Wednesday, September 11, 2019

NO TMT/Telescope Mauna Kea, Haleakala, etc can Remain in our Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands

NO TMT/Telescope Mauna Kea, Haleakala, etc can Remain in our Hawaiian Kingdom/Hawaiian archipelago/Hawaiian Islands

                                                   continuing the Legal Notice by Amelia Gora, a Royal person,
                                                   Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, House of Nobles member, etc.

The following was posted on Facebook, etc. as a Public Notice:

The entity State under fiction still pushing to claim Mauna Kea under Korean Kim and Okinawan Ige, et. als.  OHA a body created by the State, the treason based Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates who are NOT the alodio title owners, and the use of Social Clubs - the Royal Order to operate in collusion when in reality all FAIL the Rule of Law and the U.S. Constitution.  The Hawaiian Kingdom is here whether anybody likes it or not.  The Royal Family's exists and the liens have been filed in 1996 with updates showing that the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi exists.  The documents are under 1996-177455 filed on 12/17/96 and additions made a few months ago. (281 pages and 108 pages - Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii).  Our House of Nobles were sued by the entity State over the Crown Lands and we have since found the deeds hidden away at the Archives, Honolulu, Hawaii.  Our House of Nobles are the overseers of the Government Lands, the Hawaiian Kingdom government, and NOT an alien nation claiming private properties of  Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli for himself, his heirs, and successors, forever, for the Crown Lands, and the House of Nobles who are also some of the Kamehameha's are to oversee our Minister of Interior who assigns the Government Lands - for the rights of native tenants...…. Premeditation to take over a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation is documented, failure in recognizing that Protectorate status was also documented, as well as the Treaty of 1849/1850 with the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States is a permanent, treaty of friendship, amity...Article XIV gives power to prosecute pirates, pillagers, thieves, racketeers, frauds, etc.  The United Nations - see Dr. Alfred de Zayas​ letters and recent memorandum recognizes the frauds and have recently documented that the laws of the occupied - Hawaiian Kingdom must be adhered to and the foreign bodies cannot use their laws in the Hawaiian Kingdom.  The TMT/Telescopes on Mauna Kea is illegal and must be removed.  Our good people, Alii, kanaka maoli, their families, friends have rights of protected persons and cannot be arrested, removed by the occupier who was supported by the U.S. and did admit to the conspiracies against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation whose Queen and peoples were under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation in 1893 and even now.  Stand down, Cease and Desist.   Suggest that plans outside the Hawaiian archipelago be made or use the satellites hovering over everyone's airspace, etc. and NOT our Hawaiian Islands.


HILO, Hawaii — Management of Mauna Kea would be broadened beyond the University of Hawaii, criticized for its handling of the land during the controversy over the Thirty Meter Telescope, and handed over to an “umbrella agency” that also includes state departments and Native Hawaiian organizations under a proposal being drafted by Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim.
Gov. David Ige said he supports the idea of changing management of the mountain, but many details still must be worked out.
Kim outlined parts of his proposal in an interview with Civil Beat Tuesday. He said he plans to unveil the full proposal by the end of next week.

Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim plans to release a full Mauna Kea plan by the end of the week.
Blaze Lovell/Civil Beat
Part of that proposal, which he was charged with creating by Ige in February, includes giving multiple agencies and groups a stake in deciding what happens on Mauna Kea. This could include the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, Kamehameha Schools and others.
“That way, they can control and develop it the way people want it to be developed,” Kim said.
Reached by phone Tuesday, Ige called the plans preliminary, but in general said he’s receptive to the idea of changing the management structure.
“I think the general consensus is that we are open to changing to a different kind of management structure,” he said. “We haven’t really talked about the details of what that would look like, who would be involved. We’ve spoken about having representation from Native Hawaiians. We haven’t been specific on who or what organizations and those kinds of things.”
Ige added that such a change would require legislation.
“There’s just a lot more work to be done,” he said.
UH would still have a say in managing Mauna Kea, Kim said.
As it is, control of Mauna Kea’s lands is divided among several state departments, with UH managing the summit, where several observatories do astronomical research. Kim hopes that giving other interests a say would help improve the mountain’s management, avoiding some of UH’s shortcomings as documented in several state audits. 
Kim, who supports construction of the TMT, said he wanted more time to come up with a plan but needed to finish quickly because the issue of whether the telescope will be built on Mauna Kea or in Spain’s Canary Islands will be decided soon.
“I had a feeling that we might lose this opportunity,”Kim said. “Some might say that’s what we want, but I don’t think that’s best for our future.” 
For Kim, it’s about diversifying the economy and not becoming too dependent on tourism.
Kim said that his proposal is not meant as a compromise with protesters who want to block construction.
“I hope we find a way forward. I firmly believe this telescope is a gift,” Kim said. “But how we use it will make a difference.”
He held two meetings on the issue, but without TMT representatives or protest leaders.
However, he said that he has met with protest leaders several times over the years including since the conflict began anew in July. He’s also made several visits to Mauna Kea to meet the activists.

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About the Author

special note Blaze Lovell:

In doing research in history - 40+ years, genealogies - 30+ years, and legal research for 15+ years, I did meet some of the Lovell's who claimed to be descendants of  Kamehameha.  Suggest that you and your families do your genealogy research too.

Mahalo for posting your informative article showing the ongoing moves to defraud the true land owners in the Hawaiian Islands today.


the entity State under fiction still pushing to claim Mauna Kea under Korean Kim and Okinawan Ige, et. als. OHA a body created by the State, the treason based Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estates who are NOT the alodio title owners, and the use of Social Clubs - the Royal Order to operate in collusion when in reality all FAIL the Rule of Law and the U.S. Constitution. The Hawaiian Kingdom is here whether anybody likes it or not. The Royal Family's exists and the liens have been filed in 1996 with updates showing that the next-of-kin to Bernice Pauahi exists. The documents are under 1996-177455 filed on 12/17/96 and additions made a few months ago. (281 pages and 108 pages - Bureau of Conveyances, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii). Our House of Nobles were sued by the entity State over the Crown Lands and we have since found the deeds hidden away at the Archives, Honolulu, Hawaii. Our House of Nobles are the overseers of the Government Lands, the Hawaiian Kingdom government, and NOT an alien nation claiming private properties of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli for himself, his heirs, and successors, forever, for the Crown Lands, and the House of Nobles who are also some of the Kamehameha's are to oversee our Minister of Interior who assigns the Government Lands - for the rights of native tenants...…. Premeditation to take over a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation is documented, failure in recognizing that Protectorate status was also documented, as well as the Treaty of 1849/1850 with the Hawaiian Kingdom and the United States is a permanent, treaty of friendship, amity...Article XIV gives power to prosecute pirates, pillagers, thieves, racketeers, frauds, etc. The United Nations - see Dr. Alfred de Zayas letters and recent memorandum recognizes the frauds and have recently documented that the laws of the occupied - Hawaiian Kingdom must be adhered to and the foreign bodies cannot use their laws in the Hawaiian Kingdom. The TMT/Telescopes on Mauna Kea is illegal and must be removed. Our good people, Alii, kanaka maoli, their families, friends have rights of protected persons and cannot be arrested, removed by the occupier who was supported by the U.S. and did admit to the conspiracies against a neutral, friendly, non-violent nation whose Queen and peoples were under stress, duress, usurpation, coercion, intimidation in 1893 and even now. Stand down, Cease and Desist. Suggest that plans outside the Hawaiian archipelago be made or use the satellites hovering over everyone's airspace, etc. and NOT our Hawaiian Islands.
All 770 issues of the IOLANI - The Royal Hawk news on the web, etc.See the link:
ADDRESSING PIRATES, PILLAGERS.......A Judge States It Is Our Duty to Submit Information............So, How Do Tell A Judge that He and the Others are Illegal, Not Lawful?
Posted by Amelia Gora on March 27, 2016 at 9:26am in Politics
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by Amelia Gora (2016)
The following is a letter from the Land Court Judge :
The Judge claims it is our duty to inform him...............
The Judge Has No Jurisdiction because the government that he represents are Impersonating the Kingdom of Hawaii.
The government evolved from the entity which was neither de facto nor de jure and were part of the 1/3 part of the Hawaiian Government called the House of Representatives which usurped Queen Liliuokalani and called themselves the Provisional Government, then evolved into the Republic of Hawaii, then Territory of Hawaii which claimed to be the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" and through executive order of the U.S. President Eisenhower became the State of Hawaii.
Being the "successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii" is a Fraud, Falsifying, Impostering a neutral, friendly, non - violent nation with the active participation of the U.S., England and France.
Reasons are as follows:
1843 - posted in 1869 Involving the United States, England, and France
The Hawaiian gazette. (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, December 08, 1869, Image 3
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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Tags: good, news, old
1845 - 1846 - Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli passed Section IV: "all aliens shall, as in Great Britain and the United States of America continue to be under the disabilities: ....3. They are not able to acquire any allodial or fee simple estate in lands"....
1849 - 1850 - Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli signed and ratified the Treaty with the United States of America. It is a permanent Friendship and Amity Treaty signed by Kamehameha III, his heirs and successors and the United States of America's President Taylor.
1850 - Fee Simple allowed with strings attached. The Judicial Tribunal would determine who would receive lands, etc.
Polynesian. (Honolulu [Oahu], Hawaii) 1844-1864, July 13, 1850, Page 35, Image 3
Image provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
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Note: Fee Simple has strings attached............. aloha.
1851 - Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's speech shows two types of deeds, ano alodio/alodial to his subjects, etc. and fee simple for the Aliens (foreigners, haole).
Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's Speech of 1851 which shows that Alodio/Alodial Titles belongs to kanaka maoli ONLY and Fee Simple (less than alodio) was given to ALIENS...........he didn't call the foreigners haole, etc. but called foreigners ALIENS. ALIENS cannot own Alodio/Ano Alodial lands and lands belonging to the Royal Families.

Amelia Gora's photo.
Amelia Gora's photo.
Exhibit D - Legal Notice to U.S. President Obama, et. als. See:
1865 - American Civil War ended. U.S., England, and France were bankrupt.
Confederate generals were given a choice of serving time in prison or work on assignments. There were about five (5) American Civil War generals, etc. assigned to Hawaii.
An example was C.C. Harris who became a Judge in the courts. C.C. Harris also became a Trustee of Kamehameha V - Lot Kamehameha.
1872 - Sandford B. Dole article, "Thirty Days of Hawaiian History" wrote that Kamehameha V was "the last of the Kamehameha's."
1885 - Supreme Court made rules and claimed they were laws.
Reference: Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate of case, Archives, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
1893 - The Committee of Safety formed, premeditation to dethrone the Queen was made by the United States, U.S. President Benjamin Harrison, et. als.
1897 - Opposition to Annexation made by Queen Liliuokalani and her subjects/Patriots of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
1903 - The Land Court System was formed.
Note: Land Court Case 1227 shows that the Trustees claimed to be the owners of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates/Under the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop. Charles Reed Bishop deeded his life interest to the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates Trustees - see Liber 142/142.
Aliens listed which included Charles Reed Bishops sister and her descendants/heirs continued to receive monies belonging to the Royal Families. Bishops sister was Bernice Pauahi Dunham, one of the namesakes of Bernice Pauahi. Dunham's family includes Barrack Obama,
The next of kin of Bernice Pauahi Bishop documented on probate was Kalola (w). Her descendants/ heirs exists including myself, Amelia Gora and many others, all Royal Family members defrauded, injured by criminal pirates, pillagers, genocide activists documented.
What is the difference between Land Court System and Regular System at the Bureau of Conveyances?
There are two systems of recording in the State of Hawaii. Regular System basically serves to give "notice" that something is on record. Documents recorded in the Regular System are numbered. Prior to 1990, documents were identified by a book and page reference, i.e. Book 224, Page 334. Since 1990, documents recorded are identified by the year followed by the sequential number of recording, i.e. 90-0001234. Administration of this activity is governed by Chapter 502 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes.
Because of confusion determining land ownership, similar names, etc., Land Court was established in 1903 and functions as a registration system for land ownership. Certificate of titles are issued to owners of land registered in Land Court and documents are identified currently by a seven digit number. Number to the Certificate of Title and document run in sequence from the first issuance in 1903. Unlike Regular System property, ownership in Land Court is guaranteed by the State of Hawaii. Those that place their property in Land Court had to go through a lengthy process of a judicial review of the survey of the parcel, title abstract and determination of ownership. With the ability to obtain title insurance on land ownership, the need for judicial determination of ownership has decreased tremendously. Activities of Land Court is governed by Chapter 501 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes.
Chapters 501 and 502, Hawaii Revised Statues, can provide you more information on this subject if you desire.
1912 - The Territory which became the State of Hawaii claimed "to be the successor of the Kingdom of Hawaii".
Note: An Alien group of individuals led the dethronement of Queen Liliuokalani, claimed there was a Treaty of Annexation, and promoted piracy, pillaging, racketeering utilizing a neutral, friendly nations lands, monies, resources, mineral rights, and identity.
The true Kingdom of Hawaii exists with the Royal Families who were injured by Aliens, supported by the United States, England, and France.
The United States participated in a False Flag Operations. The following is one of the evidence found:
The United States, through the inactivity of the Navy Department and the indifference of the State Department, is likely to lose the only coaling station of which it
Panic of 1873 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American Post-Civil War inflation, rampant speculative investments .... railroads had failed, and another 60 went bankrupt by the first anniversary of the crisis. ... only in Germany, but also in England, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Russia. ... which opened in 1869, was one of the causes of the Panic of 1873, because ...
United Kingdom and the American Civil War - Wikipedia, the ...
This was due, in part, to the belief that cotton could accomplish the ... During the Civil War, British reactions to American events were shaped by past ... interests abroad; Mason was en route to England and Slidell to France. ... There were fears that war with the Union would result in enormous financial losses as investments ...
Missing: bankrupt
Reference: Pa Pelekane case, Volume 21, Hawaiian Reports, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.
1915 - Queen Liliuokalani was placed on the throne as a Queen for a Day. She signed illegal contracts.
1917 - Queen Liliuokalani died.
1918 - Pan Pacific Union submitted a proposed charter of the Pan Pacific Union which included a 12 part charter which included #5. "To own real estate or erect buildings needed for Housing exhibits, dioramas, art galleries, or in taking care of visitors, " etc.
1958 - The Great Mahele book included a manipulation of words blending alodio into fee simple.
Land titles expert wrote 'Mahele' book - Honolulu Star ...
Honolulu Star‑Advertiser
May 1, 2011 - Jon J. Chinen, a retired federal bankruptcy judge regarded as a leading expert ... He wrote three books on Hawaiian land titles, including "The Great Mahele: ... He was the first judge appointed to the newly created Bankruptcy ...
1959 - The Territory became a State based on the Executive Order of U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower.
Opposition to Statehood was made by Harold Abel Cathcart, one of Kamehameha's descendants/ heirs. His first cousin was my great grandmother Mele Keawe Kauweloa, one of Kamehameha III - Kauikeaouli's descendants/heirs.
The real Kingdom of Hawaii exists with documented Royal Family members injured, defrauded by a racketeering body of Aliens who have criminally claimed, identity thieved, documented imposters, running using, falsely claiming lands, monies, mineral rights, gold, treasuries, trusts belonging to the real owners.
Now, this Judge says it is our duty to inform him about what we think about this case.
The Judge, and other judges in this corrupt entity have sworn oaths of loyalty to the U.S. Constitution and are Aliens in our nation.
Piracy, pillaging, racketeering, corruption are charges for the Aliens who have maliciously assumed lands, monies, assets, belonging to the Royal Families, subjects of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
The Judge and many others were informed of the Judicial Tribunal entries for those who have been found to be to be guilty, including this Judge.
The list also includes Obama/U.S. President Obama, Governor Ige, the Nai Aupuni/Na'i Aupuni Aha, OHA/Office of Hawaiian Affairs, etc.
Nai/Na'i Aupuni Non Elected AHA Added to the Pirates ...
Mar 4, 2016 - The Judicial Tribunal of the Hawaiian Kingdom/ Kingdom of Hawaii/Ko ... First List from the First Session of the Hawaiian Kingdom/Ko Hawaii Pae Aina ..... Fifteenth (15th) List of 58 persons(some re-listed due to their ..... The Judicial Tribunal's Guilty Verdicts of 714 persons/entities are hereby submitted.
Ramifications are many because the list of 714 were also documented on the Kingdom of Hawaii records and sent to the Honolulu Police Department for the records.
All on the list have been legally dispossessed. More names will be added as necessary.
The Judge, et. als. received their assignments by an imposter, fraudulent government set up and legally cannot practice his position in the Kingdom of Hawaii and was not allowed/granted the right to practice in our Kingdom of Hawaii.
He therefore must seek to assistance of his U.S. Government for his defense.
All nations must take heed because as stated before, we are surrounded by pirates, pillagers, racketeering, identity thieves who have no legal right to exist in the Kingdom of Hawaii.
The Treaty of 1850 with the United States of America stands, the treaty is the Supreme Law of the Land, State of Hawaii is illegal, identity theft entity, and the U.S. Laws have no authority over the Kingdom of Hawaii laws, etc.
Cease and desist from engaging in fraud, racketeering, use of our lands, monies, minerals, water claims, trusts, gold, silver claims, wrongful court cases, etc.
Ramifications ongoing.
Amelia Gora, one of the Royal Family members, House of Nobles, Judicial Tribunal member, Acting Liaison of Foreign Affairs, Konohiki, Hawaiian Genealogical Society Representative
Kau Lana Na Pua
Displaying kanaina-kahoma case_1.jpg
Displaying kanaina-kahoma case_1.jpg
Displaying kanaina-kahoma case_1.jpg
Tags: 1849/50, Article, Conversions, Criminal, Fraud, Invoking, Mercenaries, Pillagers, Pirates, Privateers, More…
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