Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Hawaiian Kingdom and Why It Existed since the Time of Kamehameha in 1810 - Audio

The Hawaiian Kingdom and Why It Existed Since the Time of Kamehameha in 1810 - Audio

                                                                              Researched by Amelia Gora (2019)

The Hawaiian Kingdom Existed in 1810 and even today.  The following Audio explains why:


note:  copy and paste link on a new link.

There are three (3) parts to our Royal government which is the legitimate, de jure government in the Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands/Hawaii:

(1)  Sovereign - his heirs and successors.  This is one of the two (2) permanent parts of the Hawaiian government.

(2)  House of Nobles - their heirs and successors.  This is the second of the two (2) permanent parts of the Hawaiian government.

(3)  House of Representatives - this is a temporary, voted in position, and is not a permanent position.



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