Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Issues: Military Use Are the Main Reasons for TMK - Telescope Projects

A repeat of Pearl Harbor presents itself. Like many of us, USA military connection and involvement is a major objection to the nefarious TMT. This involves with the neutrality status of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the USA violation of the international neutrality recognition and the USA belligerent occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
TMT lied by stating there is no USA military connection with it. The USAF technology is involved in its makeup. In Massachusetts, Lincoln L...ab, and its AO/ Adaptive Optics, known as CCID-61. And in New Mexico, USAF SOR/STARFIRE OPTICAL RANGE technology. Both are USA military research technology.
What this does is to put TMT if built on Maunakea in harm’s way as was done on O’ahu in Pearl Harbor and all USA military installations and bases.
You have the USA, China, India and Canada in this partnership along with California universities and Florida university. This is a struggle for space supremacy and these are key players that want the advantages.
Astronomy and Military go hand in hand as space becomes the new battlefield.
The Hawaiian Kingdom is a neutral nation state. The Keck Observatory is the extension of TMT and both work in congruent with each other. Let them do it elsewhere other than the Hawaiian Kingdom. This is why the lawless USA which belligerently occupies the Hawaiian Kingdom must de-occupy our nation state and respect our neutrality status.

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