Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Anti-Piratical Series: Russell Means Exposes Lawrence, Lilikala, Trasks, et. als.


Opposing Federal Recognition Forever: Russell Means on Hawaiian Sovereignty - the Truth showing Genocide

Russell Means Exposes Lawrence Gora, Lilikala Kaumaelehiwa, the Trasks, et. als.
Apology for Genocide?
'Why would anyone believe the U.S.A.?'

"you have to be retarded or criminally insane" to move towards Federal recognition.

This is the truth version of why Federal Recognition is not o.k.
Reference:  http://iolani-theroyalhawk.blogspot.com/2018/12/russell-means-on-hawaiian-sovereignty.html

Note:  The Following shows the Anti-Piratical ones vs. the Pirates, Pillagers who claims to be educators:

             Anti-Piratical People                      vs.            Pirates, Pillagers

    Russell Means                                                           Lawrence Kelii Gora
   Kilikina Kekumano                                                    Lilikala Kaumaelehiwa
   Williamson Chang                                                     the Trasks - Mililani, Haunani
   Tane Inciong                                                               Keanu Sai
   Routh Bolomet, et. als.


Opposing Federal Recognition Forever: Russell Means on Hawaiian Sovereignty - the Truth showing Genocide
Russell Means Exposes Lawrence Gora, Lilikala Kaumaelehiwa, the Trasks, et. als.
... See More

Produced by Ken Nichols O'Keefe in early 2001, this is the virtually unknown story of Hawaii and the hidden…

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