Friday, April 19, 2019

Vol VII No. 752 - Part 2

Wicked SOB's taking advantage of our people well before I was even born!...……...still gouging people too...….but, they have NO JURISDICTION! Kanaka maoli think tank explore ramifications will ya?
our poor people paid identity thieves, pirates etc.

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Awesome Easter message.....also why do they (Christians/Catholics, etc.) call the Easter Days - Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter.... evil when you really think about it...a Condemnation of a Holy Man, his death can anyone's death be good....and people taking it as a Holiday for themselves.... all wicked...……..the best part is when Jesus rose from the dead....a reminder of everyone's judgement day...…..this is a good reminder to all the evil ones that they too will face our maker one day.....will it be goodness or the fires of hell forever.....choices matter in this world and thank you Jesus for a good reminder...…...amen.
Do you see Jesus Christ amid the flames ravaging Notre Dame? The image above, captured Monday as the…

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Rocky Kalani · Friends with Kahaka Patolo and 98 others
Sadly the United States of America continues it’s complete illegal invasion of 154 independent sovereign countries. I bet there are even more secrets the United States of America is hiding from Americans?



Kepola Kkerainbowrock Rocky Kalani yUp! we know, but try tell that to our islands politicians and gooberment u.s. crackheads!


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