Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Kanaka Maoli Reclaiming Alodio Lands With Case Precedence, and Other Important Matters

Hi  ....Everyone too …...a Reminder:

Met you at Zippy's and told you about the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web...…...this is the link :  
Also, the following link should help you find your genealogies on the web:

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


                         WITH CASE PRECEDENCE

                                              Researched by Amelia Gora (2018)

The following points are important to know, understand, because our Constitutional Monarchy government has land laws unlike the Alien laws of the U.S. etc.

Although brief, and straight to the point, it is important to know that your genealogies connecting to your ancestors can be one of the most challenging things to put together prior to obtaining your Royal Patents, Land Commission Awards, and Surveys.

Know the following information and set up a packet for each of your land projects.

Know that alodio/allodial lands are forever.  Even if grampa/ great grampa conveyed away, the lands are returned to the family/his heirs again after he passed.

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gifted his people with "forever lands" unlike other Constitutional Monarchy governments.  For example:  Great Britain, Spain's Monarchs conveyed alodio lands to citizens........upon the persons death, the land returns to the Monarch.

Not so for kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli.  The alodio/Alodio/Ano Alodio on the Deeds are "forever lands".

The following are important facts for all to know:

1.  Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli gifted his people - kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli Alodio/ Alodial Titles.  To Aliens he gave Fee Simple or Lifetime interest, Less than Alodio, Lease or Freehold titles only.

Kamehameha III – Kauikeaouli granted alodio/Ano Alodio Lands and Fee Simple lands to Aliens.
Aliens are Not Entitled to Alodio/Ano Alodio Lands.  Aliens are Not kanaka maoli or those given/granted/ gifted by Kauikeaouli/Kamehameha III as documented in his Speech of 1851.

ROSTER LEGISLATURES OF HAWAII  1841-1918, Publication No. 1, Archives of Hawaii Compiled From the Official Records by Robert C. Lydecker, Librarian, Public Archives (1918) - King's Speech At The Opening of the Legislature, 1851.

HAWAIIAN REPORTS 3-4  R.C. Wyllie, Minister of Foreign Relations, Honolulu to Alfred Blanche, Esquire, Councillor of State, Etc. Etc. ANNUAL REPORTS, Read Before HIS MAJESTY, to the Hawaiian Legislature, May 12, 1851 pages 3-4, KAHN Collection, 24/28 – 24/39 II, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

2.  Rex vs. Booth, HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2 - About the Hawaiian Government = A Constitutional Monarchy Government Unlike the United States.  See pages 616 +

The Hawaiian Government
“The Hawaiian Government was not established by the people; the Constitution did not emanate from them; they were not consulted in their aggregate capacity or in convention, and they had no direct voice in  founding  either the Government or the Constitution.”
Reference:  REX v. JOSEPH BOOTH (1863), HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1863, pages 616-644.

See:  https://books.google.com/books?id=7qdLAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA1#v=onepage&q&f=false

3.  Kekiekie vs. Dennis, HAWAIIAN REPORTS  Volume 1 - No One Can Take Your Land From You....applies to Alodio lands/Alodio Titles/Allodial Titles - Paramount/Supreme Titles to kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaiian maoli only.  Alien could only obtain Fee Simple or Lifetime interest, Less than Alodio, Lease or Freehold titles only.

Kanaka Maoli’s title are good against all in the world.  “…the people’s lands were secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the Kingdom, and no power can convey them away, not even that of royalty itself.”
Reference:  KEKIEKIE v. DENNIS (1851), HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1851, pages 69-70.

4.  Kalama vs. Kekuanaoa and John Ii, Guardians, HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2 - The certificate of award and survey are admissible as evidence of ownership.

Reference:  Kalama vs. Kekuanaoa and John Ii, Guardians, HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 2, pages 202-209

See:   https://books.google.com/books?id=7qdLAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA1#v=onepage&q&f=false

5.  The State of Hawaii

The State of Hawaii, which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii claims to be the “successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii”, page 177 , In Re Title of Pa Pelekane, 21 Haw. 175, HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 21 pages 175-192.

The State of Hawaii, which evolved from the Territory of Hawaii are documented Identity Thieves and have assumed a friendly, neutral, non-violent nation and are Not our families heirs or successors.

Kamehameha’s heirs and successors exists and we are the Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii as defined in the Rex vs. Booth case, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1863, pages 630

The State of Hawaii are Not the successors nor are they related to our families who are living, breathing human beings.

Reference:  In Re Title of Pa Pelekane, 21 Haw. 175, HAWAII REPORTS, Volume 21 pages 175-192. (1912).

Note to kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli:

You're welcome to contact hawaiianhistory@gmail.com for questions.

Genealogy; land; legal documents links are posted below.

Good luck and much success in your genealogies and land projects.


p.s.  we are part of the Royal Families as documented in the 1867 newspapers.

See below:

Royal Families Genealogies/No ka Papa Alii Hawaii Posted in the Kuokoa newspapers Okatoba 5, 1867 - Note:  Kaumualii's Families are Entered Here

                                                                 Researched by Amelia Gora

UPDATING THE ROYAL FAMILIES GENEALOGIES - Keep With Your Important Records/ Genealogies, Land, etc.

By   (2018)     
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Genealogies are the basis of the ancient 3,000 + years Hawaiian Society. The following are some of the updates which affects all lands in the Hawaiian archipelago.::::::::

UPDATING THE ROYAL FAMILIES GENEALOGIES - Keep With Your Important Records/ Genealogies, Land,  


The following printed genealogies were arranged by Queen Liliuokalani, in her book "HAWAII'S STORY by Hawaii's Queen". Updates were made by myself based on researched information gathered as evidence over the years due to false claims that Bernice Pauahi was the "last of the Kamehameha's".

Through genealogies it can be shown that the Kingdom of Hawaii did not have two (2) Dynasties but just one:  The Kamehameha Dynasty and not the Kalakaua Dynasty.  The reason being that one of the Kamehameha's did hanai/adopt the mother of David Kalakaua; Liliuokalani; Leleiohoku; and Miriam Likelike.  See below for more information.

All of the updates has credible sources taken from information found in research over time.

Please keep for your records and keep with your land documents, evidence, etc.

Updated by Amelia Gora (2018)

Kamehameha's son Kaoleioku had Pauahi (w); Konia (w); Keola; and Hanuna.  Pauahi (w) had Ruth Keelikolani; Konia had Bernice Pauahi; Keola - u.i.; Hanuna had Kapule; Kini (w); Hookahe (w); and Poohina (w).

Kapule and Kini (w) had Nahuina (w); Kaapiipii (w); and Meleana (w).  Nahuina (w) had hanai/ adopted daughter named Keohokalole/A. Keohokalole.

Caesar Kapaakea and Keakalole/Keohokalole/A. Keohokalole were the parents of David Kalakaua, Liliuokalani, Leleiohoku (namesake), Miriam Likelike

David Kalakaua Kalele/Kaahulele Kamaka (w)
Kaopu (k)
Kapiolani (w) adopted: Kahanu (k)
adopted: Mathias Rose (k)
adopted: Augustine Nuhi (k)
Updated by Amelia Gora (2018)

Kamehameha II/Liholiho married Kekauonohi.
Charles Kanaina married Kekauonohi and Auhea/Kekauluohi (w)
Aarona Keliiahonui married Kekauonohi.
Levi Haalelea married Kekauonohi.
Keau/Keaupuni lived with Kekauonohi.
Kekauonohi (w) hanai/adopted daughter was Abigail Maheha (w);
Kekauonohi adopted Anna Kaiulani, Queen Liliuokalani's sister

Kekauonohi (w) was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kalanimoku (k).
Kekauonohi (w) was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kahekili/Haupu (k).
Kekauonohi (w) siblings were: Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole (k) and Maulili (k).
Updated by Amelia Gora (2018)

Father Mother Child

Kinau Kahoanoku Wahinepio Kekauonohi (w)
Keliikanakaole (k)
Maulili (k)
Updated by Amelia Gora (2011)

Kalaniopuu had six (6) wives:
Father Mother Child

Kalaniopuu Kalola Kiwalao (k)
Kalaiwahineuli Kalaipaihala (k)
Kamakolunuiokalani Pualinui (w)
Mulehu Manoua/Manowa (w)
Kanekapolei Keoua Kuahuula (k)
Keoua Peeale (k)

* Note:  All of Kalaniopuu's children became the stepchildren of Kamehameha,Kamehameha II - Liholiho, Kalaimoku/Kalanimoku, and Kaumualii.  Reasons:  Kamehameha and Kamehameha II -Liholiho were married to Kekauluohi/Auhea....which linked the families together.  Kalaimoku/ Kalanimoku married Kamehameha's widow Keopuolani(w) mother of Kamehameha II - Liholiho; Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli; Nahienaena (w).

Updated by Amelia Gora (2018)
Kamehameha's wife Namahana/Piia also married Kaumualii of Kauai.

Kaumualii's children with Namahana/Piia (w) were Haupu/Kahekili; Kuheleaumoku; Kahai; Kanekoa; and Kaulia. 

Kaumualii's older children were Aarona Kealiiahonui; Humehume 
/George Kaumualii; Kinoiki (w); and Kahinu (w)      

Inaina (w) married Nahiolea and had Mataio Kekuanaoa.  Inaina (w) married Haupu/Kahekili and had Kamahine/Kalima/Kalimakuhi (w).

Inaina (w) children:Mataio Kekuanaoa (k); Kamahine/Kalima/Kalimakuhi(w) Mataio Kekuanaoa's children: Paalua (k); Ruth Keelikolani (w); Moses Kaikioewa (k); Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; Alexander Liholiho/ Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu (w); David Kamehameha (k); Alenoho (k); Kapau (k); Kapehe (w); John Kapena (k); Umiokalani (w); Kalima (w); Kaiopahia (k); hanai/adopted child: Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi. Kamahine/Kalima/Kalimakuhi (w) children: Paalua (k); Ruth Keelikolani (w); Moses Kaikioewa (k); Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; Alexander Liholiho/ Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu (w); David Kamehameha (k); Alenoho (k); Kapau (k); Kapehe (w); John Kapena (k); Umiokalani (w); Kalima (w); Kaiopahia (k); ; hanai/adopted child: Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi. Stepchildren: Enoka/Enosa (k); E.N. Kaaua (k); Keloha (w).

Wahinepio (w) children: Kekauonohi(w); Keliikanakaole/Kanakaole (k); Maulili (k) also the niece and nephews of Kalanimoku (k); and hanai/foster children of Kahekili/Haupu (k) son of Kaumualii (k). 
Kaoleioku (k) and wives Keoua(w) and Luahine(w) children: Hanuna (k); Pauahi (w); Keola (k); Konia (w)
Kanekapolei 2 (w) children: Kikau (k) 
Updated by Amelia Gora (2018)

Kahekili's son: Manono (k)
Manono (k) son Keau/Keaupuni (k) lived with Kekauonohi (w); Abigail Maheha (w); his children/stepchildren: Kapena (k); Ialua/Kalua (k); Nalua (w); Kalele (w); Kala/Kalahohina.

Kanakaole; Kailio; Kapena; and Mataio Kekuanaoa married Kamahine/Kalima/Kalimakuhi (w).
Kamahine/Kalima/Kalimakuhi (w) children were:  John Kapena; Sam Kapena; and Umiokalani (w).
Updated by Amelia Gora (2018)

David Kalakaua's children: Kamaka (w); Kaopu (k); 
adopted children: Kahanu (k); Mathias Rose (k); Augustine Nuhi (k)

Lydia Kamakaeha/Kaeha/Makaeha's children/hanai/adopted children: Abigaila (w); Kema (k); Wahie (k); Luka/Luika ) aka's; Kaeha opio (w); Pau (k); 
Kamukai (k)
Updated by Amelia Gora (2018)

Kamehameha had Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki and Peapea/Pea/Peapeamakawalu;

Kalanihelemaiiluna Paki had Abner Paki and Kalaniulumoku.

Abner Paki(k) Konia(w) Bernice Pauahi
hanai/adopted: Kaeha/Makaeha/Kamakaeha/ Liliuokalani (w)

Abner Paki's brother: Kalaniulumoku (k) children: Kalola (w) - mother of Alapai Kahekili/ Kahekili, hanai/adopted mother of Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/Kapoholoku/Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani;Kaluaikau (w); Alapai (k); Namahana (w); Abigail Maheha (w); Jane Loeau (w); 

Abner Paki married the widow of Kalaniulumoku named Kakainalii (w).  After Abner Paki died she married Kealoha/Luisi Kealoha and hanai/adopted Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/Poomaikelani/Princess Poomaikelani and Kepookalani (w).

John Young (k) Kaonaeha/Kuamoo (w) children: John Young Jr; Fanny/Pane(w); Grace/Kamaikui (w); Gini/Lahilahi (w); James Kanehoa Young (k); adopted children: Hueu Davis (k); Kale Davis (k); and Peke Davis; hanai/adopted children of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III.

Fanny/Pane (w) and Naea (k) had children: Emma adopted by TCB Rooke, second husband of Kamaikui/Grace Kamaikui (w).
Updated by Amelia Gora (2018)

Kamehameha II - Liholiho married Pauahi (w)
Keaupuni married Pauahi (w) 
Kahalaia married Pauahi (w)
Kekuanaoa married Pauahi who had Ruth Keelikolani;
Mataio Kekuanaoa's children: Paalua (k); Ruth Keelikolani (w); Moses Kaikioewa (k); Lot Kamehameha/Kamehameha V; Alexander Liholiho/ Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu (w); David Kamehameha (k); Alenoho (k); Kapau (k); Kapehe (w); John Kapena (k); Umiokalani (w); Kalima (w); Kaiopahia (k); hanai/adopted child: Pauahi/Bernice Pauahi. 

Mataio Kekuanaoa had five (5) wives: 
1) Kalehua/Kauhi had son Paalua;

       2)  Pauahi and had daughter Ruth Keelikolani (w)

3) Kinau and had Moses Kaikioewa; David Kamehameha; Lot Kamehameha/ Kamehameha V; Alexander Liholiho/Kamehameha IV; Victoria Kamamalu; and hanai/adopted Bernice Pauahi

4)  Kalolo/Kaloloahilani - no children/u.i.

5) Kalima/Kalimakuhi/Kamahine - John Kapena; Sam Kapena; Umiokalani (w)

Others found:  Kalima opio (w) and Kaiopahia.

Research incomplete.


We are a genealogy based society. It would be worth your while to set aside this important information with your land, genealogy records because it is now proven that Bernice Pauahi Bishop was NOT the "last of the Kamehameha's" and the lies are but criminal propaganda set in place by the aliens/non-kanaka maoli, the treasonous persons who moved to assume all that does not belong to them.

All the above are some of the alodio land owners.  The Trustees of the various Trusts cannot own alodio land titles.

The Royal Families exists and are the true Crown Land owners, etc.

aloha and malama pono.....

a gift of the ages in behalf of our Kamehameha, Kalaniopuu, Kahekili, Kaumualii, John Young, Isaac Davis et. als. descendants; the Hawaiian Genealogical Society/Hawaiian Genealogy Society; and the Royal Families House of Nobles/"Hulu Manu" - Secret/Special Advisors of Kauikeouli/Kamehameha III's families/descendants
References: information from Queen Liliuokalani's book HAWAII'S STORY BY HAWAII'S QUEEN/HAWAII'S STORY; research at the Archives, Bureau of Conveyances, Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii 

Royal Families Genealogies/No ka Papa Alii Hawaii Posted in the Kuokoa newspapers Okatoba 5, 1867 - Note:  Our Families are at the ending - see 2nd page and Updates

                                            Researched by Amelia Gora (2015)

Note: Kahekili married Kahananui (female) and had son Ioela (and adopted son:  William Linekona Hokuloa/Charles Williams/Charles Kauweloa) who married Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani and had Haili (and siblings/stepsiblings, hanai/adopted) who married Kaluakini and had Elikapeka Kaimiola Kaluakini who married Joseph Gora/ Matsugoro and had John Gora (siblings:  Joseph, William, Walter, Lawrence, Jolly, and Francis) who married Mary Castro and had Amelia Gora (siblings:  Leola, Elizabeth, John, Walter, Kathleen, Marian (dec.) and hanai/adopted Ceferino III/Willy).

Kahananui (female) (siblings:  Kalaikini (female), Ulunui (female), and Isaia) was the daughter of Kuheleloa who was the son of Kauhi.  Kauhi was the son of Kailio and Kaawa (female) and his siblings were:  Kailio 2, Kalama (female), and Paele.  Kailio was the second oldest son of Hueu Davis (siblings:  Kale Davis, and Peke Davis) who was the son of Isaac Davis and Kalukuna/Grace Kamaikui.  Kailio (siblings:  Kahiamoe, and Holokualani) was the grandson of John Young.  Hueu Davis, Kale Davis, and Peke Davis were the hanai/adopted children of John Young, Kamehameha, and Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.

 Kahananui (female) married Charles Kuikahi Kawelo/Kauweloa and adopted William Linekona Hokuloa/ Charles Williams/Charles Kauweloa who married Mele Keawe/Keawepoo and had Mary Kauweloa (siblings:  Charles Jr., and Annie) who married Albert Castro and had Mary Castro (siblings:  Harriet, Alberta, John, Albert, Rudolph, Irene, and Joseph), divorced then married Ceferino Maduli (stepsiblings:  Vale, Lucia, Ceferino Jr., Fermina, Francis, and Celestino/Kata).  

Mary Castro married John Gora and had Amelia Gora (siblings:  Leola, Elizabeth, John, Walter, Kathleen, Marian (dec.), and hanai/adopted Ceferino III/Willy

Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani was the daughter of Kuhio and Kinoiki (female).  Her siblings were Kapiolani/ Queen Kapiolani, Kinoiki 2 (female), and Kapali/Kapaliaweloa.  Their father was Kaumualii of Kauai.  His children were:  Kealiiahonui, Aaron; Humehume/George Humehume; Kinoiki (female); Kahinu (female); Haupu/Kahekili; Kuheleaumoku; Kahai; Kanekoa; and Kaulia.  His stepchildren were all of Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's children, stepchildren, and hanai/adopted children.

Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani was a hanai of Luluhiwalani and Kalola, the parents of Kahekili (see newspaper article for his ancestry).

Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani  was a hanai of Kakainalii (female) who married Kalaniulumoku, Abner Paki, and Kealoha.

Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani  was a hanai of Kaunuohua (female).

Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani  was also a daughter/hanai of Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani/ Queen Liliuokalani.

Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani's sister Queen Kapiolani was the hanai/adopted daughter of Kaluakini.  Kaluakini later married Abigaila/Kapooloku/Kapoolohu/ Kapoholoku/ Poomaikelani/ Princess Poomaikelani 's daughter Haili who had Elikapeka Kaluakini(siblings) who married Joseph Gora/Matsugoro and had John Gora (siblings) who married Mary Castro and had Amelia Gora (siblings).

There are many other family lines which is not listed here.  

The point is that the Royal Families exists, and we are part of the Royal Families defrauded by the Aliens, the usurpers who planned, Premeditated in a concerted effort to criminally assume lands, monies, minerals, water, etc. from the Royal Families by lies, fraud, deceit, conspiracies, pirating, identity theft, racketeering, etc.

It appears that the purpose of the frauds, identity theft of our Royal Families was to claim that the alii were no more/there were no heirs and successors and the aliens could assume all by appearing legal and passed laws claiming that the entity Territory turned State would be the recipient of all the alii lands.

Appears that there were also other avenues in assuming the interests of the Alii and all kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli by the following:

1) lies, perpetuation of the frauds
2) conspiracies by two or more which cause injuries upon our kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli.
3)  setting up illegal contracts, such as:
      a.  Hawaiian Homes -  those who signed would also be signing their interest over to the occupiers.
      b.  Prisoners would be allowed to leave early providing they signed their interest over to the occupiers.
4)  taxes by the occupiers.
5)  steady indoctrination that there were no more Kamehameha's, etc.
     a.  indoctrination includes false information in books.
     b.  indoctrination includes false information in the media, TV, radio, etc.
6)  steady lies that Hawaii has only Fee Simple when in reality Fee Simple is an American concept of land vs.  Monarchy Government Lands are Alodio to kanaka maoli/kanaka Hawaii maoli and Fee Simple, less than Alodio, 30 years only, 30 years lease, or Freehold to Aliens.

Research incomplete.


Posted by




I'll add your email to the news on the web.


Amelia Gora

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Real Queen Liliuokalani/Liliuokalani Trustees - References


1909.  Conspirators/pirates/pillagers supported by U.S. President McKinley devised a Trust which they claimed that Queen Liliuokalani signed.

Queen Liliuokalani denied signing a Trust Deed and Samuel Parker testified for the Queen as well.

2017 - August 5.

Status of Queen Liliuokalani's True Trust

Image result for queen liliuokalani picture

As you may already know, the Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani Trust was pirated by the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani since 1909, when they set up an illegal trust.
The United States are also documented in pirating, pillaging assets through their ties in assuming monies through investments, stocks, etc.  

See the Liliuokalani Trust book available at the Main Library, etc.


Queen Liliuokalani denied signing a Trust Deed with the usurpers:  Iaukea, et. als. See: 

Also note that even in her Will which was placed in Probate, she maintained her denial of signing with the usurpers.  See the following links for more information:

Search Results

Correction: 7 Day Notice for Queen Liliuokalani's Trust by the ...

Mar 5, 2017 - 2017-0304 7 Day Notice from Amelia Gora, Acting Liaison of Foreign ... Will which denied signing a Trust Deed with the conspirators, usurpers, pirates, ..... Seearticle "Arrests for Treason in Hawaii" in THE NEW YORK TIMES, .

The True Trustees of Queen Liliuokalani's Trust Billed the Usurper's ...

Feb 1, 2017 - Liliuokalani Trust/Queen Liliuokalani Trust/Liliuokalani Children's Center Many ... of Amelia Gora, Royal Persons, One of Queen Liliuokalani's ... Article which includes 'U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani' .... She had denied signing a Trust deed with Archibald S. Cleghorn, ...

Amelia Gora - Amelia Gora shared her post. | Facebook

To see more from Amelia Gora on Facebook, log in or create an account. Sign ... Kilikina Kekumano found the original document of Queen Liliuokalani's opposition to annexation, and I, Amelia Gora found the article ... Amoe, Levi Haalelea, Queen Liliuokalani Trust - she denied signing a Trust Deed with the usurpers....and ...

Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : November 2016 Update: BRIEF ...

Nov 6, 2016 - U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani before he ... forced tosign Liliuokalani Dominis; she was under stress, duress, usurpation, and coercion; ... The Treaty of 1849/1850 continues and Article XIV was invoked which ...... Queen Liliuokalani denied having signed a Trust deed.

Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth : Kingdom of Hawaii Records No ...

Queen Liliuokalani is on record for denying signing a trust with the usurpers: See the ... Queen Liliuokalani denied signing a Trust Deed with Samuel Damon, et. als.: ... The following article shows the bankrupt status of the United States:.

News from the Hawaiian Kingdom: Corruption, Fraud Found ...

Aug 2, 2016 - My name is Amelia Gora, one of the Royal Family members of the Kingdom ofHawaii. ...Queen Liliuokalani documented her opposition and submitted it to the .... She maintained that she did not sign a Trust Deed with the usurpers .... of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli and deny that Aliens/ foreigners are ...

theiolani | A great WordPress.com site

Dec 20, 2015 - A Trust was also created for Queen Liliuokalani who denied signing a Trust with ... Interestingly, the deed that was conveyed to her hanai daughter was entered in the ... The Royal Families in the Hawaiian Islands by Amelia Gora (2015) ..... See previous article: Genealogies – Kalaniopuu's, Kamehameha's, ...

Whistleblower's Website

Compiled by Amelia Gora (2011 updated 2016) ..... settlement to the claims of Queen Liliuokalani's denial that she signed a Trust Deed. .... deceit, did Premeditate the usurpation of Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000 subjects in the ... Premeditation to take over Pearl Harbor article dated January 9, 1893 - see above Link.

Hawaiian Genealogies References: Correction: Our Royal Families ...

Feb 16, 2015 - Kamehameha IV Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani Kalaniulumoku (k) ch: .... Amelia Gora, one of Kamehameha's descendants/heirs, successors, .... out-of-court settlement to the claim of Queen Liliuokalani's denial that she signed a Trust Deed. see: articles, posts, researches by Amelia Gora and editor of the.

Diary: Why OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Hawaiian Civic Clubs, et ...

Jun 7, 2012 - ... to the claim of Queen Liliuokalani's denial that she signed a Trust Deed. see: articles, posts, researches by Amelia Gora and editor of the .... of Queen Liliuokalani remain under duress, stress,usurpation, and coercion.

Undertaking the True Trust with Trustee Kaaumoana/Kahakuakoi and Her Descendants of her body for Queen Liliuokalani

Failure to listen to the Queen by usurpers have resulted in the ongoing pirating, pillaging of the Queen's Trust, as well as ALL of the Alii Trusts.

The legal business of it all is that the 1872 Trust which she created is foremost, which is why we her true Trustees have now stepped forward to operate her trust legally.

The operating time goes back to 1872, and Not the 1909 period because legally U.S. President Cleveland's efforts of Giving Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani changes the picture of deceivers who have disregarded justice, truth since U.S. President McKinley's Pirating, Pillaging moves since his term 1897, his assassination and recklessly advanced by greedy warmongers since.

U.S. President Cleveland maintained that right is foremost to might.  Many Presidents have differed, especially those who perpetuated wrongs against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.


This past week, multiple projects were made which involved showing our Paramount titles/Superior titles, claims to the Iolani Palace, the Kalanimoku Building sitting on our great great grandmother's land, the City Hall which sits on our great grandfather's land, and Washington Place, the Home of Queen Liliuokalani which is on the list of properties belonging to our Queen prior to the 1909 illegal trustees criminal Trust denied by her.

Public Prosecutor's office, Honolulu Police Department officers recorded trespassing charges, etc.

The Sheriffs, Caretaker, Honolulu Police Department officers, and a visit to the Sheriffs office was documented for Washington Place.

Recordings of the Queen's lands

Currently documented all transactions of Queen Liliuokalani's lands.  Research project ongoing.


Please contact us if you know about your tutu's conveying Alodio title lands to the Queen.

Alodio lands of your families will be returned upon documentation showing your Superior titles - prima facie evidence of ownership including your genealogies.  

A copy is needed for our records as Trustees of the Trust created in 1872.


Recording, Billings for rents/leases over time by the criminal trust will be reviewed for legal action, including all of the monies conveyed to the United States for their bonds, investments which is recorded as being Fifteen Million Dollars for 1988 alone.

From 1909 through 2017 the costs will be verified giving an accurate or near accurate amounts pirated, pillaged from Queen Liliuokalani's Trust.

All Trusts of our Alii will also be reviewed, etc. because criminal gains by aliens is Not O.K.

Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli recorded deficiencies in his entries which included that the United States, and England could Not own Hawaiian lands.

Treasonous persons, etc. would also be unable to own Hawaiian lands.

The permanent Treaty of 1849/1850 was a treaty of Amity, Friendship which was made as a contract between the 'most favored nation' status.

Treaties are the Supreme Law of the land and an illegal operation which involves identity thieves activities contrary to the civilized nations status has been operating since U.S. President McKinley proclaimed Hawaii to be a Territory in 1897.

We are part of the Royal Families and recognize that U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani in 1897.

We are Not the ones who did wrong.  

Maintaining Alodio Titles in the Hawaiian Islands which was gifted to our Hawaiian people since the time of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli in 1848.
 Fee Simple Titles or equivalent to 30 year leases were given to Aliens/ foreigners.


Evidence of Queen Liliuokalani's Trust Thru Timelines: the Fraud Trust Created in 1909  vs. the True Trust Created in 1872

Evidence of Queen Liliuokalani's Trust Thru Timelines: the Fraud Trust Created in 1909  vs. the True Trust Created in 1872
                                                or REVIEWING THE FACTS 
                                                                         The Real Trust Researched by Amelia Gora (2017)
The Fraud Trust of 1909 developed by the Usurper William O. Smith, attorney who prepared the Trust of Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani can be found at this link:
It was printed in the OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs newspaper - November 2017 issue page 14:

See the Timeline of the Fraud 1909 Trust on page 14 for the records... See the Timeline of Queen Liliuokalani's aka's True Trust which began in 1872.

KWO - November 2017 | Vol. 34, No. 11
Queen Liliʻuokalaniʻs lasting legacy - 100 years has passed
page 14:

       Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Ldia/Liliuokalani/ Queen  
                  Liliuokalani True Trust Timeline  

1838. September 2
Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani was born.

Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani made a Trust Deed to Prendergast for Kaaumoana one of her hanai daughters.
Reference:  Liber 35 pages 131-132, Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

King Kalakaua died and his successor was
A conspiracy to dethrone her was documented in a 1891 news article "A Chronic Agitator.  Celso Caesar Moreno interested in Hawaiian Affairs".  Celso Caesar Moreno an American agent for th,e Atlantic Cable Company, assisting the Pacific Cable Company held letters which showed that "native revolutionists, who are expected to assert themselves, overturn the present Government, dethrone Queen Liliuokalani and set up a republic before the Hawaiian election..."
Reference:  The Daily Bulletin, (Honolulu, Hawaii) 1882-1895, December 2, 1891.

Pearl Harbor Coaling Station article with an 'Imperative Necessity to Take Over the Hawaiian Islands' showed Premeditation and conspiracy to take over a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation.
Reference:  New York Times, January 9, 1893.
January 15.  Armed military left the BOSTON to assist in dethroning Queen Liliuokalani.
January 17.  Under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, and intimidation, Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani stepped down until corrections were made.

U.S. President Cleveland gave two (2) letters to Willis:
(1)  a letter to Sanford B. Dole - greeting him as a friend.
(2) a letter to Willis instructing him to 'Place Queen Liliuokalani Back on the Throne'.
Reference:  Attorney, Orator James Ingersoll's Writings of the period, see:  Guttenburg.com website, with 55,000 free e-books on the web.

U.S. President Grover Cleveland again gave Hawaii Back to Queen Liliuokalani before he left office.
"Mr. Cleveland had put himself on record by giving Hawaii back to Queen Liliuokalani, and now proposes to give the Philippines back to Aguinaldo."

Reference:  Article "SAYS GOVERNMENT SUPPORTS TRUSTS", The New York Times, February 21, 1904, etc.

Kahakuakoi/Kaaumoana/Kahakuhaakoi aka's and her husband made an Agr./Agreement which pertained to the Interests of Charles Kanaina, King Lunalilo, Queen Kalama, and Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
Reference:  Liber 178 pages 267-268, Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

Some of the usurpers of Queen Liliuokalani claimed that she signed a Trust Deed.
The fraud Trustees filed a faud Trust Deed and filed it at the Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
They included the Agr./Agreement on Liber 178 pages 267-268 and filed it as a Deed.  The Agr./Agreement between Kahakuakoi aka's and Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani was turned into a Deed.
An Agreement is Not a deed.
A Fraud was recorded which is the basis a to why the Trustees then and those who perpetuate the crimes today are indeed criminals, are perpetuating the crimes of the 1909 Trustees.  They too have conspired, pirated, pillaged, have caused injuries upon the Queen as well as her families.
Private properties of Queen Liliuokalani and her families were plundered upon.
Reference:  Liber 319 page 457, Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Queen Liliuokalani claimed she signed a Will and Not a Trust Deed with William O. Smith, her brother-in-law Archibald Cleghorn, and Curtis Iaukea.
Reference:  Testimony of Samuel Parker, Prince Kuhio Court case, First Circuit Court, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
Additional Notes:
The Trust created in 1872 continues on because it is the true Trust signed by Kaeha/the Queen.
The Agr./Agreement also has a void clause.  The Agr./Agreement did become void.
Kingdom of Hawaii Laws also shows that lands cannot be returned to the person who created the Trust.
Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani had already created a Trust which would be cared for by her hanai/adopted daughter, and the descendants/heirs of her blood.

1915 - Queen Liliuokalani was placed on her throne by the usurpers and was made "Queen for a day".
She was made to sign illegal contracts and claimed to be the one who inaugurated/established "Pan-Pacific Day" or "Balboa Day".
Note:  Abuse of the Elderly is noted.  The Queen remained under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation, etc.
Reference:  MID-PACIFIC Magazine, 1918, Volume 15, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii,
MID-PACIFIC Magazine, 1919, Volume 17, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

1917 - November 11.  Queen Liliuokalani died of a stroke at Washington Place, aged 79.

Queen Liliuokalani denied signing the Trust Deed of 1909 and recorded that denial in her Will.
Queen Liliuokalani expected Colburn and others to make corrections, and they failed her requests.

1996 -  Affidavit/Lien filed at the Bureau of Conveyances with Fraud finds, Royal Families names, Crown Land owners, Premeditation evidence, etc.
Reference:  Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 filed on 12/17/96 (281 pages) Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

1998 - Multiples of Fraud issues found.  Reported/Filed Complaint with the Supreme Court.  Received replies (see attached).
Filed Honolulu Police Reports for offenders, criminals, etc. from 1998 thru 2017.

2015 -  Filed names of criminals on the Judicial Tribunal lists applicable to the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV regarding Pirates, Pillagers, etc.

2016 - Konohiki assigned to various properties including Queen Liliuokalani Trust Properties.
Filed Honolulu Police Reports for offenders, criminals, etc. from 1998 thru 2017.
Filed names of criminals on the Judicial Tribunal lists applicable to the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV regarding Pirates, Pillagers, etc.

2017 -  Obtained multiples of our Alodio Titles based on heirship, rights, etc.
Filed Honolulu Police Reports for offenders, criminals, etc. from 1998 thru 2017.
Filed names of criminals on the Judicial Tribunal lists applicable to the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV regarding Pirates, Pillagers, etc.


Premeditation to take over the Kingdom of Hawaii, a neutral friendly, non-violent nation has been found.
Fraud vitiates all claims, and all contracts.
Conspiracy vitiates all claims, and all contracts.
Queen Liliuokalani's Trust of 1909 is a fraud, a sham.
Kaeha/Kamakaeha/Makaeha/Lydia/Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani's real Trust was created in 1872.
Her Trustee named Kahakuakoi/Kaaumoana aka's filed an Agr./Agreement in 1898.  The Agr./Agreement is Not a Deed.
Queen Liliuokalani was placed back on her throne twice (2x) by U.S. President Cleveland.
    (1)  in 1894
    (2)  in 1897
U.S. President Cleveland pulled the U.S. Flag down in Hawaii.
Opposition to annexing Hawaii was documented by Queen Liliuokalani and her 40,000+ subjects.  Only 21,000+ signatures were found in the Library of Congress.
There was no annexation, No Treaty of Annexation, and it's not possible to take another nation.
U.S. President McKinley illegally "developed" the Territory of Hawaii by directing the Army, Navy, and Federal personnel to set it up.
U.S. President McKinley illegally "proclaimed" Hawaii to be a Territory in 1898.
The Fraud Trust created by the usurpers in 1909 is a Fraud, a Sham.
The Fraud Trust paid the U.S. Government more than $14 million per year for Securities, bonds as recorded in the Liliuokalani Trust book, dated 1988, at the Main Library, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
The Kingdom of Hawaii legally exists.
The Royal Families continue to exist.
Fraud has been found.
Injuries have been done to the Royal Families.
From 2015 thru 2017, names of criminals adjudicated were filed on the Judicial lTribunal lists applicable to the 1849/1850 Treaty of the Kingdom of Hawaii/Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV regarding Pirates, Pillagers, etc.
Note:  Instructions to have a Tribunal was documented in the notes of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli.  Notes were found in research.
Conspiracy is documented and the Trustees are guilty of the crimes.
Reference:  The King v. Anderson and Russell, HAWAIIAN REPORTS, 1851, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
The Supreme Court attorneys did advise me to file reports with the Honolulu Police Department, and the Prosecutor's Office.
Reference:  See letters attached from the Supreme Court Attorney, and the Honolulu Police Department.
The Prosecutor's Office in two (2) visits says that the Attorney General's office is one of the Prosecutor's.  She had said that this issue is way over her head.  She had called a Honolulu Police Officer and he too said that they were not the ones to handle these matters.
Please assist in prosecuting the Fraudulent Trustees of the 1909 Trust of Liliuokalani/Queen Liliuokalani.
We have our Konohiki assigned to the various properties belonging to Queen Liliuokalani and her families.
We hold the Superior/Paramount titles to the various private properties of Queen Liliuokalani, et. als.  And maintain that the Fraud Trust Trustees are not part of the True Trust nor are they part of our families.


The Fraud Trust gave directions to the Territory of Hawaii:  1) Assume Washington Place;  2) Assume the Queen's remains; and 3) the funeral arrangements.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Illegal Trustees & Territory Took Over Queen Liliuokalani's Home - Washington Place. Her Remains, etc. Upon Her Death = Private Properties of the Royal Families

Honolulu star-bulletin. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii) 1912-current, November 12, 1917, 3:30 Edition, Page TWO, Image 2

Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1917-11-12/ed-1/seq-2/

Page Page Page Page

Prince Kuhio took an out-of-court settlement to the claims of Fraud of Queen Liliuokalani.

The usurpers gave him the beach front property called Kuhio Beach, etc.

Queen Liluokalani had expected Colburn and others to correct the wrongs......they didn't.

Charles Reed Bishop provided for Kinney's wife Helen because her grandmother was the first cousin of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

Fact is Helen was the daughter of adopted/hanai daughter of Kahakuakoi and they were not the bloodlines of her body.

Conspiracy is detected and have been found in the ongoing fraud issues of who is really the Queen's Families.

Charles Reed Bishop was party to the crimes of helping to dethrone Queen Liliuokalani and her true families.

William O. Smith was the attorney who planned the dethronement of our Queen in 1893 meeting with others in his law offices..

William O. Smith was the brother-in-law of Judge A. Hartwell, former American Civil War General.

William O. Smith set up the Will and Trust of Queen Liliuokalani.

It is the Case Bigelow and Lombardi attorneys who perpetuate the crimes of the ages.

Let us review the HAWAIIAN REPORTS Case of 1851, The King vs. Anderson and Russell for the Case Precedence and hold the following to be true:

"Chief Justice Lee charged the jury, that every fraudulent combination, mutual understanding, or concerting together of two or more, to do what is obviously and diretly wrongfully injurious to another is a conspiracy.....were guilty......That a mutual concert in cases like this, could sedom if ever be proved, otherwise than by circumstances, as conspirators do not call in witnesses to their undertakings." 

The U.S. has been benefitting off of the Fraudulent Trust since 1909 and is recorded as having received $14 million dollars + per year, etc.

Lastly, Supreme Court letter shows that the Public Prosecutors or the Police Department are to be contacted for charges, etc.

I, Amelia Gora, did file an Affidavit/Lien No. 96-177455 at the Bureau of Conveyances on 12/17/1996 (281 pages) which shows frauds, Kamehameha's heirs and successors, premeditation documents, etc. and was told it is a lien on all the islands.

I, Amelia Gora, am one of the descendants of three (3) of Bernice Pauahi Bishop first cousins, sibling, and hanai/adopted sibling of Bernice Pauahi Bishop because Abner Paki did marry his brothers last wife named Kaikaina.  Kaikaina had two (2) hanai/adopted children - one named Abigaila/Princess Poomaikelani.  The names of Bernice Pauahi's cousins were Kahakuakoi - the true trustee designated by Queen Liliuokalani, and Kalola (w) who was documented as the next-of-kin in the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop.

There are other Kamehameha descendants.

For all of the above reasons, we are calling for the Arrest of the Current Trustees, etc.  Seven day notices were sent to the Liliuokalani Trust created in 1909, and the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees and defaults are recorded, etc.

Your expeditious reply will be greatly appreciated.


Amelia Gora
a Royal person, Royal Family member
More information found showing conspiracies/piracies/pillaging:

Nov 4, 2018 - Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: United States Secretary of State John W. Foster "helped direct the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy ... Review by Amelia Gora (2018) The following article shows Loads of Lies, Premeditation Evidence of the United ..... Posted on February 23, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog ...
Review by Amelia Gora (2018) ... John W. Foster/General John W. Foster, Secretary of State, 1892 - 1893 U.S. President .... The following article shows Loads of Lies, Premeditation Evidence of the United ..... Posted by hwnwahine at 5:05 AM.
Dec 28, 2018 - Aged articles/ historical information, laws, etc. affecting us today will also be posted. ... Their names, statements were posted previously due to their truth presented. .... Amelia Gora and lastly John - John F. Kennedy ....did you know that it ...... Annex Hawaii documented by John Foster, Secretary of State, etc.

I, Amelia Gora, am one of Kamehameha's descendants from four (4) of his children named ...... Image result for sereno bishop article posted by amelia gora.
Nov 27, 2018 - Amelia Gora PIRATES OF THE PACIFIC: Charles Reed Bishop (and half white wife ... Amelia Gora A Reminder of the Excellent article written by Rev. Sereno Bishop under the pen name KAMEHAMEHA called "IN THE LAND OF POI", .... https://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com 730 issues posted to date ...

Jun 10, 2018 - In the above printed article of 1893, Alfred Hartwell claimed that ' Queen Liliuokalani had no .... Posted by Amelia Gora on November 27, .
Sep 24, 2018 - "Article 82 of the Constitution of Hawaii vested the judicial power of ..... http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/2018/06/liar-alfred-s-hartwell-us-military.html ... Forever Lands from Kamehameha III Posted by Amelia Gora on ...
Royal Families Genealogies/No ka Papa Alii Hawaii Posted in the Kuokoa newspapers ... Mary Castro married John Gora and had Amelia Gora (siblings: Leola, ... and Kalola, the parents of Kahekili (see newspaper article for his ancestry). ..... Alfred Stedman Hartwell was born June 11, 1836, in Natick, Massachusetts.

Web results

Jul 14, 2017 - The following was posted on various websites including a link for social media Twitter, Facebook ... Compiled by Amelia Gora (2017) ... The following article shows the bankrupt status of the United States: ... (5) Alfred Hartwell.
Oct 29, 2016 - Hartwell was appointed Attorney General by King Kalakaua. ... Daughter Mabel Rebecca Hartwell was born April 5, 1873 and married Alfred Townsend in 1897. .... Amelia Goramore about the article ... Posted by hwnwahine ...
Oct 2, 2016 - Amelia Gora-Kanaka Maoli Truth ... Article found showing U.S. President Cleveland Gave Hawaii Back to Queen ... 18) Alfred Stedman Hartwell ...... http://theiolani.blogspot.com/2015/03/special-posting-saturday-3715.html oh ...
Jan 17, 2012 - Compiled by Amelia Gora (2012) ... Albert Kunuiakea Full name Keaweawe ʻ ula Kīwala ʻ ō .... 1882 - Article in the FRIEND, January 1: .... Hall, W. W. Harris, Charles Coffin 26 HartwellAlfred Stedman Hassinger, J.A. Herrick, C. f. .... marriage licenses Posted by Meryl Ann Butler (With membership, you ...
You visited this page on 2/4/18.
Jan 9, 2015 - 20, 1849/1850 from Amelia Gora, Royal Person, Land Owner, Title Owner, ... of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States of America, Article XIV. ... 18) Alfred Stedman Hartwell ..... Also read more than 25 books researched, written by Amelia Gora as well as the thousands of articles posted on the web.
Nov 12, 2012 - Compiled by Researchers including Amelia Gora (2012) ..... The following articlewas posted in the IOLANI – The Royal Hawk. ..... Hall, W. W. Harris, Charles Coffin 26 HartwellAlfred Stedman Hassinger, J.A. Herrick, C. f.

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