".
These two entities were built into our government from the beginning, but never intended to play anything like the roles that they have since usurped.
The Territorial United States Government was supposed to oversee new Territories until their eventual statehood and also provide a government for Possessions run as Territorial domains, like Puerto Rico and American Samoa. They also provided other stipulated services as clearly stated in the Territorial United States Constitution.
Instead, they have usurped upon our States and established their own "States of States" and liberally substituted themselves for our rightful government in betrayal of trust and duty.
In their defense, they will say this was necessary because we did not re-establish Federal level States of States after the Civil War, but in fairness to us, nobody explained the situation and no effort was made to inform the public and allow for Reconstruction of the lawful government we are owed.
In additional fairness to us, we were never required to replace the Federal States of States and are perfectly competent to run our commercial affairs as States, so that there has in fact been no "emergency" and no viable excuse for what has been perpetrated in this country.
The Second Thorn in our flesh, the Municipal United States Government, is run as an "independent international city-state" under a foreign charter issued by the Holy See, and it was (and is) supposed to be limited to providing a municipal government for the Municipality of Washington, DC, wholly within the ten miles square of the District of Columbia. " see the discussion at…/01/two-foreign-governments.html including one of the comments below:
ShelbyJanuary 8, 2019 at 8:08 AM
"Want to see the part that Disney and Hollywood play in the deception
These links will provide some detailed information on what these so called elite have been doing around the world
Read an article the other day that the actor Trump is going to send our troops to Africa now to secure their interest in the minerals they have made claim to
Also read that we have 6 I think Naval Aircraft Carriers now docked in their home port of Norfolk VA and that this is a potential set up for our Navy to be destroyed - can you say planned genoicide of sons and daughters
All of it links back to the following documents…/nafta_superhighway_Info.……/nafta_superhighway_Info_……/regionalism_and_educatio…
Want to know why they destroyed our industries - well because now they can bring in China and others to rebuild factories - ship in migrant workers and pay them shit wages - and Trump can say hey look the economy is doing great factory work is booming all the while FOXXCONN is Wisconsin pays $800 a month flat wage and this is the only job you will ever have
And while they pulling this shit they putting on events to disarm as per the UN agreement
They have been brainwashing the kids for a long time
And how about that another foundation leading the way…/declaration-of-interdependence/
Now I'm all about saving the earth but these people aren't about saving it when they are the ones blocking out the sun, spraying chemtrails all over the soil, water, us and all other inhabitants etc etc etc…/declaration-of-interdepe…/
Notice the location on the link above - The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
So while the rich pricks and foundations get richer, the slaves will be reduced to living in villages where our every consumption will be tracked and traced by the controllers for compliance - this is why Amazon is building wifi certified homes to track everything that happens within them - it is also why they put smart meteres on our homes to track and trace through them and sell the information to Google
They will confiscate all the natural resources and the people will be forced to comply you see how this is all working folks
All comments made without prejudice and all rights reserved.".. Reference:…/01/two-foreign-governments.html
The objective of WellAware1 is to present the facts about current events that are used to manipulate the perception of the general public. Throughout…

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