Saturday, January 19, 2019

Vol VII No. 738 - Part 4

For All The Jural Assemblies 2 -- Law and Religion


Four Years and Four Months, and 1500 Articles from Anna Von Reitz


For All The Jural Assemblies Article # 1500


Paul Stramer via 

10:38 AM (13 hours ago)
to me

The External Reflects the Internal: Two Short, Profound Essays


PEERS via 

4:03 AM (19 hours ago)
to me
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"Loving and accepting someone as they are does not mean accepting abusive behavior. But it does mean loving and accepting the person (soul), not the person's behavior. The behavior is not who they really are. The soul within is who they are."
External Reflects Internal
Dear friends,
The two short, thought-provoking essays below explore from differing perspectives how the external world may be a reflection of our internal world. In other words, transformation is largely an inside job. Consider the possibility that the most powerful way you can make a difference in our world is to dive deep into the inner worlds of transformation. This has made a HUGE difference in my life. Take care and enjoy the exploration.
With very best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and

The External Reflects the Internal
There is a simple method to check upon your progress. Despite what appears to being going on in the world around you, how loving and harmonious are your personal relationships? Remember that the world is your mirror. It casts back at you the reflection of that which you have projected into it.
How many arguments do you find yourself engaging in? Is there bitterness and acrimony within the ranks? Do you look at others and think about how you would like to change them? Or do you love them and accept them as they are?
Loving and accepting someone for who they are is known as unconditional love. Loving and accepting someone as they are does not mean accepting abusive behavior. But it does mean loving and accepting the person (soul), not the person's behavior. The behavior is not who they really are. The soul within is who they are. The quality of your relationships is an excellent mirror from which to gauge the quality of your output, or in other words, that which you are creating.
Do you look at a person and concentrate, to a greater or lesser extent, upon the things that you dislike about them and wish would change, or the qualities that you like and admire in them? Remember that all thought, word, and deed is creative. You get back what you send out. So when you send out the thought "Why is she so hard to live with?" or "Why is he always behaving like this?", ask yourself, what exactly are you doing?
Now focus here, as this is so obvious you could miss it. And in fact, most do. Take away the question from your sentence and essentially you are saying: "She is so hard to live with" and "He is always behaving like this". Do you see what you are doing? You have just created the very behaviour in that person that you wish to change simply because you do not understand the law of radiation and attraction. Remember, all thought is creative.
Now try an experiment: Take someone in your life that you love, but sometimes have trouble getting along with. Think about the thoughts you have projected about that person – the negative thoughts. Ask yourself, does the behavior that you do not like in that person in any way correspond to the thoughts you've been having about them? If you're honest with yourself, it's a strong bet that it does.
Sure, they must have behaved that way in the first place to make you notice that you didn't like it, but we all have off days sometimes. The more you focus on that behavior, the more you are going to see of it. It's just life doing what it does and conforming to your expectations about the way it will be for you. Now having recognized this, what will you do about it?
Simply notice your negative thoughts as they arise. Literally "catch yourself" as you are having them. And then change your perspective. Focus instead on the things you like about this person: how you love their smile, the sound of their happy laughter; the way they do such and such nice thing, how helpful and loving they can be. Keep putting those positive thoughts out. Persevere, as you may have a bit of negative work to undo first, but just keep catching yourself and focusing on the positive. Then prepare yourself for an almost magical transformation of your circumstances.
Always monitor your thoughts and pay attention to their quality, because what you think about is directly related to what you will see around you, and what life will show you. That is the difference between conscious and subconscious creation.

The above is an excerpt from the highly intriguing Hidden Hand material.

This life principle is based on the understanding that the universe represents a collective intelligence that can be personalized as a single universal soul – a composite expression of the Divine. Thus, in this perspective, there are only two souls in the entire cosmos: the individual soul and the universal soul. Inasmuch as the individual is impressionable and constantly changing to adapt to new information, so is the universal soul, which is a dynamic, living template of potential energies and experiences that are coherent and as knowable as a friend's personality and behavior.
The universal soul is responsive to the individual soul and its beliefs and perceptions. It is like a composite omni-personality that is imbued with divine intelligence and responds to the perceptions and belief systems of the individual like a pool of water mirrors the image that overshadows it.
Everyone is indeed, at their innermost core, a sovereign soul that can transform themselves into an instrument of divine essence. However, this transformation is dependent on whether the individual chooses to project an image of divine essence upon the "mirror" of the universal soul, or to project a lesser image that is a distortion of its essential state of being.
The principle of gratitude is primarily concerned with consciously designing your self-image through an appreciation of the universal soul's supportive mirror. In other words, the universal soul is a partner in shaping reality's expression in your life. If you choose to project a transformed image upon the mirror of the universal soul, reality gradually becomes an internal process of creation that is increasingly free of external controls and conditions.
This process involves an interchange of supportive energy between the individual and the universal soul. This energy is best applied through an appreciation of how perfect and exacting this interchange occurs in every moment of life. If you are aware – or at least interested in having the awareness – of how perfectly the Divine, as expressed in the form of the universal soul, supports your sovereign reality, there is a powerful and natural sense of gratitude that flows from you to the Divine.
It is this wellspring of gratitude that opens wide the channel of support from the Divine to the individual and establishes a collaboration of purpose to transform the individual soul into a pure expression of divine essence.
It is principally gratitude – which arises naturally through appreciation of how the relationship between the individual and the universal soul operates – that opens you to connection with your divine essence, and to your eventual transformation into the state of perception and expression of divine essence. The relationship of the individual with the universal soul is essential to cultivate and nurture, because this relationship, more than anything else, determines how accepting each individual is of life's myriad forms and manifestations.
When you accept changes in your sovereign reality as the shifting persona of the universal soul, you live in greater harmony with life itself. Life becomes an exchange of energy between you and the universal soul that is allowed to play out without judgment, and is experienced without fear. This is the underlying meaning of unconditional love: to experience life in all its manifestations as a single, unified intelligence that responds perfectly to the projected image of each soul.
It is for this reason that when you project gratitude, regardless of circumstance or condition, life becomes increasingly supportive in opening you to further awakening your sacred intentions. This feeling of gratitude coupled with the mental concept of appreciation is expressed like an invisible message in all directions and at all times. In this particular context, gratitude is the overarching motive behind all forms of expression to which humanity aspires.
Every breath, every word, every touch, every thought is centered on expressing this sense of gratitude; a gratitude that you are sovereign and supported by a universal soul that expresses itself through all forms and manifestations of life with the sole objective of creating the ideal reality to fully awaken your sacred intentions and to transform your entire being into divine essence. It is this specific form of gratitude that accelerates the awakening of your sacred intentions and their inherent ability to integrate your body, mind, heart, and soul, and to transform your ability to perceive and express from the place of divine essence.
Time is the primary factor that distorts the otherwise clear connection between the individual and the Divine. Time establishes separation of experience. This creates doubt in the Divine's system of fairness and overarching purpose. This doubt, in turn, creates fear that the universe is not a mirror but rather a chaotic, whimsical energy. Time intervenes to create pockets of despair, hopelessness, and abandonment. However, it is these very "pockets" that often motivate awakening the sacred intentions of your soul, as they cause you to seek a more intimate and harmonious relationship with the Divine.
When you choose to align with divine essence and to live from this perspective as part of an ever-unfolding reality, you attract a natural state of harmony. This does not necessarily mean that your life is without problems or discomforts; rather it signifies a perception that there is an integral purpose in what life reveals. In other words, life experience is meaningful to the extent that you choose to live in natural harmony with the multidimensional aspects of divine essence. When your personal reality flows in alignment with divine essence, you create lasting joy and inner peace.
Gratitude is an essential facet of love that opens you to acknowledge the role of the universal soul and to redefine your purpose as a supportive extension of the Divine, rather than the whimsical outreach of fate or the exacting reaction of a mechanical, detached universe. Establishing a relationship with the universe through the outflow of gratitude attracts life experience that is deeply transformative – experience that is richly devoted to uncovering life's deepest meaning and most formative purpose.

Note: The above is an excerpt from "Principles of Personal Transformation" by the WingMakers. Explore the free online Transformation Course which dives deep into personal and global transformation from a rich variety of perspectives using the best material available on the Internet.
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ICH; Europe on the Brink of Collapse?

ICH Newsletter Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 2:23 PM



 Not For Profit - For Justice

100% Non Commercial, Fearless, Forthright & Independent 
January 17/18, 2019

"There is scarce a king in a hundred who would not, if he could, follow the example of Pharaoh, get first all the peoples money, then all their lands, and then make them and their children servants for ever" Benjamin Franklin
"The study of history is a powerful antidote to contemporary arrogance". - Paul Johnson
"What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do." -  John Ruskin (1819 - 1900)
... the 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy. Alex Carey:
"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."  Albert EInstein 

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Peace and Joy
Tom Feeley


A Turkish 'Security Zone' In Northeast Syria Is A Bad Idea
By Moon Of Alabama
Pay to playRussia will not allow Turkish control of more Syrian land: - Continue
Europe on the Brink of Collapse?
By Peter Koenig
Pay to playThe Empire's European castle of vassals is crumbling. Right in front of our eyes. But Nobody seems to see it. - Continue
Ray McGovern: Russia-gate Evidence, Please
Must read - By Ray McGovern
Pay to playStooping to a new low, Friday's Times headline screamed: "F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia." - Continue
US media intensify pretext for ousting Trump
By Finian Cunningham
Pay to playThe anti-Trump media have come up with a new angle on President Trump - he is a national security risk. - Continue
AP Expunges Iran/Contra Pardons from Barr's Record
By Sam Husseini
Pay to playTrump might likewise protect himself by pardoning his indicted or convicted associates - Continue
The Vice President's Men
By Seymour M. Hersh
Pay to playWe had to take care of Libya. Gaddafi was a primary military and oil threat, and he became a strategic target.' - Continue
'Real journalists act as agents of people, not power'
By John Pilger and Eresh Omar Jamal
Pay to playThe United States has constitutionally the freest press on earth, yet in practice it has a media obsequious to the formulas and deceptions of power. - Continue
United States Doesn't Even Make Top 20 on Global Democracy Index
By Andrea Germanos
Pay to playThe U.S. is a demonstrably "flawed democracy" notching it the 25th spot. - Continue
The National Security Agency Is A Criminal Organization
By Paul Craig Roberts
Pay to playThe National Security Agency values being able to blackmail citizens and members of government at home and abroad more than preventing terrorist attacks. - Continue
American 'Liberal' Delusions on Trump
By Finian Cunningham
Pay to playThe US has been sliding into authoritarianism, plutocracy and oligarchy, or dare we say fascism, for decades. - Continue
'US Administrations Have Been Intervening in Venezuela Since at Least the Early 2000s'
By Janine Jackson
Pay to playTrump determined Venezuela to be an "extraordinary threat to US national security." - Continue
Human Beings are Destroying Life on Earth but Deluding Ourselves that We are Not
By Robert Burrowes
Pay to playWhy do most people delude themselves rather than carefully observe real. - Continue

US approves $3.5bn missile sale to Turkey: Announcement comes as Trump says that US forces will withdraw from neighbouring Syria
American journalist for Iran's Press TV 'jailed' in US: American Marzieh Hashemi with Press TV is being held without charge in a Washington jail, her son says.
US Officials reject Russian offer to allow inspection of new missile:US has rejected Moscow's offer to inspect a new Russian missile suspected of violating a key cold war-era nuclear weapons treaty
Trump Plays Russian Card Too: The Trump administration is warning European companies they face punitive sanctions if they continue doing business with Russia's Nord Stream 2 gas project.
New plant-focused diet would 'transform' planet's future, say scientists:'Planetary health diet' would prevent millions of deaths a year and avoid climate change
Democracy continues its disturbing retreat:More than half the countries in the latest update of a democratic-health index saw their scores decline

Russia raises alarm over U.S. support of Venezuela's opposition

Federal Court Orders Discovery on Clinton Email, Benghazi Scandal: Top Obama-Clinton Officials, Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes to Respond to Judicial Watch Questions Under Oath
Trump strikes back at Pelosi after a day of silence: President Donald Trump canceled a congressional trip to Afghanistan just moments before Democrats were slated to depart.
Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley

Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan :
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