Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pirate Eyes on Hawaii Series: No Aloha for TMK - Message Left for Kim and Ige Left on Youtube ---Military Purposes documented

Aliens! No Annexation! the Hawaiian Kingdom exists which means Aliens Have No Say!  The alodio land owners are here.....Fraud is documented.....Kim,'re trespassing! Apply your wish list in your ancestral lands such as Korea and Okinawa! ….this is an ongoing message from our Royal Family's, descendants of Kamehameha documented.  btw Mauna Kea major purpose is military use....Wake Up Everyone! Aliens are Problematic and have been since 1840 documented.  no aloha for usurpers.  

The above was posted on youtube under the following film:

facebook:…/pirate-eyes-on-h… Aliens Kim, Ige, and armed people including the military are trespassing Alodio lands --- you people are Not welcomed there...message from our Royal Family's documented...Kamehameha's descendants/heirs exist and have documented the frauds, corruption, racketeering of the Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, Liliuokalani Trust etc. --- Be aware that TMK cannot proceed. Posted by Amelia Gora, a Royal person, our Royal Family's Representative, descendant of four (4) of Kamehameha's children, six (6) of Kamehameha's stepchildren, and two (2) of his adopted children.
Facts we do know:
TMT has not been totally honest in its dealings with Maunakea.
Despite TMT statements there is no military connections; this is false. Military technology is being used. The USA military is not in control but can be involved in its use when it needs for space supremacy and its Star Wars agenda.
Keck observatory is duplicity with TMT which is not mentioned.
Lake Waiau is already affected; the water level has decreased immensely and contaminated.
The question of the aquifer still raises a lot of questions.
There is still the issue of impact of the construction of the observatory on Maunakea. The area and depth it will use to build it and surrounding area. How intrusive it will be.
Maintenance and operations are in question that will affect the mauna. Man made accidents and machinery accidents that potentially occur; how will it be cleaned up and what is its effect on the mauna. How much of the area will be affected and what toxins might be spilt on to the mauna.
The Keck observatory is very similar to TMT except for its size and some of the technology that is updated.
If there are other questions; we’d like to hear it. This is purely about the building of TMT and the effects of its presence on the mauna.

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