Sunday, May 12, 2019

Which Are the Civilized Societies in the World Today? or the Importance of Rule of Law, Constitutions, Treaties are in Today's Societies

Clarity on Waimea Nui
My concern is only relative to political reality of Federal Recognition as a Indian Tribe and the reality of the Dawes Act.
I applaud many of the efforts of Waimea Nui to get their community moving ahead as a unit. I think things like helping their community member with things like farming projects/hothouses are very good and certainly needed. Their concern for member of their community without financial means and trying to find ways to assist them can only be good. I think it important that the Hawaiian Homes association make the State Department of Hawaiian Homes work for the benficiaries of the Trust and not for the benefit of the State at the expense of Hawaiians. I think it would be desireable that the differant associations work together to force the State to release, for lease, more of the lands that were set aside for Hawaiians through the Act.


Upai Robinson Interesting that you say "lease" because such is not the intent for future of the State. Soon you will see as I watch and then other pilikia will creep up unsuspecting because the future is for what America meant it to be.



Keonona Marciel We need to avoid the 'work around" by the malihini/foreign interest, and the offer to create a "contract with America" and seize the lands of our Lahui. The malama aina approach by our people in order to maintain and keep our Aina in perpetuaity is vitSee More



Kama Ki You think? 🎯💯



Amelia Gora note to Hank Fergerstrom These posts pertain to the Hawaiian Kingdom issues....the United States being illegal in Hawaii ….and how the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom applies....Not the alien nation who is also a documented other words we are a separate nation and Not an Indian entity under the U.S.


Cody Wolfchild Im against the dawes act just not the benefits. Having something in writing thats official is just what we need to show other community members how real the situation actually is still today and that we’re not just living in the past or utopian conspiracists hehe. This gives me hope seeing others stand up to join in the fight the dawes act has given us. Now we can say we tried it and this is the best america can do for us and it still isnt enough.



Amelia Gora know that conspirator Prince Kuhio moved on the claimed "ceded lands" which was conveyed to the U.S. by non-owners. The "ceded lands" are in actuality the Crown Lands which belonged to " Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, his heirs, and successors, forever"..... Private properties of the Royal Families; the Government lands of the Hawaiian Kingdom was to be overseen by the House of Nobles, the permanent body next to the Sovereign also a permanent body ….and the Minister of Interior from the Hawaiian Kingdom was to assign such lands......when the Territory came into play, the U.S. assigned all departments except the Interior...….. see the Archives for verification. Know that in 1899 Peacock vs. Republic of Hawaii - the United States became two (2) nations: (1) United States - dealt with nations who had treaties and (2) American Empire - dealt with territories under the U.S. and had no treaties and are seen as lesser than a nation...…..the U.S. applied Hawaii as a Territory under the American Empire..... Reference: HAWAIIAN REPORTS, (1899), Supreme Court Law Library/Archives/Main Library ….. the history of the Hawaiian Kingdom is now exposed likened to the Emperor (from the American Empire) who has No Clothes! ;)


Cody Wolfchild Amelia Gora Yeah because tribes used to work directly with the white house when the BIA was the Department of War, before it was dept of defense. The guise is that americans need a department of savage affairs because we are too wild to make deals with on our own with americans.



Cody Wolfchild Amelia Gora the BIA only changed to the dept of interior AFTER all the overthrows. Before then it was the war dept.



Amelia Gora wicked....the americans are the criminal cast outs of the English society and were sent away, forming the 13 penal other words, criminals make up the basis of the United States bent on squatting on American Indian lands, and basically lawless, immoral beginnings.....evolving into businesses of war to obtain monies, pillaging, plundering on those who are the actual owner and gaining support by "civilized societies" supported by the Vatican who used people to plunder to reap gold, silver, etc. and validating the killing of the claimed "uncivilized societies"...… failure to follow rule of laws, Constitutions, treaties, proves who the real "uncivilized societies", keep them in the wrong, document all that was pirated, pillaged, and present billings with copies to the United Nations, etc. add interest to that with historical evidence of when peace was had, and how the business of wars continued despite being a recognized "civilized societies".... read Dr. Alfred de Zayas letter and everyone should keep a copy on them due to the "protected persons status" and the laws used... see:

Amelia Gora For more information read Williamson Chang's books, articles, as well as Alfred de Zayas letters, etc., Routhē B Pololei videos, and Joyclynn Costa's court case(s) on the Doctrine of Political Question, etc. Additional reading or videos can be viewed on which has 753 issues posted by Amelia Gora ;)

Amelia Gora the Kamehameha's are part of the 2 permanent parts of the Hawaiian government...for everyone's info.....the identity thieves will be prosecuted over time by many...…...which is why they will need to put an American Consulate in place......the World watches..... aloha.

Amelia Gora btw Hank Fergerstrom the lands called ceded are Crown Lands belonging to Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli, his heirs and successors....meaning only his family ...the Government lands are to be taken cared of by the House of Nobles and our Minister of Interior assigns kanaka maoli to lands when needed.....the Danner's are criminal deviants and sold their people down the tubes...why don't they go back to Alaska? I think they have people who are not friendly to them and they don't think to set foot among people who they have defrauded.... the Danner's are already on our Judicial Tribunal and the Genocide Activities Police they get off of our Private Properties because they don't belong on any of our Royal Families properties..... pirates, frauds, pillagers, racketeers /their descendants are here and will eventually be found out....treason means loss of lands, etc.

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