Thursday, September 26, 2019

Vol VII No. 772 - Part 2…/pirate-eyes-on-h… Aliens Kim, Ige, and armed people including the military are trespassing Alodio lands --- you people are Not welcomed there...message from our Royal Family's documented...Kamehameha's descendants/heirs exist and have documented the frauds, corruption, racketeering of the Kamehameha Schools/KSBE/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estates, Liliuokalani Trust etc. --- Be aware that TMK cannot proceed. Posted by Amelia Gora, a Royal person, our Royal Family's Representative, descendant of four (4) of Kamehameha's children, six (6) of Kamehameha's stepchildren, and two (2) of his adopted children.
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After reading these top health benefits of dandelion, you'll start picking them from your yard to use medicinally instead of destroying them with sprays.

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    The New York Times did a longer investigation than the FBI and found that Brett Kavanaugh lied about sexually assaulting women in college.
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      Donald Trump hasn't even been in the White House for three years, but a new poll shows that America is already tired of his presidency.
      • Comments
        • Stacy Stearns We are a lost nation, the words of Isaiah;
          Now what will you do in the day of punishment, And in the devastation which will come from afar? To whom will you flee for help? And where will you leave your wealth?
        • John A Davis Good!!
        • Joanna Royal Lachestan That's all only exhausted lol
        • Gary Maiers CAN ONLY PRAY !!!
        • Amelia Gora notice how the media is there influencing people.....remember the art of disinforming The 25 Rules of Disinformation -

          May 24, 2011 · The 25 Rules of Disinformation 1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. 2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues... 3. Create rumor mongers. Avoid discussing issues by describing … examples: Disinformation

          Disinformation is false information spread deliberately to deceive. This is a subset of misinformation, which also may be unintentional. The English word disinformation is a loan translation of the Russian dezinformatsiya, derived from the title of a KGB black propaganda department. Joseph Stalin coined the term, giving it a French-sounding name to claim it had a Western origin. Russian use began with a "special disinformation office" in 1923. Disinformation was defined in Great Soviet Encyclopedia as "false information with the intention to deceive public opinion". Operation INFEKTION was a Soviet disinformation campaign to influence opinion that the U.S. invented AIDS. The U.S. did not actively counter disinformation until 1980, when a fake document reported that the U.S. supported apartheid"''......Just reminding everyone that there are mechanisms involved and to be aware … ;)

        • Amelia Gora loads of lies … we all have to be aware.. ;)
          Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies (Official Music Video)

          Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies (Official Music Video)
          Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies (Official Music Video)
          • Going to my supreme court hearing we come across these 2 haole living on the side outskide of Iolani palace really testing my Kapu Aloha I had to lash out on my self as to why we have to endure so much bull shit that people whom are not from here are aloud to take advantage of homeless occupation and are protected where our rights as kanaka are being subjected to governmental criticism and unlawful crimes amongst our people. This shows that our Laws in Hawaii is fucked up!
            • Kiana Marshall Aloha, I have actually fed these 2 during my FEED the Street days (a few months ago, I am taking a break, as I can only tolerate so many plates of my own food thrown back in my face. They are no better or worse than anyone else living on the streets ofSee More
              • Kiana Marshall Jon Kinimaka I KNOW its disrespectful, I CLEAN UP after a lot of them! Ever notice the TP by Pohukaina? EXTREMELY DISRESPECTFUL! But we clean it just the a homeless kanaka you can help educate these folks...if there is any mutual respect theSee More
            • Pinky Keanu One day they will be deported back and I can't wait for that. Our Country will send them back or America has to come and get them our country does not accept and tolerate this type of behavior...
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            Facts we do know:
            TMT has not been totally honest in its dealings with Maunakea.
            Despite TMT statements there is no military connections; this is false. Military technology is being used. The USA military is not in control but can be involved in its use when it needs for space supremacy and its Star Wars agenda.
            Keck observatory is duplicity with TMT which is not mentioned.
            Lake Waiau is already affected; the water level has decreased immensely and contaminated. ...
            The question of the aquifer still raises a lot of questions.

            There is still the issue of impact of the construction of the observatory on Maunakea. The area and depth it will use to build it and surrounding area. How intrusive it will be.
            Maintenance and operations are in question that will affect the mauna. Man made accidents and machinery accidents that potentially occur; how will it be cleaned up and what is its effect on the mauna. How much of the area will be affected and what toxins might be spilt on to the mauna.
            The Keck observatory is very similar to TMT except for its size and some of the technology that is updated.
            If there are other questions; we’d like to hear it. This is purely about the building of TMT and the effects of its presence on the mauna.
            See More
            • Mel Wildman I agree 100 percent with Tane Inciong, commentary.
              The second proof of Military involvement is or has been for years on
              '' Haleakala " yes, Nasa was involved..i have documents.
            • M Ewalani Manuel-Coats Why would there be underwater military bases with both drone technology to cover air and detect underwater submarines? How will they control it from TMT? By AI 5G TECHNOLOGY software and telecomm lines.
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            "Washington sued the Trump administration again, this time over the decision to take $89 million from the military construction budget for a Puget Sound project and spend it instead on barriers along the border with Mexico.
            State Attorney General Bob Ferguson said the move, which President Donald Trump said was necessary to address a national emergency, violates federal law and the U.S. Constitution."
            About this website
            Washington sued the Trump administration again, this time over the decision to take $89 million from the military construction budget for a Puget Sound project and spend it instead on barriers along the border with Mexico. State Attorney General Bob Ferguson said the move, which President Donald Tru...
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            About this website
            As the Democrats swing from one attack to the next against President Trump, they are apparently turning a blind eye to collusion among their own ranks. One A...
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            Since Jack's first cataract surgery that went horribly wrong in June, to this very day, it has been very trying and demanding on both of us (in different ways.) But...there is so much to be thankful for, an abundance actually, compared to the inconveniences and trials. Putting pen to paper, the gratitude list is far superior to whine list. To God be the glory!!!
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            Facts we do know:
            TMT has not been totally honest in its dealings with Maunakea.
            Despite TMT statements there is no military connections; this is false. Military technology is being used. The USA military is not in control but can be involved in its use when it needs for space supremacy and its Star Wars agenda.
            Keck observatory is duplicity with TMT which is not mentioned.
            Lake Waiau is already affected; the water level has decreased immensely and contaminated.
            The question of the aquifer still raises a lot of questions.
            There is still the issue of impact of the construction of the observatory on Maunakea. The area and depth it will use to build it and surrounding area. How intrusive it will be.
            Maintenance and operations are in question that will affect the mauna. Man made accidents and machinery accidents that potentially occur; how will it be cleaned up and what is its effect on the mauna. How much of the area will be affected and what toxins might be spilt on to the mauna.
            The Keck observatory is very similar to TMT except for its size and some of the technology that is updated.
            If there are other questions; we’d like to hear it. This is purely about the building of TMT and the effects of its presence on the mauna.
            • Mel Wildman I agree 100 percent with Tane Inciong, commentary.
              The second proof of Military involvement is or has been for years on
              '' Haleakala " yes, Nasa was involved..i have documents.
            • M Ewalani Manuel-Coats Why would there be underwater military bases with both drone technology to cover air and detect underwater submarines? How will they control it from TMT? By AI 5G TECHNOLOGY software and telecomm lines.
            • Amelia Gora They are infiltrating areas that they do Not have interest in....did you know that Kamehameha III even conveyed the seas in the Hawaiian archipelago to one of the Alii. yep it is true...which means that they are trespassing on the Hawaiian Kingdom on land and sea,,, as well as air space...….. the water is being poisoned which is why we have to be vigilant and expose them ….the killing of sea creatures is also not OK including all in the vicinity...… wickedness documented... Mahalo for all who share the wrongs affecting all in the Hawaiian archipelago! Mahalo Tane Inciong --- right on! Mahalo Mel Wildman, and M Ewalani too... ;)
              "Hawaiʻi ʻ78" | Song Across Hawaiʻi | Playing for Change Collaboration
              "Hawaiʻi ʻ78" | Song Across Hawaiʻi | Playing for Change Collaboration
              "Hawaiʻi ʻ78" | Song Across Hawaiʻi | Playing for Change Collaboration

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