Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Vol VII No. 770 - the Criminal Burning of the Amazon for PROFIT - Note: Everyone should Grow a Tree preferably Fruit Trees

Fwd: Huge numbers of Americans and Europeans profiting from the burning of Brazil´s forests


Tony Castanha

Sun, Sep 8, 5:36 PM (3 days ago)
to papbullslist-l

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ardaga Widor <>
Date: Sat, Sep 7, 2019 at 2:56 AM
Subject: Huge numbers of Americans and Europeans profiting from the burning of Brazil´s forests

Dear Sisters and Brothers spread all over Mother Gaia:

" But while it is easy to recoil in horror from Bolsonaro’s pronouncements, huge numbers of Americans [AND EUROPEANS!] are, in fact, profiting from the burning of the Amazon " - That´s a very accurate sentence in a recent "The Intercept" article:

And note, these "huge numbers of Americans" are not only the Trump buddies! Hypocrites who say one thing and do the contrary are also on the so-called "other side".

What we the Indigenous Peoples still standing and defending with our lives what´s left of the forests under the yoke and fire of a fascist-turned Brazilian state need is YOUR ATTENTION and SUPPORT and ACTING - climate and biodiversity don´t know nationalities or borders, it´s a one-world-responsability:

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