Friday, January 18, 2019

Why the Crown Lands Belongs to the Royal Families in Hawaii/Hawaiian archipelago

Why the entity an illegal State of Hawaii does Not Own Our Crown Lands

The following are the reasons why:

1.  Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli documented that the Crown Lands belonged to "himself, his heirs and successors, forever".

2.  Kamehameha III's heirs and successors existed since the time of Kamehameha I.

3.  Conspiracies are documented as shown at:

4.  Fraud vitiates all claims and all contracts...Throckmorton case.

5.  Opposition to Annexation made by Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects.  To date only 21,000 signatures were found hidden at the Library of Congress, Maryland, U.S.

6.  The U.S. was bankrupt and no gold was left in their treasury.

7.  The U.S. accepted "Ceded Lands" by the pirates in Hawaii, the aliens who were aided by the U.S. Congress, U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, and former American Civil War General John Foster who was the Secretary of State who had a part in directing the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani.

8.  Kamehameha's descendants and heirs existed then and maintained the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii because 2/3 of the Hawaiian government was made up of Kamehameha's Royal Families.

It was the 1/3 part of the Hawaiian government which was called the House of Nobles.  This part of the government was a temporary, voted in group which moved to usurp Queen Liliuokalani supported by the United States.

9.  The following recording of former Governor Linda Lingle is evidence of the State's claim to "ceded lands" which in fact are the Crown Lands which has owners  I, Amelia Gora, for example, am a descendant of Kamehameha from four (4) of his 20 children: Kaoleioku; Kanekapolei (female); Kauikeaouli/ Kamehameha III; and Kalanihelemaiiluna; his stepchildren and hanai/adopted children.

Let us Review the Crown Lands and Other Issues:

Listen to entity Governor Linda Lingles explanation to Shane, Kamehameha descendant/heir:

ceded lands with dingle.mp3
5397K Play Download


Crown Lands

1892.  May 20.  "Messrs. R.W. Wilcox, V.V. Ashford,and others were arrested on the charge of conspiring against the government, with the view of establishing a
republic, but were finally discharged."

"The title of the king to the crown lands reserved for himself remained complete after the division with the konohikis and that with the government.  No further formalities
were required in perfecting title; whatever right the government may have had to commutation had been more than satisfied, so that the kingʻs title was already perfect."


The Royal Families exists with prima facie evidence of ownership, allodial titles.

Evidence of conspiracies, piracies are now documented.

Pirates, pillagers, frauds, etc. documented.

The court of original jurisdiction returned which renders the entity State of Hawaii's corporation personnel in place as judges illegal.

An Affidavit/Lien was filed in 1996 at the Bureau of Conveyances as No. 96-177455 (281 pages) with researched evidence showing genealogies, premeditation evidence found in books, documentation, etc.

The 1849/1850 Treaty of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States is a permanent treaty of friendship, amity.  Treaties are the Supreme Law of the Land and Judges must also adhere to it.

Although the United States changed over time through bankruptcy, bankers, corporation activities in 1871, 1878, etc. the legal government United States were involved with the Treaty ratified with Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

The entity State of Hawaii was opposed by a Kamehameha descendant named Harold Abel Cathcart and documented.

Judge Samuel King took in the evidence.  He was a descendant of James King, one of the documented usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani.

The entity State of Hawaii sued our members of the House of Nobles over the Crown Lands.

Since that time, we have found Kamehameha III's Crown Land deeds in the Archives and in court cases the issues of Crown Lands deeds are shown.

The entity Territory of Hawaii which turned State disregarding oppositions, claimed that the "Territory was the successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" in the 1912 Pa Pelekane Case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, Honolulu, Hawaii, and they are not.....they are Identity Thieves...……….because the heirs and successors exist.

Based on the documented conspiracies found, the Illegal entity State of Hawaii are Pirates, Pillagers, and caught red handed...…….similar to a glass covered Candy Store and with the robbers locked in while the whole world watches their ongoing theft, plunder upon the assets, lands of a neutral, friendly, non-violent people whose descendants of Kamehameha I existing, failing to following rule of law and the U.S. Constitution.

It is not legal for a nation to assume and annex another nation.  See:  Professor Williamson Chang's writings.

We are Not the ones who did wrong.

Something smells...………..and I know it is not we the kanaka maoli, Royal Families, people, and friends...…..

Research incomplete.


All 737 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web published by Amelia Gora, a Royal person, et. als.

Why the entity an illegal State of Hawaii does Not Own Our Crown Lands The following are the…

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