Friday, April 19, 2019

Memories Which Should Not be Forgotten...............King Kalakaua, etc.

To understand the current outrageous corruption in Hawaii, we need to go back in history. This article exposes what happened to the last reigning King of Hawaii....
Please share this far and wide. Help shed the light!…/
Stay Tuned for "Sulla the Movie". Time for disclosure and exposure!
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New Evidence Says Kalakaua killed and UH Researchers Misrepresent Autopsy and Omit Related U.S. Govt Takeover Plot in Hawaiian Genocide

2 years ago
3 years ago… I posted the following: Greetings everyone,
The Royal Families exists which means the alodio/ano alodial owners exists and th...e Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools/KSBE are Aliens who cannot own alodio/ ano alodial lands....Aliens are entitled to only Fee Simple....then add the Treason Factor, and add the Identity Theft/Impersonation of the Kingdom of Hawaii by the Territory which became the State of Hawaii......the Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools/KSBE therefore are Pirates, pillagers, racketeers....they are Not related to our Royal Families.... Bernice Pauahi was a half white, my great grandmother said that she was a haole..... lots of evidence of frauds perpetuated by those who had always wanted what our kanaka maoli have. Read the 1851 Speech of Kamehameha III, Read the PA PELEKANE case (1912) documenting identity theft in the HAWAIIAN REPORTS Volume 21..... Kamehameha's, Kalaniopuu's, Kaumualii's, Kekuanaoa's, et. als. Families/descendants/ heirs exists........Ramifications are prosecutions for piracies.....because of Fraud, racketeering, etc. Everyone should be aware of the frauds..... Know that the Army, Navy, and Federal officials did assist in the developing of the Territory documented in the January 1, 1940 Star Bulletin more at and - point is people, that the entity State of Hawaii is operating on Fraud/impersonation/identity theft and is NOT the Kingdom of Hawaii.........the Judges, et. als. are not granted the authority to operate as the Kingdom of Hawaii, etc. Lastly, one of the kanaka maoli arrested for Mauna Kea was released and received a check from the State and he didn't want to cash the check because the check was from "The Kingdom of Hawaii Trust Funds"...... Many are parties to the crimes of criminal activities, genocide, piracy, pillaging, etc. today including the Bishop Estates/Kamehameha Schools/KSBE who are Not the land owners. aloha.
Reference: the above was posted at…
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The symposium, "I Ka Pono: The Future of Hawaiian Sovereignty," examines the…
5 years ago

Tane Inciong and 2 others shared a link.
A Venispa production in association with Imafilm. All rights reserved.
  • This is an excellent video. Parts of it glosses over the various USA crimes committed against the Hawaiian Kingdom. For one thing the USA desperately needed Hawaii to gain naval dominance in the Pacific since it was late in expanding into the Pacific arena. This fails to expose the true USA involvement in the Hawaiian Kingdom. USA high officials developed the conspiracy using a group of Hawaiian-American businessmen in its plot so as to not set international precedent. S...
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  • Tane Inciong
    This is an excellent video. Parts of it glosses over the various USA crimes committed against the Hawaiian Kingdom. For one thing the USA desperately needed Hawaii to gain naval dominance in the Pacific since it was late in expanding into the Pacific arena. This fails to expose the true USA involvement in the Hawaiian Kingdom. USA high officials developed the conspiracy using a group of Hawaiian-American businessmen in its plot so as to not set international precedent. Spearheaded by USA Secretary of State under the approval of USA President Bennie Harrison, he enlisted the so-called Committee of Safety along with USA Americans that were sent to alter the population percentage in Hawaii. The USA military invasion used them to set up a puppet government known as the Provisional Government under its protection.
    The USA always considered the Hawaiian Kingdom as expendable. Thus we have the USA belligerent occupation since 1893 and also the violation of the Hawaiian Kingdom neutrality status which it established since 1854. The outcome is the USA is violating the laws of occupation and neutrality. The true movement is de-occupation since we already have our sovereignty albeit under the USA lawless belligerent occupation. The USA has absconded with the Hawaiian Kingdom treasury and continues criminal activity.
    The Hawaiian Kingdom has always been noted as a modern society and culture and one of the richest country per capita of its day. USA is mandated by international laws to comply and de-occupy the Hawaiian Kingdom.

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