Saturday, August 24, 2019

Vol VII No. 767 - Part 3

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Provided to YouTube by DistroKid Hawaii My Home (feat. Sonny Lim &…
Amelia Gora
1 second ago
Queen Liliuokalani's chanter is Not as close to her as her hanai/adopted children...Auwe…. Queen Liluokalani's families exists and we descend from some of them. Genealogies of 1896 are questionable....Auwe…..lastly, Dexter Kaiama joined our House of Nobles and we have yet to hear of his resignation because we are Kamehameha's descendants/heirs.... Our cousin Herbert Pratt did not trust Keanu your research folks....know who you follow.... regarding Keanu Sai's film:
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The Acting Hawaiian Council of Regency; Exposing the American Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom

For more than 25 years The Acting Council of Regency has exposed the illegal U.S. military occupation of the Hawaiian Islands through academia, international courts, government officials, and public presentations. This documentary provides insights from university academics, attorneys, and state of Hawaii government officials; discussing the Council of Regency and its unwavering progress in exposing the prolonged U.S. occupation of the Hawaiian Islands. This is a short 57 minute version of the documentary. The full length version is currently submitted to the film festival circuit, and will eventually be released to the public. Featuring: Dr. Keanu Sai, Kau'i Sai-Dudoit, Dexter Ke'eaumoku Ka'iama, 'Umialilioa Sai, Dr. Willy Kauai, Dr. Niklaus Schweizer, Dr. Puakea Nogelmeier, Kamuela Yim, Donovan Preza, Steve Laudig, former Hawaii County Council member Jennifer Ruggles, and Maui County Council Members: Tamara Paltin, Kelly King, and Shane Sinenci. Produced by Ben Cohn



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Provided to YouTube by DistroKid Hawaii My Home (feat. Sonny Lim &…

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posted to President Trump, gov Ige… Greetings,
The following legal directive has been posted for your information:
Hawaiian Kingdom/Kingdom of Hawaii Legal Directive No. 2019 - 0816 More Evidence Showing the Illegal Entity State of Hawaii is a Fraud, Deceitful, Pirates, Pillagers, Racketeering, etc. from Amelia Gora, a Royal person, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles, etc. ...
Posted at:…/hawaiian-kingdom… aloha.

p.s. Continued opposition was made by Harold Abel Cathcart who did respond in opposing Statehood, and Judge King disregarded the opposition, U.S. President Eisenhower granted an Executive Order making a foreign nation illegally part of the U.S. as a State. Note: Judge King was a descendants of usurper James King...perpetuation of fraud, conspiracies, etc. documented.
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The Children of Lake George MK ULTRA

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MUST WATCH! David Icke discusses how the public education system programs the masses!! The Antichrist Conspiracy------------------------------- "ATTENTION YO...

  • Joey Zamorski The school classroom, especially the history class, is nothing more than a giant Skinner Box. "Who controls the past, controls the future, who controls the present, controls the past"~George Orwell The collectivists understood that they would have to get to the children, and were a part of the movement toward compulsory public education in these united States when it was forming during the mid nineteenth century. Horace Mann, the father of American education, was a collectivist in the Unitarian church, who brought his Socialist agenda to Massachusetts, and inspired the movement in the public schools. Compulsory public education has always been controlled by collectivism. John Dewey was a British Fabian Socialist. Of course the Fabian Society has two emblems. A tortoise and a wolf in sheeps clothing
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Kanaka Maoli ……

Amelia Gora
Attn Kanaka Maoli: Hawaiian homelands are utilizing Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli private lands.... we may be able to help...we meet at Costco Iwilei at 10:30 a...m Monday and Friday... stop by and we can talk...….hint: the Royal Families are here...we're the landowners not DHHL... maybe see you folks soon? aloha.
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Attn Kanaka Maoli: Hawaiian homelands are utilizing Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli private lands.... we may be able to help...we meet at Costco Iwilei at 10:30 a...m Monday and Friday... stop by and we can talk...….hint: the Royal Families are here...we're the landowners not DHHL... maybe see you folks soon? aloha.
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Nossa sรฉrie de mini-documentรกrios


Tony Castanha

Thu, Aug 22, 6:33 PM (2 days ago)
to papbullslist-l
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*great video, must see.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ardaga Widor <>
Date: Thu, Aug 22, 2019 at 7:07 AM
Subject: Nossa sรฉrie de mini-documentรกrios

Caras irmรฃs e caros irmรฃos espalhad@s pela Mรฃe Gaia:

Venho para informa-lhes que nossa sรฉrie de mini-documentรกrios sobre a realidade verdadeira dos Povos Indรญgenas (perseguidos e brutalizados) no Brasil agora jรก alcanรงa seis. Apenas minutos atrรกs acabamos de colocar o sexto:

Os outros cinco vocรชs acham no canal youtube pesquisando pelo tรญtulo (inglรชs) da sรฉrie:

Indigenous Peoples of Brazil speak for Themselves
(= Povos Indรญgenas do Brasil falam por si mesmos)

Diante o inferno (nรฃo “sรณ”) amazรดnico desenfreado pelo grupo fascista-neoliberal que os Brasileiros infelizmente votaram e instalaram no poder รฉ o nosso DEVER de contra-atacar. O que fazemos como podemos. No meu caso pelas vias da informaรงรฃo. Informando independente e autenticamente o mundo sobre o que estรก acontecendo.

A luta continua. Pela vida de hoje e pelas vidas por virem, pelas nossas culturas e contra o รณdio fascista-racista e o fervor da exterminaรงรฃo no poder no Brasil nestes tempos sinistros!


Um Mundo – Um Amor – Muitas Culturas!

Fwd: Two more videos of our Indigenous series are online!


Tony Castanha

Thu, Aug 22, 6:35 PM (2 days ago)
to papbullslist-l

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ardaga Widor <>
Date: Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 11:32 AM
Subject: Two more videos of our Indigenous series are online!

Here you find them:

You´re more than welcome to spread the word!

Shortly there will be one more published (if the internet signal in my hinterland doesn´t go out...)

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