Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Vol VII No. 758 - Part 4 Needs Your Support


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3:01 AM (6 hours ago)
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"In these times of pervasive corporate censorship and increased government classification of information, and the PEERS websites serve the vital purpose of alternative media. They provide readers with the relevant facts necessary to filter out the deception and formulate a truly accurate world view."
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Fred Burks for PEERS and
Note: For two short, powerfully inspiring videos helping to usher in a new paradigm, see the "Unbelievably Lucky" video available here and "Life = Risk" video at this link.
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Berkeley CA 94703

5G: Canada violates 4th Geneva convention with scarification of 5G Educator Karen MacDonald with DEW Weapons

  1. Paul Craig Roberts - Official Homepage
    This site offers factual information and viewpoints that might be useful in arriving at an understanding of the events of our time. We believe that the information comes from reliable sources, but cannot guarantee the information to be free of mistakes and incorrect interpretations.
    • Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson Putin’s approval rating is high, but it has …
    • This site offers factual information and viewpoints that might be useful in arriving at …
    • The Law As Weapon. Paul Craig Roberts. Robert Mueller is supposed to be …
    • Paul Craig Roberts may be remembered, if for no other reason than for the title he used for …
    • This site offers factual information and viewpoints that might be useful in arriving at …
  2. Paul Craig Roberts - Wikipedia
    • Paul Craig Roberts is an American economist and author. He formerly held a sub-cabinet office in the United States federal government as well as teaching positions at several U.S. universities. He is a promoter of supply-side economics and an opponent of current U.S. foreign policy. Roberts received a doctorate from the University of Virginia where he studied under G. Warren Nutter. He subsequently taught at Stanford University and the University of New Mexico before going to work as an analyst
    See more on · Text under CC-BY-SA license
  3. Paul Craig Roberts Archive - The Unz Review
    Paul Craig Roberts • February 23, 2019 • 200 Words An accurate description of the US orchestrated event today at Venezuela’s border with Colombia was posted on The Saker’s website 3 days ago.
  4. Paul Craig Roberts | Russia Insider News
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  1. Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup | ⚛ ⚛ ⚛ Leuren Moret ...
    Hello, welcome to my website - My name is Leuren Moret, an internationally recognized Geoscientist and specialist on the environmental and biological effects of ionizing radiation. In 1968, I was one of the first women to graduate from UC Davis with a B.S. in Geology.
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  2. Leuren Moret - StopTheCrime
    Leuren Moret - Fukushima HAARP nuclear attack by CIA, DOE, BP for London banks. Leuren Moret - Nuclear genocide of babies and children in Japan, US, Canada grows. Scientist Leuren Moret - Japan Earthquake & Nuclear "Accident": Tectonic Nuclear Warfare . Leuren Moret - Whistleblower Scientist Exposing Secrets of Agenda 21
  3. Leuren Moret:Global Nuclear Coverup - GoFundMe
    HELP KEEP “Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup” ON THE AIR, AND “LEURENMORET.INFO” ON THE WEB Greetings! I am Leuren Moret, a scientist, researcher and journalist in California. As president of "Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup," I am committed to providing to the global community, news that informs, educates, and empowers.
  4. Leuren Moret: Antichrist in Greece. Depopulation in USA ...
    Apr 10, 2015 · WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS LEURENMORET.INFO/NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM: You can access context and links at here while watching the interview. Thank you. Leuren Moret: NWO ...
  5. Leuren Moret: Global Nuclear Coverup - YouTube
    "The ruling elite have been carrying out secret nuclear war for the purpose of depopulation since World War II under the guise of atmospheric testing 'for th...
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    The State of Calif. is involved in the 18 fires on this map - but there are more fires
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Disclosure President: Will that be Trump?

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Sat, Jun 1, 1:49 PM (4 days ago)
to me

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With all the apparent good news regarding UFOs with its implication for the much cherished end to the Truth Embargo, the possibility looms that Donald Trump will be the Disclosure President.
Currently the planet is in a pre-world war mode similar to 1914 and 1939 with many proxy wars, trade wars and wide-spread economic uncertainty as well as an ineffective United Nations.
Amidst all the chaos, confusion and suffering lurks the ever-present dynamic of other-worldly visitation----whether from ETs, Angelic Entities or some as yet to be determined class of beings.
Reports of UFOs remain high. The US government continues to legitimize discussion of the topic with its recent announcements, so much so that the New York Times (the"unofficial paper of record") has felt comfortable enough to give it credence with several articles....
Remember, it was Ronald Reagan who spoke at the UN about the unifying role ET visitation might have to quell Earthly discord. Perhaps, the planetary quarantine described by Afred Webre in his book ExopolitIcs, is coming to
end by virtue of enough humans having evolved enough to recapture their Universal citizenship and/or the level of crisis being so great with the potential use of nuclear weapons by combatants that an outside intervention is deemed mandatory by..........Them!
©2019 | 936 Peace Portal Drive #39, Blaine, WA. 98230

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